for period October l5th to 2lst CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 This is an excepional seven-day span. By observing routine carcfully, you are able to do thc work of two people without bccomiing ex- cessively tired. Accomplish a grcat deal by being exactly on time for appointments, keeping dates with people that you niay flot especially wish to see, and taking care of onerous tasks that youi have pro- crastinated about. Signîticant day is Sunday the lSth. Financial prospects brighten in midweek. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Plan personal aims carefuliy on the 16th and l7th. Your career in- terests are paraînounit. Don't chase i'ainbows, but go after concrete interests that serve as a foundation for the future. Concentrate on increased earîiings froîn the lSth to 2th. Promotions will succeed as long as over optimism isn't allowed to undermine the real opportunity on the 2lst. Irritability runs high at the end of the week. This is caused by tension and trying to do tee many things at once. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Con trot partnership spending wlîere possible. Avoid arguments as others around you feel you are toe critical. Long standing problems in the home or family appear to be on your partner's side rather than yours. Don't look to elderly people or family for support if you get yourself out on the end of a lirnb. Trends coniing up, niove you te- ward long distance planning, foreign matters, or travel. Use your perception after0ctober lOth, toward these interests. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 Do not aliow disruptive influences to unnecessarily disrupt your daily regimeri. Don't allow yourscif to be distractcd [rom the side- lines. During these tense peuiods take on only those prejeets that you can handle without strain. When you scatter your energies ameng two many enterprises, it is easy to procrastinate on ail of them. Your most significant day of the week ill bc Saturday the 2lst, when the moon is in your sign. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 This seven-day period can be used to advantage by staging your own private clean-up campaign. Complete unfinished pro jects, reorganize work methods, and get ready for ncwv programs that will bc launched within the next few weeks. Friends and companions play an important part in your plans on Thursday the l9th and 1-riday the 20th. This should be a good time to chase away gloomn with a festive gathe ring. GEMINI - ïMay 21 i bJure 20 Because you are full of life and scem to do so miany things so weill people are apt to take advantage of your gencrosity. You have no one but yourseif to blame if you take on too many projeets to finishi by deadiine. Lcarn to say no Mien yuu arc asked te contribute tinie te social affaîrs. This week you feel at a high pitch emotionally and in- tellectually. Creativity soars. CANCER - June 21 ta JuIy 229 A moody impression dîsappears in the early part of'Uicthe ek. Once again you are in coimand of the situation and are your perceptive self. Responsibilities at your home base of operatiofis seenu divided cqually be tween %our îxrtner and y ourNel t. Iinancial obligationis are still stressed. A lthough ceconornics are importan t. and noney in tlie bank offers security, you bc gin to reitlize du ring tii is pri id!iia t there îs a great difîecncebtscn desires and nceds. Xt fic end of' flic week a cloak cof cxpectancy lails over voni. Suddenly von fel'el more alive. - LIi(-) y-9d3x ~t A\ug. -22 ibis should bc a rela\ing sevt n-d i period. Your signiticanit day is Saturday the 21Ist, whentyou take'i philosopliic attitude towardi re- cent procccding.s Make this quiet sscck more niemorable by tending to personal affaîrs anti relaxing social engagenments. (Close tics with your mate or busincss associates can bc. strengthened atfictue iddle of the weck by paying more attention te relationships. VIRGO - Aig. 23 [o Sept. 22 Froir the 13 th to the i 8th J upiter affects PIn to. This involves your mnones', speeniations, romance and luxury spending. All of' are, unless controlled, excessive. It wonld not bc svise te stick your neck out or go into debt on borrowcd nmoncy. Youi arc ikcly to have ideas that are aîtogc'tlîcr too rosy, and whcen tlhe aspect passes, s'on wonld then find tiiem far tooc ostly. 3y tlecftull inîon on the 21 sitbings should bc îeasonably straightened ont. l'le previons excesses give way to controlled stability. LIBRA - Sept. 23 [o Oct. 22 Energy is still rampant but wi th flic sutite addition of a gentler inder- current. You should feel more at peace. Your dormestie situation improves, tliere, is less confusion. Your most significat days are Tuesday the I 7th and Wedniesday the i 8thî wlîen specula tien and St rsCo ýw1,th Joyce Roud by Mild Morris TRANSPLANTING You may want ta bring in sarne of your suminer bedding plants. Some of the easiest ones for growing during the winter are Coleus, Fibrous Begonias, GeraniLîms, and Imnpatiens. To lessen the shock of moving -your plants indoors, water your plants thoroughly appraximately twa days before you are going ta dig them up. Dig themn up carefully with a trawel and shake off some of the salI from the roats. Yotî should shape the soîl bail so it will fit inta a four or five inch flower pot. When potting up your plants put in a piece of broken pattery or a handftîl of coarse gravel for bottom drainage and ta prevent the Ioss of soul through the drainage hale. Always plant your plants with pots that have drainage of sanie type. If no drainage hales are present put in extra arnounts of broken pattery or coarse grave I. You shotîld rernove at least one hiaif of the branch and leaf systern of the potted plants, ta compensate for the loss of roots diîring maoving. a M PRINTINGI High Quality Invitations WIST FRIEPRESS For mortgages see us fmirst!l When you want noney to buiid or to buy, corne directly where rnoney is. Corne to your friendly local branch of Victoria and Grey Trust. Eighty years of training and experience in serving people like you are behind the sage counsel and advice you'il get at Victoria and Grey - the sarne place you get the rnoney you need. Corne in today - 1direct to Victoria and Grey. VICTORIMA ÎEGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY M6-9324 Classified 66aft-611 BEFORE FROST This will enable you ta reshapethe plant as welI as ta encourage new growth. It is very important that this transplanting be done before the plants are touched by frost. You shaLîld put the transplanted plant in the shade for three or fouir days ta allow the roots to reestablish themselves. Also bring in the hotîse plants you put out- side last spring. This should be done well before any frost has hit themn. You could also check ta see if the plants need repotting into larger pots. Two plants you shotîldn't repat at this time are Christmnas Cactus and Poinsettia. You can, how- ever, give ail plants being broughit back inta the house a top dressing of peat mass and dehydrated nianuLire. If you are wondering about .a gaad patting mixture for your house plants, hiere are the in- gredienits: twa parts gatden loarn with twa parts arganic matter (compost), onîe part sharp, coarse sand. THE FRIENDLY. FLEA MARKET "lW. buy. end s~intIg 23 PRINCE ST 725-9783 -- OSHAW4 MIDWAY DATSUN forun.rly ZOLTAN & HICKS Now Locat.d at DATrSUN PRODUCT OF NISSA 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-6828 sure Salon 'One Month "REE to ALL ormer, Miss ene Members, $10 foi- 10 Visits HIAVE THîE FOLLOWING FACILITIES* nie sauina lIndividual Showers 'ivate Change Booth Juice Bar oderil Gymîî & Facilities Beauty Salon dividual Prograîns Travel Club 942-66î1 104 Harwood'Ave. S. Ajax Plaza 6 b ' w b, ià ý I Ra Ajnax Fiý WE 0o Pr M( Ii at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock'St. N. For Your ConvenienceI 150 Perry Street Whltby ~VV)JU1~X ~'ummrv %Lo~inr~