WHIT13Y FRE3E PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBIiR 12, I972AGý Rem-elect has anybody worked Since 1968 ED BROADBENT lias fought for the interests of us ail in Oshawa-Whitby-listening, persuading, acting. ED BROADBENT was the only MP for our area to provide regular newsletters from'Ottawa ex- plaining his own positions and seeking our opinions. ED BROADBENT was the only MP for Oshawa- Whitby to provide a year-round community office. ED BROADBENT is the only candidate in this election to present a compreliensive plan for the future development pattern of O shawa-Whitby. Not content with mnere expressions of "concern" lielias oLtlined (ini cetail) a new future for our area. ED BROADBENT lias actively argued at every level of goveriment that fuiture integration of ser- vices shioLld take place hiere in Whiitby not in Oshiawa to pr-otect and roster a sense of conmmunity in Whlitby. ED BROADBENT led the figlit to save jobs at DLinlop Mien the governmnent granted millions t0 Michielin t0 set uip shiop in Nova Scotia. ED BROADBENT is one of flie NDP teami wlich dramnatically and specifically exposeci the "ýcorporation rip-off" whiereby big c.ompanies pay few if any taxes wliile the average citizen shioulders thie tax burden. So put it ail togetlher-a vigorous spokesman on national questions and a hard-working constitu- ency MP. It's a combination we need and deserve ini Oshawa-Whitby. And wve can have it again by re-electing ED_ BROADBENT. NDP Committee Rooms: 100O Dundas St. West, Whitby 668-9223 t 1. f