*iLtFREEPRESS ~1. Firemen build outdoor rink The epitome of outdoor winîer fun, an outdoor skat- ing rink, hasbeen created by the local volunteer firefighters association. Secretary of Local 2036, Ken Corner, explained three or four of the volunteer group must pass the site of the former arena on their way 10 and from work. One morning we dec ided 10 îry 10 make a skating rink where the arena once stood, he said. With clearance from the town and permission from the chief, we simply had 10 wait for die colder weather. And because of the lack of il, their flooding thius far has only produccd a few scat- tercd patches of ice. But already tlie children are looking forward lu skat- ing on the rink. "They drop in 10 have a look to sec how î's proeeed- ing or to catch a few sides on their way to school,"' he chuckled. Christmas at the The Wlîitby District Fam- ily YMCA will be featuring special holiday programns for the ehildren during the Christ- nias vacation period. On Saturday, December 23rd a Recreational Swim is planned with many reinys and games. It will be hceld in the Centenni.al Pool starting at 1:00 p.mn. until 2:00 p.m. Fifty cents pays both your' way mbt thc -pool and bus fare to and from the pool. Bus Schedule for This Event: Meadowcrest-Brooklin I12:15 p.m., Rossland-Walton 1 2:25 p.m., Denis O'Connor 12:30 p.în., Henry Street High Sehool 12:35 p.m., Centen- niai BIdg. 12:40 p.m., Blair Park Plaza 12:45 p.m., Gar- rard Rd. (DRTS) 12:50 p.m. Thc bus leaves for pool at the above tinies and places. The bus leaves the pool at 2: 10 P. 1. Movie Day will get under way on Wednesday, Decern- ber 27îh at 9:30 a.mn. in the Centennial Building Theatre with a second showing at 1:30 p.nm. Sonie of the fea- turcs bcing presen ted include: "How the Animais Discovered Christmias," "Winter of the Witch" and others. Twenty five cents will cover each child's admission to Movie House productions. Small re- freshmcnts will be sold. Dunlop Radial PIy Tire H EÀDQuARTrERS ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVILE '103 Dundas St. East Whitby 668%356 , XMAS 4e-01 GINGERBREAD d« HOUSE 7075 <SA'. BERLINER XMAS STOLLEN " CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES LARGE VARIETY IMPORTED DELICACIES " EUROPEAN STYLE #1EAT CUIS SPECIAL GERMAN RYE BREAD reg. 50dt Speciol 4.54- a bf BAY RIOGES BAKERY BAY RIDGES PLAZA 839-3966 By Elizabeth Tyler Without rcalizing it, you could very quiekly become the proud owner of onc of these princes or princesses. Their long, luxuriant coat, and adorable baby faces are sure to steal your heart. This is a pet to adore and idolize. Being extremely handsomne and meticulously clean; hiis quiet companionshîp will make you, bis master, an envy in your neighbourhood or apartment building. Once acquired, you have a real home-lover, and with a very limited amnount of exercise, but proper care and love, you have a pet who will live to a ripe old age, anywhere A TERRJFIC INVESTMENT-For approxiîîatcly S 5.50 you nîay purchase a "scratching post"~. This is a carpet cov- ered post with spring and catnip mouse ... it will save your furniture anîd keep your cal's claws trini. Copyright - 1972 PUBLIC NOTICE RELOCATION 0F PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS - BROOKLIN MUNICIPAL OFFICE P lease b. advised that as of Decemrber 11 th# 1972, and until further notice, the Public Works Departmnents of the Town of Whitby wiI b. looeted at 14 Church Street, Brooklir,, Ontario. The following are the telephone numbers for offices to the respective departments: Pu blic Works Planning 655-3384 655-3346 655-3385 65F>3347 A Il correspondence and telephone inquiries for these departments should be mnade directly to the Brooklin off ice and at the telephon. numbers listed above. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk of the Town of Whitby. FR11 Handsome AM-FM Radio with Rich Walnut Cabinet, Drift Free Sound with AFC Lock- Wood Solid State YES, ITS FREE! When you purchase any Color T.V. Here is ;just one of many models we have on- Speciais PHILC ONLY$5 0 WE'LL EVEN GIFT WRAP IT. SO COME SEE OUR SELECTION LTElLE-QUUCK SERVICE 131 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 723-0192 Thurs-. & Fri. 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. 9 - 6 OFFER E Wl RES DEC. 25/72 MIDWAY DAT.SUN fermn.rîy-ZOLirtuaM&nicKis Now Locat.d ut 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. -PRKDUCT 668-6828Y a 1 m 1 m Your persian wilI corn- plctely take over your home. He will be the one >to decide the li-ne for play f and eýoddling. With the dif- férent strains in the long- haircd division, wc find i différent personalities, and if somie are more affectionate J! 0,< than others. The Persian t~.ix ~gets along well with cliil- 1. dren and shows a great ~ jamiount of tolerance and *~~j 'ai"~'~ affection. He loves lu cx- plore, playing cat and inouse gamies. venturing ini- to boxes, closes, drawcrs and cupboards-so be care- fuI, neyer close a door until you know where hie is. Kiiow your Persian's instinct, If' pcriiîîted lu roami outdoors, you'll find he's a very good mnouser and even will bring home the odd bird. To lhelp prevent tbis, tic a little tinkling bell 10 his collar. .To kcep meticulously dlean, dic Persiani, limisclf, lias a fulI-timie job, but lie still iîecds your lîelp. Regular bruish- ings and comlbings will eliiniinate tic chance of impossible snarls, which ofily scissors cati get out. A bristle hruslh is iucli preferred tu a nylon one, wh ich will creale eîectricity aiid soi his coat un end. And remiember, hrushi coiner to the direction thec hair gruws. Thiis will loosco aiîy scale on the skin1. ('ais like dogs and aduflts have ticir accidents and ilîniesses. A lieal îhv Persian is a happy. lY fuil pet. and should voni notice aîîv difference in his bebiaviouir. otiier îtliaii îlîat vliclb cari bo tredîcd by firsi aid, i î's isest tu consuflt Vouir veteriniariaiî. Yotir Persi an caîi contirac I niaîiy ilînesses-puisoil . iair bailIs. diarrlica and cons!tipat ion, wormis, fiiermaI parasites, mites, ticas. lice anîd t icks--skin probleiîis aîîd félinîe ci- lerilis (somietiiies cal led féline distenîiper---altliîouLglhuîlike the distemiper wh icli affect s dugs). Puilînioiary ailiiîent s and prieunoni lis are also coinnotuhie tféline breed. The 11LIosetradinÎig prubleniI lias probably bccîî solved by Mothier cat. At a very earlv age, she will carry lier off- spring to the lit ter box. Make this itCîîî One Of your firsi. important accessories if VOun11I VC jUSl purcbased a kit ten - keep it handy aind close lu his play area. About 3,000 B.C.. the Egyptians ta,îîed the cal to protect tIheir stores of grain. Fromi Egypt. domiestic cats spread slowly tihrougliout the civilized world, and the earliost record in Great Briîaiîi dates frumi A.D., 1)36. Doniestic cals are dividcd ilito slîort-haired aind long- haired groups. The formier resemible the wild cats uf' Europe anîd Africa in colouir andd makcup; the long-haired types beiîîg developed iii Persia aîîd Af'ghanistan. There are two varieties of long-lîaired cats; Persian and Angora. The Per- sian bas a rouîîded face anîd coarser fur; ils tail is thickest near the tip. YoLI niay choose from îbhree suib-coloLur groups- thie solid colour, patched cals and silver.1 m "'TIDBITS" ÀeA 1 1