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Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 22

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P AGI; 18,' TIIURtSIAY, NVME 30, 1972, WII1T'BY FREE PRESS ..n..~ ..........O M A M If ?eý.. iiuarimeîi~ rur flJOiLAMfliri. L.rJvv,-i,. - ivi~..,ri i ~aM~3L ji t USED T.V. Towers. Will remove ANNOUNCING'10W COST- MORIGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAT OFF ALL YOUR BILLS - AND (UT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HALF OR LESS. Un other words you can malco one re- duoed paymient a m onth instoad of maniy. HSe's What to Do to Get A Low-Cost Mortgsgs ban CailI Write or corein. The servie 15 fast, so make your New Start today. We've heped homeowfers îhrough- out Ontario consolidate their debts this eay vway and everythirtg is cpn- fidential. LOSI LOST KITTEN Six months old beige maie in i- Lupin Drive area of Whitby. Cali' 668-4834 af ter 6 p.m. LOST-"BUTTONS'- Black Fe- maIe cat, 3 years old. Lost in vicinity of Gilbert St. E., Whitby. Call Collect - 1-839-4510 - REWARD Services General Repair Work. Special attention given to small jobs. A division of Superior Construc- tion - 579-2355. Ajax Floor and Rug Service Specialists in Rug Cleaning Ail types of rugs and carpets, expertly cleaned. Cali for free estima tes -942-5590 CALCS - CASH REGISTERS AD DE RS NEW &USED 1 w DISCOUNT PRICES N EWAN'S OFFICE EOUIPMENT NATIONAL ANTENNA SERVICE Your tower - colour head - heavy rotor specialists. 725-8913 Abe's Motorcycle Shop Ltd. -Competitive Prices - Two Stores To Serve You 114 Stevenson Rd. S., -728-7780 Taunton Village -576-3150 Guitar and banjo instruc- tion. Cali Bill Payne 668- 9472 between 4: 00 - 6:00 p.m. weekdays. PRIVATE DRESSMAKING of Ladies' and Children's Wear. Very reasonably priced. South-East Oshawa. Linda 579-2219. Arrange your Fal Plaque Party and receive fine quality gifts. Why not phone 668-9832 now? BUI LDERS. E.G. TAYLOR CUSTOM BUI LDERS Houses.Cottages-Garages Remodellinq-Reflovatioflt RlecRooms-Additiofls Roof ing - Painting FREE ESTIMATES ou> QUALITY SERVICE 579-0195 2nd. MORTOA6E MONEY AVAULBLE a.5 VEAIR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES e NO BONUSES e NO GREDIT CHECKS a NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS a CONFI DENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OW HOME * BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 a FAST SERVICE CULI Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto a For hon.. purcbasa, renowation, debi con.- solidation, vactions or w.y worthwhýile purchasa. You do better with exper'iencecf money (rom ~ r.A.C. ReaIty Limited a Subsidiary of CA NAI AN ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITEC TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 39 Si mcoe St. N. - 723-8177 Oshawa Shopping Centre - 728-1693 Af ter Hours Cati: 5766184 FOR SALE FOR SALE (Lowest Prices in the World?) You Betcho DAVIS MARINE 617 King St. E. Just eost of Wilson Rd.> 728-5565. Open Evenlings 'tii 8:00 p.mn. HAVE A COFFEE with BRUNO 137 Brock St. South HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Eden "MI1N K 01IL" Products have a limited number of openings for enterprising ladies who would like to show our lovely cosmetics and pantihose to their friends and neighbors. H ighest commissions. Caîl MRS. BLYTH. 655-3679. WANTED 010 BOTTLES & CROCKS FROM LOCAL AREA 668-9719 FOR PRIVATE COLL. NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTER NOW ST. ANDREWS NURSERY SCHOOL PI CKER I NG 2Y2 ta 5 Years For information CALIL 942-4409 Josslynn A rr)ns Apts. * OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIGUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATEO Thi Is a suerrbuilding, weilI huit anri xcellenîly main- toired-and caters to those people requirung a better woy of living. NO LASF MONTH'S RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1 00é if No Anmw 579-1413 REAL ESTATE I For Sale GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR PHONE 623-5300 Newcastle: Nearly finisiied six room brick bungalow with large bay wirdow and electric heat on large lot. OnIy one left. Priced -$27,500- Very good investment is this nine year oîd brick duplex. Each floor, has 1000 sq. fi. living space and separate entrance. Haîf acre lot. Priced at - $391500- HOUSE FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM semi. Only $175. monthly, incîuding utilities. Basement apartment occupied, Available Now Caîl 942-1645. FOR SALE Panosonîc, 127 m.m. tape recorder Excellent Condition. $35.00. Cal 668-5076. 6-8 p.m. Also girl's bicycle 24"~, $25.00. Christmas Tree and Lights, Wash- basin, Toiletseat, Cushions, Corn- ingware, Fondue Roastpan, Plaques, Automatic Vapourizer, Dinette Table, Drapes. 