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Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 15

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Hi gh Quai ifer OSIIAWA- Alex Ross, r-elre- senhing Iiastway Lunes iii Oshiawa, was h ighi quali ficr wil ti a fou r-gaine scrait ch to- tai of 860 iin a bid to howl on tlelvisionin i Toron to, No- velinher 10. Ronl Lake, Toronto, was ruiiii-til) wi tlh a 758 t aIly/. Ross, aI present top nmail anong the qualit'icis, now waits to eScC wiohois nexi olponiett will bc. Rick Begg and Paul I Henderson quaI i fed for (lie l'linals and will coin- Pe te ilexIin l'eili t Io10de- termn e wilich unie il I cet Ross on the tube. Arena Delayed The structural aspects, scat ing, and buards arc ceoi- plete in. the new lrookîin Menierial Ariia. TheI arena was expectcd 10 bcin Luse as of Noveiner 5, buit da prub- loin arose tha t dclaycd ithe The ice-iliakiinu machine failcd to J'unct ion Friday. New. tlle ice su rI-acc heu ()Id be ready/ 1er Nuvenber I.3, ýWc liii t e use _CLeue sc- tioene tf Ite 1.W.MI.11 A. flans te epen ils sesen ut 5:00 p.iiî. HOCKEY STANDINGS (As ot'Nov. 5) METRO JUNIOR l Pc teibore Bel levilîle marîk liani Oslina Wex 1,01d Picker ing St. Mike's WFIIT13Y Teroto t Braîmalca WiIITB'1Y lII REÏSS, 'IIllRSI)AY, NOVI:MIIIR 9, 1972. PAGE 15 Bc«wIivmg t.ASTWAY JUNIOR & SE.NIOR Ili TRIPLE.î:TOP . BOYS: Jiiti Norris 55e) (203>, Mark Bra- bill 543 (202), ('harleslI erringtuîî 538 (21 2>, Girls: Terri George 524 (203>, Judy Ruigzok 499 (209),Susan Ilenderson 424(148). lurîîcr's Plinhusters 191/½, Ab's Moturcycle Slîop 17, A & W Siniîeue St. N. 1 61/-, Sinîcue Gulf Au toîntivc 16,. Wilson lurni turc 15, OshiaNa Coinî. & T'.V. Service 14, At lersley lTire 14, J utly [riar 13. Valet> Ilhing 13, Imperial ('enltre & Car Wvaslî 13, .1 & j sports. I 1, Supreilte %Windows & Door'. IlI, Mary lirowîî 's Virgiiia l'ried ('Iicken 1Il, ('.P>.Musice1Il, LANDIR S'l'ARKC(LASSI('S TlOI,îîG III': B>I R icthard son 6 16 (224, 203). I'rank Subit 0 16 (213, 212), Jiii Le[amnai> 606 230, 20>3), John Lawrence 597 (204, 2011 ), Roy Sand 591 (240), lioli Gardian 59 1<(20)>Bihl)Dur- kve 588 <247>. WaIt Seuti 587 S20>8. 20). Il'M AST1ANDING: Nînstanes 72, le>.72, 0-1, Cu62.(tb' 6 1, Arueos 61, lanîîîer'. 57, ('obrzi'. 5SI. 'tet.44. '.SIV'YSA URI)AY NIORNING BAN'!ANIS 'loi> rahi>> 453 1>172). Scotl Geo~trge 422 (102), Pat Goo>d- m>>an 390 (147), Girl'. Lare>> 379 (I134>.,I urine Stunc 339 (141). Beci> neil Pavin- 22. 1 lîuî>a'. I Ion..e ot>' N'ic 19' ý-1(,&G iklul.18. (Gandethr Stork ('la'- ic'. 10, I uek x Duie leveragee- W it 1w 10, Mac 1.eail >tlue k14. N ,n\I.