The hure of $25,000 i prize and accessory awards is expected 10 attract North Amnerica's top snowmiobile ra- cers for tie 3rd Annual Bosch invitationial at Mosport Park, Januiary 12, 13, 14. With more than double the nloney Ironi lasi year's race ip lfor grabs, thîe event is expected 10 draw en tries from niy of' the powerftil manti- flîctuirers' îeamis. "Sniowînobile racing is bc- conhing more popuilar every year as both a spectator and participant sport," said H.i. Bauider, presiden t and general Manager of Robert Boschi (Canada) Lîmited. "1'îiîsre the additional prize money ensures uis of mie0 of the best fields of snowmiobile racers ever seeni anywhere." Two-tinîe Bosch Invitat ion- aI wvinner. Rick Clarke of Barrie wiIl lead a contingent of local stars against the many factory-backed inivaders ex- pected to attend. Clarke, rid- ing-an indepenldently.entered Ski-Doo, hias denionstrated his ability to handle the fac- tory teanms in the past. Mosport Presidenit Harvey Hudes said he is pleased with the trernendous accoptance of snowmiobile racing. "It lias made Mosport a year-cound racing plan t. We've nloticed that spectators like to bring their own machines to the track where thero are 500 acres of riding space. We like th-at idea," lie said. "Thiis year, we will provide warni-up lents for spectators and guided trail rides." Thie hotter modified racing snowmiobiles are expected 10 hît record speeds over 100 nîiph 011 a iiew onle-mîlle, hlighi- bankced over track. The Course still uses tlic start-finishi straighit and the tirst and last corners of Mosport's fanmed Grand Prix auto track. A super - fast straighit witlh banked turns at botli ends will cul across die Mosport infield 10 conîplete [tie oval. For thie tirstitiime. tie racers will travel iin a cminier- clockwise direction l'or the Bosch Invitational. a more failiar direction f'or profes- sional snowr-nobile riders. Durham soccer survey A major inquiry int the status 0f soccer in Canada has been arranged beîween Tor- onto lawyer Bruce Thomas, who was recently appointed by then-Minister of Health and Welfare Johin Munro to prepare a report 01n the sport, and Durhiam College of Ap- pîied Arts and Technoîogy in Osh awa. The survey, which cotild be the prototype for future re- ports on mnore than 50 sports phayed and waîched by Cana- dians, wihl also examine [he exisiing role of the foéderal gyovernmnent in national sport- iii", actîvittes. Mr. Thioias, who is also the solici tor f'or TIoronto0 Met- ros of thie North i Amricani Soccer League, initiîaed the l)lanning of the srîrvey with Robert Crich ton, chairmian of dho Applied Arts Division of Durhiam Colloge. Durhanm Colloge was ap- proachied because itlihas esta- bîishied a posi-secondary di- plonia programi in Sports & Entortainnient Administra- tion, believcd 10 bo the first of ils kind in Canada and possibîy in North Ainerica. The agreemien ( was reached after Mr. Thomnas hoeld pre- Iiiniary discussions wiîh Mr. Crichton and neinbers of fa- culîy and students învolved in the Sports & Entertainrnon t Administration programi, and was satisfîed that thie college had the capability in students, faculty, administration ancu facilities to undertako such a projeci. 0f ail sports played in Canada, soccer was selected for oxarninahion for several reasons, among which are: - [t is played, to varying extents, in every region of Canaà da; - It is the most popular of international sports, is not identifiable with any one or a small num ber of nations, and enjoys a world-wide following, b yet has met with a -com- parative Iack of success, es- pecially at the spectator level, in Canada and the United States; - It is, on the other hand, believed 10 be the Most rap- idly expanding sport, in torms of participants, in Canada; -It is a major attraction at the Olympic Gamnes, and il is hoped that the survey and re- port will help Canada put on a reasonabhe showing (and draw large attendances) in soccer matches scheduled for the 1 976 Garnes in Moîîîreal. The kcy factor ini prepar- ing and analysing the first stop of the report -a series of nation -wide surveys--is the ad- mljiistrati>1onto the project, whicli wiIl be the responisi- biîity of the sîudenis anid facuîuy involved ai Duriarn. MVl WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972, PAGE 13 Sportori B' F DOUG WEALES Skip Eileen PhilP of Ajax is flanked on her right by Doris