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Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 16

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Pi&1nJIfv i tutijon Munro on hot streak Past 'spiel winners In a rather historic photo, four previous winrlers of the Dunlop Invitational Bonspiel were captured by the cameraman. They are: left to right; (winning year in brackets) Bill Kent (71), Bill Creber (67), Aif Phihhips Jr. (66> and Bruce Munro (7C). Ail four have their rinks in action again this year but only the Munro rink is stili in contention for the First Event trophy. The others are stili in there but in different categories. Each year the Dunlop event attracts some of the country's finest curlers and action, this year, continues on Saturday, for the next two *àeks. Munro's rink, one of the hottest in the Province to date this year, is proving a fan favourite. Misinairhes have been fine examples of the best and now rules as the team to beat. -Photo by Stannett Ho-o Iect Tom Edwards Reeve For proven leadership and integrity For representation now future. Tom and for the Edwards Reeve Town of Whitby December 4thj (O peu unti1 9:OOpm Frtda) O t y smul 1/3 off r eg. Over 50 Store used Marneli Ail-Glass Aquariums with f ilters and g ravel Sizws 31/2, 15, 20 long and 55 gallon sait water equipment. 25% of f reg. Tanks, Wood Stands and Canopy Supplies for Dogs, Cats, Fish, Birds and.Rodents. DOG GROOM ING EQUIPMENT (Proffessional dryer, clippers, etc.) STORE FITTINGS EVERVTHING MUST GO AQUARIA Pet & Poodile LIFE Shop 114 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY, ONT. Bruce M un re aund bis rink front Toronto St. Georges arc Hbe hot tcst tcanîi in On- tario) se far this year. Afier recen tly winu ing Ion r cars al. the Rouai Curling Club Bonî- SpiCl, they quaý,li'ied On SaIlLr- day for tuie lhuais iu the DonI- lo) Juvitatieuial. MunIIT) WOI I 1l tlre gaules, dc feat ing Ken Buchan of London 8 te 5, Wayne Lawrie cof Unionville 9 te 3 and local fûveurite Tom Steen of Oslbawa 7 te 6. le the third gaine agaiust Steeni, Munre rmade a difficult raise takeout inuthe tentlî end te lie tbe gaie and then preceeded te excuLte a per- fect draw bcbiind a front rock on the extra end. Steen was a little narrew with bhis final sheot and wrecked on tlie guard leaving Munre witbi sheot rock and the victory. M u nro's slîarpshooters were ('bris Jobensen, Keitb Reilly, and Jebun Ross. Steen's teaul consisted of Jolin Piper, Deug Munday aiud Bob) Asibhy. 'lblieotier nmain evet qualifier was Bob) Woods and lus team hemoi Toron to Roy- aIs. Woods deleatedl Bobl) Mar- ris et Unienvilie 10(Jte 9, I larry Slielden aIse l'Uth nion- ville 5 le 4 ud Pauil Welland of lToronto) I aside 1I o î0, Wods is ic ie tuer Swedislî ch amioin1< wtto ct mlpe ted i n the I()07 WoiId('ni iing Uliaiipoitiîps. HAVE A COFFEE WITH BRUNO 137 Brock St. South 111i bis final gainec agaiust Weilaîîd, Woods was uLt otir poiti ts a fter thlé îîiîîth cd. ln thie hOthi cnd, thie Woods teaiîihiad several niisses anid lc ft Wei laud wilt i lfive si et storues. Wî th bis finaah rock, Woods chose to draw anîd miade a wcII execu ted shot te the lotir lotit, cliiiatînig the Weilaiîd rocks anîd giviîîg Woods (thc wiîî. Neil Hlarrisoti, Gary Ire- lanîd anîd Jiîîî Hedricbi werc the otiier inenîber-s of tbc Woods teaili. Oiîtario's top) curlers arc couîpetiiig ut the Dunîlop lI- vi tat ional fer SI10,000 iii cash prizes. Two qualif'yiiîg days reiîîaiii; îexu