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Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1972, p. 11

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, TI URSDAY, DECEMI3ER' 14,1972, PAGEI MOTORING with Mike Burgess Busy Bill Brack took timie out last week to appear as the guest speaker for Oshawa Motor Sport CIlub's mlonthl>' meeting. Bill remninisced about sorte ot his racing experi- ences, and provided a filin based on the Continental 5,000 sertes in which hle comipeted. Brack seemned somnewhuat disgruntled with the lack of available sponsors willing to help offset the $50-150,000 budget needed to compete ini this sentes. He also l'elt that it is more difficult lfor 'pat-timie' Canadian nacers to go south every year and quickly get back in the 'groove' after the winter lay-off. Brack, the owner of Sports Car Unlirited. anid SCU uccessories, said that hie is uncertain wlîether hie will be racing next year if he doesn't find a substunitial sponsor. Also at the samne meeting, O.M.S.C. hejd its election of officers for '73. Elected were: Mike Burgess- presidenit; Jim Fammie- vice president; Wilmia Jeyes- treasurer; Cheryl Alexander- secretary; and Ralph Robinson- public re- lations chairman. 1 thinik the past president Dick Baker lhas to be coi- mended for a job well done. Besides being a director in General Motors and an antique car collector, Dick lius man- aged to do an excellent job guiding O.M.S.C. throughi just about aIl the local motorsport happeninigs including the Can-Anm, Grand-Prix, and the Autofest. Unfortunately a lot of the enthusiasts who go to these major races don't*realize how imuch local O.M.S.C. mnembers are involved. Take for example the Grand Prix: O.M.S.C. niembers look after clearing the race cars throughi customns; unlouding tbemn from tle airplane; tranisporting thiern t1 Oshawa; housing the cars;- loaning 'street cars' Io tlhe drivers; and operating a 'driver-crew' service progrnm<not to mention bielping somne oft he teamns wonk on the cars)! The other past-execti ve miemrber is Gerry D)odds (ex P.R. mnan). Gerry lias been iin tlhe club about 1I-" cars. and bas acted as the P.R. man l'or the last few. During tliese years, besides con tinually provîdinig us with excellent movies.hie lbas mianuged to suppl>' sonie ol île biggest ninmes iii racing as guest speakers: Johin Petrie. Jackie Oliver, George Eaton. anid Allie aînd Stephuniie Ruys de Perez (the ShielI commercial girl) just to inme a few. Thiere is no doubt that O.M.S.C. is well known as a very active club both iiinmotorsport and sociall>'. but es- pecially l'on the initerestinig imonthly nmeetings. Last Sep- tomber wben Jackic Oliver uîtended thee was stnding roomi only-. and those banquet roomns at the Holiday lInn are pnetty large! Anyway, 1 think Gerry Dodds is very deserving of credit for bringinig about alI this. and rnostly b>' hfmiself. So l'in sending a tip of' the old Burgess crash hlelmiet ho Dick and Gerry! I talked to an old fiend lust week who should know, and hie says the Bulova series ut Mospont is def'initel>' on BRIGHTEN .(Jp FOR CHRISTMAS It's stiIli time for t'hot carpet for Xmas RUG SIZES OR WALL TO WALL INSTALLA TION Celanese, Harding, Coronet, Caravelle, Bîgelow, Olympia, Burlington & E.T.Ç. Bay Ridges Plaza WE SELL AND SERVICE 839-357e5 THE STORE FOR PEOPLE IN LOVE WITH THEIR HOMES BROADLOOM, CARPETS, AREA RUGS. VINYL FLOORING, CUSTOM DRAPERIES, and SHEERS, CERAMICS, TILES PIC- TURE FRAMING againl1'or- at least one more year. more Iikely two. 