(N)tor,, I14, SpluI sVitlla I3 .Sinitfi lieverag,'. 13. ()'.h as'. 'it> li-up ('en Ire 12. O'.Iî as' a ii Busîne', [cgnie 1<().(lii sIe- cu 8.('na an[e>î randiA No. 43. 5 TI tSI)AY MNI\)ILIl AGIJI (>(I OI R 3 1. *7 2 'ANJ SAtANI)ING.S: atiick'. 16. tihlcvtie.10>. L.ck y' Ni>- lier'. 15. I)iiic )uii'. 14, Il>>'. vear 14. 1lîve t.syl>cee'.13. *1 eau> ('iat:da 12, S\%'. icý-er'.11 Il lite S:îtls 8, Undeciidet 8. .\I1NY îtI<;tî t RIIJ.: 'Gordton I>t eiîi58 I - 22<>. BerIt iutnp- '.î>îî533 - I191 . IDonîBecke ii 518 - 19(). dla:t (I l>ît>tpot>499 )- 194. Jitici Waitî 44 1 - 155. 1IAMNI R*S ('1. SSI<'11tAGtIl Il \(,tl I ANI)IN(;S.:tii 105, I ireltrd'. 88, It' i.tg.87, 72, aiirs71 . (tas.'.70>. 11(;1 I BIA IVWaller \Vervynuck ,14 (234). \ickRycik'. 9 2 21>). (iil M lc i 5 7 7(-Il 3> \llOS I \%)RIl\G I Stîikt- s \\n> tue 1i r'.> Se lion> 55 iii> 18 point>",. '.51>>>.>> 55 .11m)î'. seuett I lle t ic >ppvr.'ý . i ni S i r>).- er'. hiii ssa 2-4.9.31icoîîilared lu R ppcrs 23.5 >8 <Mllrtansîîd' ilies ssere Bcd R 1îlesi7.,tîîîi- elle'. 15, Rcd I 15,Ik îcky 12, Ses:> peel'. 9)anîd 1>Ds8. l)ebr:i wz'. ieadite galih(ii'. sveck sw.ith >790 (283>. Nlait> n Il t p >1î s s. re .hwi> Nesbi il 730 212 ). I.urr;iiiie l)uicaiîî737 (.30>4) and v IHardin>g 72.3 (.012, Bcd NMcru>>aiît ed the lboy,, wi[. ial> îicee83() <3 14), ètoc hy Bob L.avergne 804 (282>. Alt tetow 79<0 (281 ) an>d Jitii lHardie 794 1310)>. NI t XI'D 'I L.N 1PIN [1.'GU' 'A LANI S'TAND)ING: lBeelles 30). \1:ii>o'. 29, Baclie lors l>Il,;î'J I vo 28,tBraivos 27, I.ast\vay ( 'la- Arlie Sales Ltd. The Mazda lengers 20, l"u>r lPlus Onie 25, leur l1's 22, Nains 22, Worlas 18, Aquaritns 17, (lie B-S's 17, Th'Ie Sea Ilurse Grill 17, TJaypees 13 anîd Eriîie's Ifaulage 13. 'Iu'ps for thie ladies svas I)oris Vanîî svith 542 (2 15). I"ulloving DJoris wvere ('arol J udd 505 (182), J eau Rouss 48t) and Fdy the Na- thian 486 ( 181 ). l'or ic hemenwe hud Ilowic Keftý- 563 (2001), R ick Begg 56,3 (206>, Get>rge Reid 558 (2 12-20.5) and Deug, Vu>n 553<(212). 'IUI'SJA Y MIl-NS' 1.1 O( "OBER NIGAI T ,A(;U 3 1, '72 11Il 1k 1TRIPLE: George Turner 65 (223-211>), lert Jay 5t94 <231>. Sic'.'.Nlc(Gibbuu i587(21<>>, Franik Subi I 555 (200)>, ( ;rry lIl(;Il ISI NGLI.: Bil l Iils 254, I red John'. 217,. Myril Ihepbuirn 201), R ay Krwl k202, Sain (alalaiio 20)1. 'Fl A NI S lA N 1)1N(;: t(uek> Sîrikes 47. National Grucers 38, 'l'riot Ielevision 3 1, lue b)riates 29, I)ur i IeIt 27, A & W 27. Stan".s Rentl 26, A tI Sea'.un's Sports & NIaritte 25, Price Sunuico 17, ()sliawa Poulice A'.'.ocia lien 13. I11611IA1611: Bill Miii'. reccivcd a I>îgti single of'254. t'RI )AY NIRCXNIL "1I LN IIN IT(il I IVI 'I Rt 1>11 G eorge Wie 582 (227), 'Rc" ardie 581 (212), tttb Itarri'. 