PAGE 4, TFIURSDAY, DEC EMI3ER 7, P~72, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Th. p*@p Io's choice.... In an election as in any other type of race, there have to be winners and there have to be, losers. In both Whitby and Ajax this was the case .last Monday evening. Town Hall was a busy place as most candidates gath- ered to read the "tale of the tape" so to speak. The FREE PRESS photographer was on hand both bere and in OUI sister municipality and the ac- companying photographs were the resuit. Top leit, Mayor Des New- man and Reeve Tom Edwards exchange congratulatory hand- shakes. Top right, CounciIlor iim Gartshore exuits as his lead slowly mounts. Middle left, may- or-elect Clark Mason, Ajax, quietly smiles as' he forges into the lead. Middle left, Ajax Reeve, Dave Trebilcock, glances down a t bis son as the pols declare him a winner. Bottom left, North Ward Cotincillor Don Lovelock accepts congratulations on a suc- cessful run, and at bottorn righit, Reeve Edwards has a few words with Gordon Hanna, bis un- successful opponent. Photos by Murray White