Ames, Ajax and Chris Doughty, Oshawa and by Lead Eileen Betts, Westhill on her Iett as they won the Whitby Ladies' Bonspiel. - Murray White Photography. Aleox rink wins 'fspiel 'nie annLlal Attersley's openî Bonspiel was held at the Whitby Curling Club on Dec. 6i and was a hîuge success w-ith 24 rinks participa îing. This was a two 1hO-end gaines comipetition, scored on a point systern of 10 points for a win, one point per end won, and ý4 point for each blank end. Robert Attersley made the trophy presonitation and ac- comipanying awards to thce winning Whiitby rink of skip Eilcen Phiilp), vice Eileen Bonis and fron t end of Chiris Dougli- ty and Doris Aines. Runner- Uip was a rink froni Tain I-ea ler witli skip Thea Laà nge. vice, Madeline McKenna. se- IPRE-CHRISTMAS SALE i RIDER ALL COLOURS FITS ALL MOIXLS 0F SNOWMOBILES RIDER TOOL 1729 Chariot St. SLEDS. PROM $7!5.00 668m6990 DARO MOTORCRAFT SERVICES 555 Wentworth St. E. Unit No. 3 Oshawa, Ontario 579-0362 New Replacement Snowmobile Engines fromn- $1 09.95 QUALITY MOTOR IS AT WHDLESALE PRICES-CASTROL. KENDALL, VAL VOLINE, QUAKERS & PENNZOIL APPOINIMENTS To TOWN 0F WHITBY BOARDS AND'COMMITTEES TAKE NOTICE that a limited number of Appoint- ments wi Il be made by the Coun cil to various Boards and Committees for 1973: Residents interested in being considered for appoint- ment to a Board or Committee are invited to notif y the undersigned in writing by Wednesday, January 3rd, 1973. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. cond, Vera Ednîunston and lead, Nancy Prentice. Third prize went to, Whitby rink skipped by Tiny Sorichet ti. High 2 game for fourth prize went ho a rink fromi Avonlea skipped by Peg Sellers. The consolation prize went Io a Tain Heaither rink skipped by Boa Lewver. Other winninig 2 gaines wenît to Whilby rink skipped by Boa McFarlanc and a Port Perry rinik skipped by Lilliani Cou ok. Borispiel cotivenior Evelyn Sheffeld anid lier social chair- manl, Ruth Joness. arranged a Inconannfor afu nks SUZUKIMOIE SUZUKU XR-400 e Depenclably powered. styled and priced for ail-round farruly f un. *2-cylînder 395 c.c. engine responds quietly, smoÃ"thly. " Tough reinforced rubber track provides solid- traction in ail kinds of conditions. " Engineered with tuned exhaust. twin carbs, single fuel pump.$ 0 OUTSTANDUNG VALUE A 09 SUZUKI 292 NOMAD " Low in price, yet loaded wîth features-a great choice to gel your family started in the world of snowmobîling.9 " Fuil-size chassis for comfort and safety. " Powered wth a thrif iv, dependable single- cylinider engine. CHECK OUR RC .. NL 775ý Dependable parts and service Convenient budget ternis OSHAWA SNOWMOBILE CLINIC The Brooklin-Whitby Caiiadian Tire "Tirerncn" of the O.H.A. Metro Junior "B" Hockey League have phayed 14 garnes t0 date, winning seven, Iosing six with one gaie lied. The teani is îlot ini trouble, but could very welI end up tliat way if they continue to play the way they have ini their recent outings. The last three garncs for the liremnen have ended ini losses, miainly due to thc f'act that they don't sceem 1o want to do any real body checking. Somi erebers of the teain give ýail they've got, while others seemn to think thai if you show the opposition how fast you can skate orhlow fancy you cati stickhandle they wiII let you go whiere you please. The gaine of' hockey just isn't played that way if you waI1t 10 WIl. The Tiremien have a lot of good hockey players ini the lino-up, and if îlîey want to remiain in the lino-up, they had better start to show that they can handie thernselves instead. of letting other tearns corne in and push thern around. Coach Bill Berwick is a knowledgeable and patient man, but the patience could start to wear thin. 1437 KING ST. Ea to. ~,uW Ys Mile East of Townline . 7234881 SMOWMOBIIE RACES PLANNED 41> SPARTACUS PRODUCTS LIMITED Manufacturer & distributor of a complete line of f irst grade sanitation products is pleased to an-- nounoe the appointment of Mr. Bert L. Vaughan as Area Supervisor covering Eastern Ontario. SPARTACUS carrnes floor finishes, detergents, soaps, waxes, paper products including speciaîized chemnicaîs. Mr. Vaughan brings a weaîth of ex- perience in this field to his new position and is Iooking forward to hearing from his many friends at 668-4490, 921 Harding St., Whitby, Ontario. Head office is located at 37 Klondike Dr., Weston, 741-3774. ~' i R*Re 4 ODPIAWA