571 (2(07>. I laiit u' 11h>,>> .on 562< 242), B riai tadl543 <21)> Il xxAI STA.ND>ING: ('ontinental Saunau Batl> 40>,\ii Varicîy 35, (t h/en"i nance30, 'flic 1I ng in. cer'. 35,'lTe Starliner'. 3 I,('ana- diLîn lire 27. 'l'lie 0l'i'beat% 32. 28, Pine R ïdge Sport'. 2 I. rolled (lie Itigli> ihrce gaine teai serte'. \o ladr ti>'. sason witttîa -2831.I Steve IIewak was (lie ss'iner ut' flic October Jackpt't I ASTWAY NIONI>AY NI(;I I lll(;tlI 1Ril>t IS: Carol Jttdd 542 ( 192), lîeverly Doratit S I9 (1I80), I rette Wad îîck495 (18I1). I.indai (;ras'eti47()(20>2). Il' ANI SI AN 11N(;: 't'lic Sjîoiler' 21>, t lie Sîriketle'. I19, 'l lie Roi- A 'liot» I9. Te NIî\s-t;ipl\ I8. -1 lie LI as ( 'liatitC 1I8. 'l'lie NI is 15, *I l>e 1 tiîr ('l>ivk'. 15, 'tlie ()tc,, 14, 'I lie I tibters 14,.'[lie .Sîi;irc Slîî>utcrs t 2. I liBtibe l'in,, 1I2. 't'lie J y 'c . 12, 'l'ite l 1ie ' ). I1 i ttî>.. lite liiiý ýNll rea>>>> cr 9.Ilie( ;itekr Sîipc'L-, .t) WIIII'tYAI)I ('N SL('(I)N 1I1NI1 -A LL: Allsorîs 14,915, (;uindrops 15,110, Iltemr- b'.15,91I3, Juli>,BeanN 1I5,635, Lite Savers 15,282, Mapiele Bds 14,858, Peppermiints .15,025 and Sîîîarîie'. I15,80>3. T1RII>LUtS OVIR 500: M. Broeks <87, Ji. Childs 6<>7, D., Kehuec 652, V. lBrear 623, t'.. Aviso» 6 20, S. Spencer 605, M» Srîoýddy 595, M. L-intiier 586, J. l>ckard 570, . tVlarndale 584, J. ('ox 580, G. Saîdl'ord 556, Marion Sturgess 5.56', ). Meure 552, 1). (;t>tgl> 551,. A. Barker 550, M. t'artjulîar 550, B. I>askitî 538, K. Loysl 537, J. Laundry 517, J. King 516, A. P>owell 509, A. Bradley 507 and A. 1.abanovictî 506. SINGLES OVI:R 2(1(: M. Brooks 303. 208. M. Linîner 264, 1). Kehoe 260, 208. t. Farndale 255, V. lIrcar 25 3, B. Chitds 250, 2 14, 203, J. Piekard 25(1. M. Snoddy 2124, 224, S. Spencer 221, 201, E. Avison 220, 219, A. Barker 2 19, J. ('ox 211, L. Watker 2 10, D. (;ougli 206, A. Labanovich 202, 1). Moore 201, G. Sandford 201 and B. Illaskîtt 200. rT~r~ U'JU ~.UPV ýPZOU7. 'ZOlDundas St. Wm Wbitby 668-93,971 WIIITBY MEN'S LFAGUI.. WED. 1116h TRIPLE: 6. ( ' ilds 850, 388, [). IDuncan 825, 308, G. Brooîne 782, 313, Il. Zimmer 778, 280, J. T1ownson 753, 288, 1). Solomon 75 1, 259, A. Vander- ende 750, 321, 1P. Mafflicws 721, 313, A. Pii.zolato 718, 288, Il. Vanstaveren 712, 308. H11611 SINGLE,': 1'. Cormack 312, A. illier 278, B. Vesters 263, G. Woodcock 255, W. Kiers 309, D). Vallant 274, B. Mockford 262, J.