PAGE 14, THURSDAY, 0CT0BER 12, 1972, WHITBY PREE PRESS Il and great expense are highly unlikely. At the present trne, no concrete rules have been printed or passcd for snowmobile drag racing anywhere in Can- ada. In Ontario, hiow- ever, most promoters are using the current OSRF - w~-AWM By KEN HAWKINS Ever swim at your cottage in February, play 1 8 holes of golf in Janu- ary, or skied at Georgian Peaks in August? Chanc- es are unlikely, but it's very possible to tind snowmnobilers racing their machines in June, July or August. Mind you, they're wearing shorts, short-sleeved shirts and running shoes, but they're there, com- peting ini a relatively new sport -snowm obile drag racing! The interest in snow- mobile drags is rapidly growing, both wi th com- petitors_ and spectators, probably because almost anybody who owns a snowmobile can com- pete. Unlike winter oval- track racing, Iess skill and preparation is re- quired in this straighit- line type of competition and consequently more .Also to be considered, is the fact that accidents which result in physical injury 1 Panther 440 outlîe (Ontario Snownîobile Racing Federation-the governing body for win- ter snowmobiie racing in 'Ontario) rules as far as machine classification is concerned with re- gards to engine sizing and whether a machine should compete, in stock or modified classifica- tion. The general guide- line for the type of clas- sification is simple to Lnderstand. Basically, a stock machine is one that hias been purchased from a dealer and not altered in any way. A modified snowrnobiie is one that hias been al- tered or improved. To date, 1I have attended two or three different types of snowmiobiie drag races. One is whiere mnachinies and drivers are pitted against eachi othier (in twos or fours), an- other is whiere machine and driver comipete against the dlock to es- tablishi the shortest elapsed timie, and the other, whiere machine and driver compete against an electronically controlled dlock or radar unit for the best miles per hour in each class. The grass track usu- aliy varies frorn six hlti- dred feet to one-quarter mile in length. However, the one-eighth mile track Corne and see our new 1400 square foot showroom and service centre. Factory trained mechanics, fuit uîne of Arctic Ware, Ciothing. PINE RIDGE SPORTS EQUIPMENT & ACCESSOR lES OSHAWA DEALER No. 2 Highway at Tru lis Road, Oshawa 576-4151 is the înos t comnîonly used and usually the mnost popular with the drivers. An area is fenced off for the 'pits', andl fencing is run along the track for protection and con trol of the svectators. Machines are 'run-offV according to engine size and classification, after the driver has paid a nominal entry fee and lias signed a 'waiver'. Awards vary from tro- plies to both trophies and cash. Thiese are awarded to flhe top drivers ini each class or classification. Althoughi a little mnore care and attention mnust be paid to the type of spark pliug usecl, the proper timing, and the correct oil atid gas mnix- ture uised, operatîin of a sniowmiobile Linder these conditions, at thiis timie of year, appears to have very little detrimien- tai effeets on tie machine. Quite a riurber of' drivers, however, have gone to extra efforts and expense to improve and increase the'flow of air for engine cooling as weii as remioving the seats, excess panels and accessories in order to liihten the weight of thc mnachine, but this >Ve r. aut on of of As lias already been m-entioned, tlîis relative- iy easy formi of con>- petition i s attracting more and more people whio quite iikcly do not have tlic equipmient, timcL mioney, skill or desire to compete in winter snowvnobiie rac- îng. [Iowever, somie of' those whio have attemipt- cd grass racing hiave gone home withi a trophy or money or botlh--somie- thîing they hiad no hopes ( achiieving during the winter n1onthis. If youi're inclined to race your machine but can't afford or don't want to take a chance at winter ra-,cing, you should consider taking up grass raicing in the suminier and by thc sanie token, miake use of your machine twelve mnonthis a year. NEW ENTRY FROM EASTERN SUPPLIERS SUPER SEER GOGGLES 103 DOUBLE LENS* STORM WIND0W DESIGN REDUCES FOGGING OEM & DISTRIBUTORS INQUIRIES INVITED SUPER SEER 0F CANADA - P-0. BOX 577 FENELON FALLS, ONT.. CANADA - 705-887-2306 j ~TRAî LE RS ARCTIC WEAR MINI-BIKES jKigSre ata onie saa7583 EVINRUDE SNO WMOBIL E Stronger. mSaferou. Surer. Quiets.. Brand New Siiow Cruisers LIMITED SUPPLY 20 HP S595-00 EXTRA SPDECIAL 1972 30 HP BOBCAT Reg. $1 130.00 SALE PRICE $825.00' 1972 32 HP BOBCAT Reg. $-1195.00 SALE PRICE $895.00 LIMITED SUPPLY LARRY'S SPORTS & MARINE 725-8232 King Street East at Townline, Oshawa basicaliy depends eaclî different make machine and type driver.