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Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 17

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pality and the speciflc rîghit ,1o question their cou ncil in this regard. "The Daily Commercial News bias mnany paid sub- seribers and is a weIl respected ncwspaper. Not even the dol- lars spent in advertising this intunicipality by our inditst rial departilent can counteract the effect of council's actions whiich hiave been advertised uinfavorably 10 businessmien and industrialists across the couîntry. Surely, Xhitby cani- Flot a fford this r*eptationi," lie concludied. r-GO orden inq By Sid Morris How ot'ten hiave you wanîted ail exotic lomer or niew vegetable you've seeni in a seed catalogue but decided against buying it because you didnt lhave plan îing inistructions? How ofteni have you bougi and hiad a failure because of a lack of information'? Thie iew 1973 Stokes Secd catalogue lias the answver Io tbiis perpe tuai problemn. Under eachi variety lieading thee new catalogue, Stokes gives complete instructions on ihe culture of thc plants as well as the number ut seeds you receive in a packei and the nuni ber of seeds there are to an ounice. For example, if variety "Cineraria Hybrids" strikes your faîncy, but you doni't hiave the foggiest idea lhow to grow it successfully, the catalogue hias ibis informationt you need rigbit below the iine: "~Culture: Approx. 250 seeds per pkt.; 150,000 per oz. Sow Aug. -Nov. f'or nlice Mar. and Apr. plants for Easter. Geriniate ai 80 degrees for- 14 days. Do uiot cover seeds. Seeds germinate quite irregularly. so do nlot be iii a hiurry to transplant. The sîuall late seedlinigs are the best colours. Transplant whien true leaves appear- io 2¼ini. pots. Be- ware otf air-pockets arounid mois Mien iranlsplantinig. Use sterilized soil tlats anid pots to prevent Verticillium wilt." Tink of' the niîstake you could make if you liad plan ted it ouiside. lis highi temlperature geriniation and irregularity could defeat the unprepared gardenier. Ifi you plucked the late-appearinig seedinigs because you tbougbit thiey were wea.kest, you would have losi the very best ibis lower variety offers. Detailed information iniitde catalogue permi ts the gardenier to make tie mosi appropriate selections for bis gardeni and the seed packeî iniformation should mlake his plan îing a total success. Tbe 1973 Sîokes Seed catalogue offers more tlian 1,300 varie lies of flowers anid vege tables witbi many exotic exclusives froin Hungary, Poland, Eng- land, Japan, China, Russia, Argentina, Peru and other countries iin Europe, Asia. and South Amierica. Free copies uf' ibis informiative new catalogue are availab le trom Stokes Seeds Ltd.. 37-39 James St., St. Catherines, Ont. WIIITI3Y 1 IEEPRESS, ttIIURZSI)AY, NOVEMIWR 30, 1972, PA{',; 13 Whitby %%Y"* keeps sportsmen on the run (Continuedfr()fl Page 1) "ýHeydeiisbiore Pavilion and the Brooklin Arena were flot tenidered," lie pointed out b"and it is rallier interesting that bothi these projects hiad, the saine architects (Totten, Sinms & Hubicki) and thie saine contractor, (Mel-Ron Coni stîu c tion). "The taxpayers of this town hiave a righit t know whiat is going on, a rigbit to know hiow thecir town is being received outside the mutnici- Every second Saturday thec Whitby YMCA lias bccn t'eat- uring inler-area floor hockey tournamietts bctwecn the Y teanms who play eacb Saturday mloriî.ng ,aI Henry Street Higb School, Meadowcrest School ini Brooklin and Dr. Robert Thorntoti School. Since the loss to Whitby of' tbe downtown arena a great increase itn the Y Floor Hock- ey League bias taken place. Four teains are organized 110W ai the Henry Street Higb School under the direction of' Bruce Williamis, assisted by Paul Sutton; the Argos, Rougli Riders, Stamipeders and Lions. At Meadowcrest School ini Brooklin Wayne King coaches the Alouettes and thie Eski- mos. Chris Aven t heads up the Y players ai Dr. Robert Thorn- ton Scbool each Saturday at 9:1 5 a.ni., the Ti-Cats and the Bonibers. The Y teamis f'ronm Henry Street High School area led the play at cach tou rnaînen t to date, the Argos winning top position but this Saturday at'ternoon a surprise upset is predicted. mi'e eight teamns can add more player-s-grade 8 is the top level. Boys interested should join uip at their nearest scbool centre, Meadowcrest, Dr. Robert Tborn toni or Henry Street High School or phione the Y office f*or details. Cames will be of 20-îîîin- utes duration witb eacb teami playing twice ini eacb Satur- day's tournamien t and iben the finals for the champion ieami and consolatien champs. Thle tournaments are beld at 1:30 pm Twelve teanms are now enl- tered in thie Wiiby Y ln- lockfing schcedulc. The new schiedule begins Nov. 28. Top tearns to date in the exhibition series are the Mis- fils cornposed miostly of grad- uates of Henry Street High School Basketball teams and Jury and LovelI, a ncew entry. However this is early season fornm and once thie new schc- doles begin il, is expected there will be changes. While the lndustrial League lias ils weekly schiedule the Witby Y also conducts train- ing sessions for students in High School under wcll quali- lied direction., Some 50 students are pres- ently regîstered and take part once a weck ini two levels- junior and intermiediate. Basic fuitndarnen tals arc taughit; d rib- bling, shooting, baIl handling and passing. dustrial Baskct batll League nlow in ils second year oLG operation. Eighit teatus took part last year. Thie comI)Ctition is keen but is on a recrecational level. Players are fromi niany levels of' skill but A agree on thieir interest ini this very popular sport. Teains cotupe te each Toc s- day nighit ai hlenry Street Highi Scbiool tIour teamns play at a time beginning at 7:00 p.m., aI 8:00 p.mn. and ai 9:00 p.m. giving eachi teamn a gami 'e a week. Teamns arc divided mbt two divisions according te results to date. In the first division a re ACVI Veterans, Wenî- wortbi, Misfits, ACVI Rookies, Jury & LovelI and Optical Boutique. Division B features Dupont, Dunlop, Whiitby Fire Departiment, Lasco Steel, Skiar- Furniture and the Oshia- wa Hackers. The teamis will conmpete ini their own divisions f'irst and then there will be an inter- Iv AN'1s "If you want to look your best" (416fl66S-321 4416) 439-S4l 'Y Reselect Tom ne-eslsc t Tr I Ward 1 (North) 655-3652 Ward 3 (Centre) 668-3518 lWard 2 (West) 668-8006 Ward 4 (East) 668-8782 Edwards Reeve For proven leadership and integrity For representation now and for the future. n Edwards Reevo il. Town of Whitby D ecember 4th PORTRAITS CADIDSMURRAY WHITE SLDESPHOTOG RAPHY MOlESWED)DING & BAR MITZVAH SPECIALIST 115 EMPEROR ST. AJAX, ONTARIO Eveninp -Tiuesday and Thuriday Catalogue 1-942-4519 A CANDIDATE WITH P.U.C. EXPERIENCE & BUSINESS BACKGROUND WILLING TO SERVE IN j THE BEST INTERESTS . ~ OF ALL VOTE DECEMBER 4, 1972 BOB CAWKERX FOR WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITI ES COMMISSION *8 Vears Previous Experience on P.U.C. *20 Vears Whitby Businessman (Wthtby Hardware- Bob Cawker Rentais). *Active in Community Projects a

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