'fich offi- cialiiinnountcet antI 'ldconfirmalitÎon of prize oney won't be m-ade 'tîli next year. And Mosport Racîing Partnershiip (MRP) in conjonlctioni with die Can-adian Automiobile Sport Clubs (C.A.S.C.) wilI bc sponsoring a 'send a driver to Ezurope' programi. I've also houard talk about another sertes that mu>' corne in a ý'ear or two, but that's stricti>' hushi-hush, and miy lips are stapled shut! When somietifig definite devclops, you will be the first to know (like Donohue hiad his Porsche under 'wraps', I spilled the beans about it being turbo- chu rged.) Anyhiow, enough ranmbling for this week! Any mail send to R.R. No. 4, Oshawa. 'TIi next week, Happy Motoring! New minimum wage The 1-onourableFern Gui- ndon, Minister of Labour and Men ber of the Legislature for Stormont, announced to the House December 7th changes in the legislation covering the minimum wage in Ontario. Effective February 1lst, 1973, the minimum wage for emnployees in general industry will become $ 1.80 per lîour and for emiployees in con- struction $2.05 per lîour. Currently, regulations mnade under The Enîpîoyment Stan- dards Act estublish a sepurate minimum wuge rate f'or stud- ents. However, the terni "stu- dent" lias neyer been defined and this lias led 10 some diffi- cuIt>'. Older persons attending universities or involved iii post-graduate study,regandless of their uge, have legully been puid ut a special student rate. To overcoine this dilflicult>', students wilI now be deflned as beiîg under the ugo of ciglîteen ycears and effective Februiary I st, 1973 the stu- -dent rate wiIl be S .45 per hlir. Full-t ine emiployces un- der thie'age 0f,,eighteen WilI neceive the neguluriiiIiiiuni rate of S1.80. Whîen making the an- nouncenien t, Mn. Guindon pointed out that the purpose of tîe iniminum wage is to 1 là From $MesS COROLLA 1200 SEDAN o Front Disc Sr4kn o White Wall Tires o Roar Windovv Oefoggsr o Four Sped Synctrorr.sh Transmission o And Many Otheri BESTWAV YIOfS DUNOA8 ST. W. M4ITBY 668»4792 insure the highest possible wage rate for low paid em- ployees while at the same time preventing unemploy- ment among workers due to high labour costs. When these changes be- corne effective, Ontario will have one of the highest pro- vincial minimum wage rates in Canada. THE HOUSE 0F SCANDIN4~VIAN HOME FIJRNISHINGS IMPO RIE OR CUSTOM l MADE Whitby MaIl Hwy. 2 at Thiçkson Rd. 576-1880 hans leipner John P. LvacBeth, M.P.P. (York West) tabled in the Leg- islatune Decemiben 6th the Re- port of the Select Cornmittec on the Ontario Municipal Boa rd. The Repor t recornrnnds that the 0MB be retained, with some revision of its respon- sibilities. Suggested improve- ments include the transfer of responsibilit>' for both super- vision of municipal nîonetary responsibilities anid amalgama- tion of boundaries to the Ministry of Treasur>', Econo- mics and Intergovernmental Affairs. The report also recomn- mcnds that the 0MB should be the sole body for assess- ment appeal. Pnesently, both the count>' courts and the 0MB are responsible. The report deals exten- sively with citizen participa- tion, and urges such groups to act at the municipal level rather than at the 0MB level. "The 0MB should become an appeal body only and should deal with matters'not de novo but on accepting the evidence that lias already been documnented and put before the council," Mr. MacBeth said. Ail These Quality Features *Straight Stitch e Zigzag Stitch * Bult-in Buttonholer Built-in Blind Hemmer e, Multiple Stitch j"Stretch nIZigzag a Push-button Reverse * Built-in Light e Round Bobbin a Variable Drop Feed'* Pop-up Damner* Bulit-in Lint Cleaner e Low Lift Link Take-up *V-Belt Drive* Bobbin Winding Tension @ Etched Seam Guide. Bulit-in Motor. BOND ST. W. (DOWNSTAIRS) OPEN THURS. & FRI. TI L 9 p.m. %~?ew~9 Omo stiI.I the bosis CHOOSE YOUR PARTY DRESS ck NOW FROM ELLENS GREAT SELECTION BEAUTIFUL "AT HOME"' BEAUTIES JUST RIQHT FOR XMAS GVINU GIFT CERTIFICATE AVAULABLE ON REQUEST ELLEN 'SHO USE Bay Ridges Plaza $39-2848 "from the people who care what vou wear' v OSHAWA 576-7550 a 8

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