* Kilsdonk 287, A. Ritz 271, L. Denyer 260. TFAM STANDING: Don's Spur Se'rvice 19, Tony's Men's Hiair- styling 15, DuIT's Towing Service 15, Pickering G.S. 14, B *& R. Transport 13, J.B. McMullan Real Iistate 12, Mitton lilectrie 12, WhitbyIrc e rss I12,L)oug Wil- son Men's Wear 11, A & T Motors 1l, Mitlin's Barber Shiop 9, Whit- by 1)odge ('hry. 6, Consolidated Bathurst 3, M. Visser Crowri Life mns. 2, Trearn No. 6, 2, Team No. 16, 0. WllIITBY N'BC TYKES OCT. 28 Congratulation% to Section Wininers 1Tiîe Tadpoles: Tearn Çapt. Chris R usch, Cheryl Nichol- son, MI 1Ilutehinson, Susan Haw- kins, Beverley Owens. HIIGII DOUBLES: Kevin Ander- son 281 (153, 128), Chris Ruseh 277 (118, 159), Jim Foulton 250 (253), Scott Lintner 244 (137, 107), ('heryl Nicholson 237 (106, 131, Paul Green 236 (101, 135), Romi Suc Chîlds 222 (128), Uisa Dunhlarn 216, (128). I11GI1 SINGLES: Leslie Moffat 150, Roni Sue Childs 128, Lis.,a Dunharn 128, Ted Plaskitt 127, Karen ('hilds 115. SI'. JOHN '111I VANGELISI Scores. for Novemuber 5, 1 972. 1Il I I RII>LI' Huliter J. Pil- kask.îs 075, l)avc SinitIî666, Lam~ encc A ucuin 062, Richard Seko 652, Mary [Dunaliue 648, [conard Mycîte 639. 111C;11I SI N(;1-1ES: ioe 1'rende- (emnbu 271, 1)urothy LeBlanc 262, Rose Seko 254, Jue JeI't'rey 246, Giselu, Krausel 244, Mclviii Parro 234. ANECDOTES Contunued from page 12 tlîcy have ioday. On liolidays you cou Id l[ld iost ch ild reni down al the ()Id swimnî ling holes or c cek-tiling. Thlerec wtiId he [lits oef suckc rs iii the Spring. mniy Ipeuple wvoLi 1d -catch ithein by 11w F> The Le Knit Shirt1 Uliman and frîend Star centre for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Normie Ullman, was in Ajax last week signing autographs for a multitude of fans. Ulîman was aiding in opening ceremonies for Red's Cycle and Sports in the Ajax Plaza. Three-year-old Bobbie Makarchuk came in for special' recogn ition. Murray White Photography bagl'ul, and soinc would sali tliei dowvn inicrocks lu use Juter un in the y/car. If a stranger camne in to tuwn y/ou kncw. But nuw if y/ou go downtown you are a straflger. Canada's number-one import car is bere! Datsun 1600. 96 horses, up to 35 miles to the gallon.- With the kind of per- formance that's made it Can- ada's most successfut rally car. Buy the one that's been4 tested "under the vvorst pos- sible conditions against the best possible competition. Datsun 1600. li's The Leader. S197 3 DATSUN NOW ON DIS PLAY ZOLTAN end 160) Sîicoe Si. Soîtit Oshîawa (XIl 728-00,5 APARTMENT$ FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM TOWN HOUSE. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. ONE A"ýJD TWO B EDROCOM APARTMVENTS IN 'SOUNDPROOF' BUI LDINGS. FREE PARKING, HYDRO CALL 668-6767. oflo r.%. .n. I $ I Catch un w uth the leader. liai DAT'Sun ct 14 /%a

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