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Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1972, p. 1

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Pre* WHITBY-Whitby police be- lieve they have put arn end to some of the sheep killing in the district by shooting a large dog caught in the act of ravaging penned sheep on a town farm. Constable Joseph Catoul responded to a call from Ro- saldo Russo, co-owner of a Farm on Garrard Rd. who said a dog was bothering his sheep. Const. Catoul drove to the farmi, crept around a farm building and let fly with a shotgun at a large dog later identified as a Ge rmani Shep- herd. The animal was instantly kliied. The incident was the se- cond in as many days at the same location. On Sunday, the other owner of the farîn, Donato Mastroianni. of Osh- awa, reported a sheep lad been killed 'by a dog in the early hours of thc morning. Police, answering that caîl, found a miature sheep writh- ing in, its death agony withi intestines and other internai organs scattered about. Oh sh..p - dog In the latest incident, the, anfimal-which was shot by police was described as a beau- tiful, well fed German shep- herd complete with a dog col- lar but no tag. "It was ob- viously a well-cared-for pet,'" said Inspector Fred Baker of town police. He said hie believes it to be the saine animal which has been harassing farmers and their sheep for several weeks in the area. "Wc have always belicved the killings were the work of a large dog or dogs," he said. "We neyer believed they were wild animais or" those running in packs." The inspector said an ex- amnination of the shot animal revealed wool in its teeth and mouth. "There is no doubt but that thc dog lad been in contact with the sheep," he said. The inspector said most of the shcep killing incidents re- ported to the department have occurred in the pcriod just be- fore daylight or just after. He said most of the killings have been in an area adjacent to built up arcas of the com- munity and not in the rural areas which would be the case if the animais were truly wild. The inspcctor's vicws are shared by officiais of the On- tario Humane Society. Mrs. Helen Allen, shelter supervisor at the Society-com- pound on Thickson Rd., con- firmned that several incidents of sheep killing have been re- ported and that most have been in areas close to the built-up areas of the com- rnunity and in thc carly morn- ing hours. Shc expiained that dog uwners, for the most part, keep their animaIs under re- straint during the 8 a.m. bo 7 p.m. hours of the Society's patrols, but feel free to let them run buose betwcen the off lours. Mrs. Allen said the latest killing brings to about haif a dozen tle number of sheep reported kilied by dogs in re- cent weeks. Con tinued otî Page 3 VOL. 2# NO. 50 THURSOAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 10 CENTS PER COPY Guesim On0 i M@»neuy -by Bill Williams WHITBY-The iong-awaited and much feared spectre of regional governnenit for the counties of Ontario, Northumberland and Durham appears ready to shuck its cloak of nystery. Charles MacNaugliton, minister heading up the Ministry of Treasury, Econoinics and Intergovernmentai Affairs for the Provincial government, is to take the wraps off plans for this area on Decemnber 18 at a, public meeting in Oshawa. The nmeeting is scheduled, Queen's Park, did not wanî officiais from ali m1unicipali- for Lasîdale Collegiate aid to do anlytlîing ai a limie tics involvcd. Vocational Institute. comn- when its decisions might re- How effective these mneet- miencing ai 8 pa.m. lect on municipal eleetions ings will be remiains to be That regional goverm'mmient wvhich were held almnost every- seen but il-seemns onlikely thlat for the area bias beeni a fore- where on Decemiber 4. Politi- ail will be placated. Eacli gone conclusion, despite ar- cal hay could have been made muitnicipality sees itseif as a gumrenits tu tle cunitrary. is from the views lu bcecx- separate entity and herein lies evidcniced hy the fact that pressed aind this île govern- the problemî., plans for the cmitire areai will ment ccrtaînfly lad nu inten- How is it possible to satisfy be revcaied ai that liie, lion uf, abet ting. the requests of -ail areas witliin In ami annotincemient iin The self - deteriniation the