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Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 7

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CONNOLL Y;'NO T OKEN WFIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBI R 5, 1972. PAGE 7 CANDIDATE' Peter Connolly, Lib- eral candidate for Oshia- wa-Whitby Riding, says lie is "no token candi- date", and certainly ap- pears. to be doing every- thing contrary ta the stigmia attaclied ta the concept of "token" can- didate. 'The best way ta con- vince anybody worried about that, is simply a statemient of the trutli and that is 1 resigned a better job in taking on this caiîdidacy," says Con nolly. He was. af course, referring ta lis position as Executive Assistant ta Labour Cabinet Mini- ster Bryce Mackasey. Con nolly and his 1pert wife. Judy. are in as muILch as a whirlwind aof paolitical activity as any atiier candidate in the race l'or Oslîawa,-Whiitby representat ion in Ot tawa. on October 30. "Neither nîyselt nor my party consider cani- paigningjust funî, lie said. Liberal candidate Peter Connolly seen here wîth his pretty wife, Judy possibility of serving the Oshawa-Whitbv area. explaîiing -thïat lie re- signed froîîî lis post afler lie wvas endarsed hy the Liberal Constitu- en cy Association for the Oshiawa-Wliitby area. If' the Liberals don~t win federally then l'i'n out of a job, wliicli lardly wauild have been worthi a taken candidacy. Having camie from Frantenac - Queen Rid- ing, which lie describes as tatally rural and 1,500Q miles of rocks and Tories, lie finds the Oshawa - Whitby Riding pleasant. "Oshawa in my estimation is as fine a. city as Ottawa," lie says, and lie says lie also en- joys the- agriculture views ta, be found in a r e a s surrounding Whi tby. Bath the Connollys enjoy small cîty - tawn life, and Judy says she is particularly impressed witli the relative case anc finds in getting araund in tliis area. "We liaven't beein here long and wc're interested in secing manre," slie says. 0f tlie Prime Minister and tlie alleged decline in Trudeaumania, Con- nolly says: "He's been criticized for his arro- gance when lie deals witli the issues responsibly, ignoring petty matters. Hýis mmnd is on tlie praper running of the country- and that's leadership." On a persanal level, the Cannallys, who have accompanied the Tru- deaus on social occa- sians say the prime minister is really "re- markably unassuming and modest". But lie lias a mind like a steel trap," adds Peter. "And as for the accu- sations of appasitionary parties, wliat concre te alternatives are they suggesting?" hie asks. "The old party politics of putting up a straw man and beating him are gone." "Trud eau hias led Can- ada in an intelligent, energetic manner. For those whio have accused him of arrogance for hiaving done so, 1 would ask who lias changed them or the prime mini- ste r?" For more on Con nolly please see 'Candidate on the Hotseat', page 5. Former Editor Expresses Opinion 0f -The Cou ncil1 Cazrl Mdit. forme r well knlownl editor of' thc WHITBY NEWS. duîrinig Ifi,, filtecn-ycair span at the liecîni of* a caninimnity ncwspaper. lias been tliroughi more than one mniiicipal edcc- tion. Xitli tle inlunicipial election 1forthlconiî ing. the WI'itiy Free Press this week asked Mr. Mantz l'or h is views and impressionis on thec cr- relit civic scene. As the basic differ- ence between the reign of' thc Wlitby News anîd the Whitby Free Press lie cites theîeinîp)lemieni- tation and repercussions ai* thceI1908 amalgam a- [ion ai' towni and town- slipl. "Anialganation created a situation whiclî was lorced uipon the aid nîuniiicipality," lie said. "Peaple at the timie were told "tlîis is a big tlîing, tlie tawn will really graw." The peoples' will was ignored. The very principle of' Canadian demîocracy is represen- tation ai' the population. But [lis particLilar ad- ministration wlio after- wards took it tîpon themnselvcs ta extend its termn ai'office in Wliîtby witliout a plebiscite or 0f His Day any *open ref*erence ta [tie pulilic, shows prel- crence f'or representat ion by political pressure." ('omparing tlhe pres- cnt day couIncil ta thc type ai' counIcil ini thc days ai' THE NEWS, lie says. "I think [lis prescrit counIcÎi s the îîîast inept group I ve ever seen in power. In cauncîls af' the past. ai' course. [liere were ai- ways [hase couIIICilorS wlîo iunibled tlicir way tlîroLIgh terni s aoi'i'*ice. buIt basiCally tlîey were aIl reaching ta carry out thîe general desires ai' their taxpayers. Today's councîl takes a roverse stand by excIluding [le ratepayer and in nîanoe- vering thîe tawn sta,,fi' ta adopt procedlUres dir- ectly aft'ecting theCocrn- iuîîity, whiclî the peop- le cannot tfollaw." He daes nat include [tie mayar in lus impres- sion aof council. 0f [lie mayar lhe says: "He is possibly an excellent ad- ministrator, but a very poar representative of the people." Whien asked if lie hiad WHITBY-mHARRISDN FUELS LIMITED "Yoor EA Dealer" 211Brck t.S.Phone:,668-3610 any' îersonal jreciict ions t'or the Lecenmber 4thi municipal election lie said. 'It's a bit premia- ture for prediction, but we do have a nuniber of' our brighit young men caming along, and sonie nienîbers o f former councils whio could add a great deal ta aur coin- ilun ity. 1 tlink thiere WOul d be niuch mii- provemient for Wliitby if tliis type of ability Steve Hanson saYS: Muney Management is a Job for Experts The first thing the average widow neecis is an income to replace ber husbands wcckly pay choque. LUt me show you how to take advantage.oftbe"Incomc Options" in your present -Lifé Insuranco policy to make sûre that your'wiice will roçcvc what she actually nee -a regular guarantced incomne- and' b. sared invcstmnent pnob- Jems. For Lue Insurance servie, jutcontact: --- - - - O S. K. <Steve)' Hanson T:Suite 501 ,1Bell Tower, (ishawa Centre Oshlawa, Ontario MântIaUfe woLlld mnake itself avail- able." transfer witlî a group of taxpayers fromi the cen- tre ward of the town. As a specific example "And yer rnese constu- of thîe present cauncil's ents are representatives [rend in shutting out its of a ward wi tlite most electarate, lie cited a number of people and case wliere a nmmber of largest assessmnent," lie cauincil recently refused said. autriglit ta discuss a land om sp Clossifi.d 668-6111 in. Lottery tickets may be purchased from the follow ngauthori e1ae otes And Today'fs Council1 15 1211 Brock St. S. * ý 1 . e .1 , ý , 1 .1 ý, . , , , e , Mýr ef . tt4t+ 444

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