668-5647. LABRADOR PUPS, Purebred, Black, Good Hunting, Extremely Good with Children - 10 weeks old. Phone Brooklin 655-3883. EMPLOYMENT WANTED DRESSMAKING AVAILABLE. PA.qT cFRVIi(' A i 66;-257 INDOOR-OUTDOOR heavy rub- ber back-seven bright colors, 9 X 12, only $35.95. Factory Broad- loom Distributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. FOR SALE-Complete outfit for f ire place. Burner, screen, wood carrier and irons. AIl Brass. Won't selI separate. Brand new clothes hamper, pink. Dark beige rug and underlay 6 X 9. 613 Newman Crescent, Whitby, Caîl 668-2908. BROADLOOM-Remnants, ends of rolîs. R-itail values to $1 8-95 per yard. On sale at $4.95 per yard. Factory Broadloomn Distri- butors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. FOR SALE - 1/3 H.P. Electric motor still connected to water pump also pressure tank & gauge. ASKING $30. - 728-9732. BROADLOOM-9 X 12 Hardtwist n beautiful dark green, normal cost $180, on sale $119. Factory Broadloomn Distributors, 81 Rich- mond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. For Your FULLER BRUSH needs contact MRS. DREW, 405 Rose- dale Dr. WHITBY - 668-9915. OPENING SOON! Doyle Charm School; the perfect way to im- prove yourself. Opening Specials. Caîl 579-2219 days, 668-5705 Evenings. Purebred Samoyed Puppies Ready' for Christmas - PHONE 728-6770 POODLE TEACOZIES two & four cup and six & eight cup. Chrisie and Barbie dol clothes, -ai it. I...il 7P9r7 from premises. Cali 942-3949. For Sale FOR SALE: Crib & Mattress $25. Hi Chair $5. Brownie unîform size 1 21/ $8. Metal cooler $5, 2 Tent Heaters $8. each. 668-6302. MARCEL METAL CRAFT Ideal for Christmas Gifis MRON SCULPTURE Room Dividers and Wrought Iron Railings. CHARGEX ACCEPTED 576-9801, if busy 576-9591 QUEEN BEDSPREAD, Matching drapes, 110" X 84". Figure Skat- ing dress, girl's size 8, Italian coffee and end tables. 668-5190. BROADLOOM-Deep pile hard- twist in Bittersweet and Gold colors. Suggested retail $19.95 per yard. Factory Broadloomn Dis- tributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. Size 10-12 Grey Persian Lamb Coat. Cocktail Sleeves - $250. China Mink Jacket - Sideslits - $50. - 668-3523. SAVE UP TO 60% on name brand broadloom. We guarantee we won't be undersold, save a bundle at FACTORY BROAD- LOOM DISTRIBUTORS, at 81 RichmnondI St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa . Buying or selling furn- iture applianCeS, dishes, etc. Cati1 El mer'sand save. DAY CAR E Cali 668-6111 MATURE WOMAN to care for two children, ages 7 and 12, Thursdays after school and Satur- days, in Garrard and Rossland Road area. Also lady to corne in and dlean one day a week. CalI 579-1977 after 6 p.m. HELP WANTEDI EMPLOYMENT WAN TED AN EASY $40. PER WEEK IN YOUR SPARE TIME IF YOU CAN SPARE 10 HOURS A WEEK, WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN EARN $40. AND ENJOY DOING OBLIGATIONS. Work for yourself or us. PART or FULL TIME. $100 - $800 per month to start. Adults only. Cali 728-31 10-10 a.m. - 6 p.rn. RELIABLE PERSON for House cleaning haîf day every veek or wvhole day every second vveek. N.W. Whitby area. Phone after 5 p.m. - 668-2291. lM LOOKING FOR PEOPLEWHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT THEY'LL NEVER GET RICH ON A FIXED INCOME, VET WHO ARE YOUNG ENOUGH TO WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THIS IS A PLEASANT DIGNIFIED POSITION AS A MEMBERSHIP ENROLLER WITH A MAJOR MOTORISTS ASSOCIATION. APPLY: W. Kemp, 227 Kempt- dale Drive, Whitby, phone' 668-5274 PART-TI ME typing, filing, general office vuork. Mature, experienced, prefer days. CA LL 668-5072 CARS 1969 FARGO VAN - V-8 Ai Condition. Cali 668-8208 after 6 p.m. NEW DATsIJNs OnIy $77,25 Down Oniy $76.16 par Month MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 Dundas East WHITBV - 666828 IT. NO GIMMICKS, NO TELEPHONE 728-4922 WANTED WANTED by Collector any crock or jug marked Whitby. Oshawa etc. Caîl 668-4531. pertly and quickly done. Phone 942-0688. Wanted teacher for ladies' day- time excercise class. Caîl Betty Gardiner 655-3187. Rentais WE RENT -Exercise Bikes - Beds - Rowing Machines - Tables & Chairs, AIl Types of Tools & Equipment - Reasonable Rates Bob Cawker Enterprises Ltd., 400 Mary St., E., Phone 558-9881 Autom~obiles 1973 VOLKSWAGEN-with 2 year or 24,000 mi. warranty. $211l98. See the New Super Beette on display in ail colours. Delivery Same Day. Plus a Large Selection of Reconditîoned VW's and Other Reliable Cars Bank Financing, No Down Payments If You Qualify- 942-1881 Baseline Road-½ mi. east of Harwood Ave., Ajax_ ITIOIYIOITIAI KING ST. L OSHAWA (i amLunASYof mimONT »J SALES SERVICE PARTS 723-1176 1LIa MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE 668-3738 WHITBY, ONT. a Our sevir 15 comnpl.tel confiden t'ai. e No hi hier. charge 0 Open Morigagas. MOMMOWA i 1 ý; l AH 1 lt;Lt%) VVMI'Y 1 r-Li Apariments f- or Ment KArloIrnAn.9 Il m- >Io

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