Satur-day, No- vcîîîber 25u1î and Friday. De- ceîîîber Ist. Munro anîd Woods new jo i two previous qtiali fiers, Paul Savage anîd Barry Cole- mîaîn iii the mainî evelît finais sclîcdtîled l'or Satttrday. De- cciîbci 2. Girls' Soccer Thec iicwvly-clectcd execît- tive tiflthe whi tby Niuiier Soccer Assticia t itîliaus tilaîi- îit0ItSîv agteedti liiroduce a girl*ssticccr-divisitIin iiregtilar league play itcxt sca1stit. ('tutveiltir tf* thîe îew dlvi- Sionî \vi Il be Ni s. ierry Btorg. it is aîiiicipaued Oie te wil be cigh i teails iin the di~vsioni wliei lie seastiti(tlpenîs and playet s xilI tatîge tiwarid frtiii 8 vears tîId. Plavet s anid sponîsors .a1e act ivelv belli', stitgli t anid Red's C'ycle nidI Spot s luas aiîavheeti siumeiîcd.s onc Spotiisor. Gils itîtet-esictl in pl:t\ ii are asked iti cotîact M rS. Boirg ai St)S. RALPH STRATFORD asks "'WHITHER WHITBY'?" Is GROWTH s(> GREAT'? Isn't BALANCE better thaît BIGNESS? We can get Quality anywhiere. LETS DEVELOP OUR QUALITIES HERE! If you shlare this huie of logic, vote STRATFORD Weês t War d. Tic smowumobiIe that wcnt to the Arotis t. prove ifs dependability!. JOHNSON SKREE-IORSE FORME RLY SNOW-CRUISER $799 MWd w, m a PICK ERING-MARIN#E arnd SPORToS 1644 BAYLY ST., PICK.RUNG 942-357oi24Q8 ROUNDUP (contdnuedft[rmpage 15) Ili StouffviîllcAreinaSatur- day the M'itchell Lunîber Pee- Wecs upsct tlîc Uxbridge JPcc- Wccs 10(-0 on tlle strcnigth cf* sbut eut gealtcnding provid'ed by Gord Brown and Chuck I ethicringtoni Geýaiscorers l'or tbic Luiii- bertiien were Gilbert Nicu- wcudyk and Rick Sclîreer witb tbrece geais eacb while singles weîît te Eddie Hey- dIcii, Janli ic Tu tac, Jelff Diris- moere and Wayne M iddlet on. Tbo second weekeîîd gaine l'or tbe Lumibernien was tei Markbiain whiere tlîey lest 3-2. Keith Wilson and Rick Scbire- er provided tlle scorieg ter the lesers. Bob Heron Farin Equip- mcint major novices lest both of' their weekcîîd gailes,.mee te Bay Ridgcs 7-1 and Itle otber Iote cLittle N.H.L. Briis 5-3. After traidinîg2-O thiroîghi- eut thie gaine, Lasce Steelers got goals ireon Paul Browîî anîd Scott Ravary lu tlle ast seven iuetes oel play te carui a 2-2 tic witb Ajax INc-Wecs. The Sîclers woitbicîr seconîd(gale ef tue weceked, as Bui ldwa rds p)laycd sh ut mtil geaIanîd defceated the C'oboerg Pee-Wees ()0 'Flic î o kIt -httymc- ('erick Blades juickcd uep twVt) ti a poýsible six po(inIts ovet hIceweeketîd as t bey Iot (n)2iiiies k) AjLîx 6-5,- aIîd tti Liiidsa\ 4-3. -llic two )vpoite ibte ngit i103wil G leit lebtistotilsctiied Ia fiai Tick. todd Xtsev and Bat iv wlîi le \l tîges \\ iiit t) Jotc Mclii' te Mairk mllat atîId- itie hltiwe. Ii i a gat i y~ed Ii I llte SIeuff'Ivllle Ateia titdIlSaltur-- day tIlle Brotokl iii ('eic re te Jevenilles pajy'ed te a 3-3 tie whvil i ceiborioli. Brooklin goalsctircrs %vere Keni Vipetîdc w.iili t'.vo antiJaille Mooere Aulyoiîe interesied ini lay- ingl'er Itle Brookl iii C('eîîc e crs fire twe goals cadli, Roli Mulligaî, David Blacquiié and 'Warren Smîithî while sinîgles weuît te Todd Cliasezcwski anid Bill Eyres. The Vickery Electric mi- ner mîites played two ganies during the weekend, wînning one and losing one. & lu the first gaule, Mark Lee held Bay Ridges off the score slîeet wlîile his teailimates fired five goals. The seconîd gaine cfthie weekend saw tuie Electriciatîs couic up tuie short enîd of a 4-2 score against Ajax. Re- elect BUY NOW FOR IMAS... Cosingj

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