region and still have any Turrntu carlier tlîis wveek il votes amnd expressions made furmi of effective regional guv- was cutmfrmncd that 'govern- by couricils and clectors at the ertnmenî? Thc answer seemsn ment plamns t'or ail aspects of timue uf the mumnicipal polling obvious. It can'î bc dune. the reorgai/ationi are nuw now, apparerîîly, seemis like a The *nunicipalities will aIl rcady for revelation amîd dis- futile gesture. It can be ar- argue their cases well. Thc cîssion. gucd that nu fimnal decision province will attentively lis- The anmîuumcenîcnt samd lias been made in respect lu ten--tIen do things ils own ol'ficia,,ls of'ithe Ministry wvill thc overaîl regional guvern- way. discuss the proposais witlî mewnt, but in vicw utf past But, wlîatever cisc 'the De- represemtatives of individual performance onme can't lîelp ceniber I18 mîeeting ducs, it miun icipalities in the cumning but wonder how nuclî faith will cmnd the specimlatiomi about mnon ths before amîy finial de- lupptmt ini ihis statem1leIt. what will cventually happemi. cisions are made. - At tlhe Oshawa meceting, It may evemi set a target date Hlowever. observers close tu Mr. MacNaughtonmîwilI he :w- lfo' awtivatiiith fln DIJNDAS STREET SCHOOI CONCERT This band of happy students are among 275 pupîis at Dundas Street School in Whitby who will be presenting an Xmas musicale and carol sing at the school thisevening. The program is being produced and direcied by the teachers and T.J. Park, principal. - Murray White Photography. XMAS MAIL TIe Canada Post Office offers tle reminder tîat al out-of-town Christmas mail must be posted nu later than December 17 tu ensure de- livery prior lu Chîristmas. Thc deadlînc for local mail was December 13 but every effort will be made tu effcct delivery in this category tu local addresses even beyond tIc dcadlin-witI resulis not guaranteed. thie scene suggest tlîis is simil- ply guvernnmieminte se tu case the slîock of wlat is tu cinie. Tîîcy suggest iliat, imn tic past sucli discussiomns have beemi lield in uttier areas anîd lien the guvcrtnment gues alecad and ducs il its way anyliuw. Thc timîing for the public meletimig is under-sitanidable. Free parking In accordance witlî a local bylaw, free parking at all parking me te rs and municipal parking lots will prevail in Wliîby bcîween Monday, De- cemnber I18 and Saturday. De- cenber 23. Downtown retailer Jue Ottcnbritc says there is mno doubt regarding the advan- tages offéed lu dowiîtowmî mnercliants witlî île lempor- ary lift on parking penalties, but says le wouid like lu sec free parking îniplcmientcd a week previous tu Ic prescrnt set-uLip. conîipai ied hk' lis pamliamuen- tmyassistant, Domnald R. Ir- vinie. Later. Mr. lirvimie amnd otlier ullicials of'ithe Mimisîry will b t)c eting witli elected Most uf thec money stihi semîs lu be un iaîîuary, 1974 and thelîc iing of this mîîeting would aliost seemu lu con- fit-Ii il. ends Inside TENDERING IRKS LOCAL BUSINESSMEN - Pg. 3 HOMEY GLOW 0F CHRISTMAS... Our Feature Photo Page, Page 4 LOCAL SPORTS - Commences on Pg. 12 FROM AN INJURED AUTO TO APOLOGIES FOR THE WHITBY HOUSE - LIGHTHEARTEDLY - "One Man's View" with Bill Williams. Bill LeGro s honored, AJAX-Williami E. Legros, retiring mnayor of Ajax,.lhas been signally honored by Ajax Council for his I12 years of mu- nicipal service, includingIthe last four as chief miagist rate. Monday, in a unanimous vote of approval, the Ajax Il1unicipal recreation cen tre was officially namied the Williamn E. LeGros recreation complex. Located south of Bailey St. betweeni Harwood and Monarch, the large complex at present contains an arena and swiinig pool. The centre is to be .enlar-ged in the future but no date for the expansion hias been set. Mr. LeGros, a school principal. hias been one of the hiardest working, nmost popular nmnicipal politicians in the comm11unity's history. Wlhen lie announced is decision flot to con test the mnayoralty in the Decemiber 4 election, large segments of thc Ajax population wvere upset but tliey could flot prevail Lipon the mayor to change his mn d. Mr. LeGros itndicated hie felt lie had hiad enougli of poiitics and 'Wanted t spen1d more timie ith his faniily and devote even more effort to his rote as mi educator.

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