PAGE 8, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS I - BIRD 'S-.ý EVE WFWW by Jim Quoil It's thougiht that count At least that's what mny parents always uised t0 tell!nie at Christrmas Mien 1 received a pair of socks instead of' a new toy. Mind you in tliose days there wasn't the variety of toys to choose t'rom -that there is now. A quick browse throughi the stores at this tirne of the year and you'll discover there are as miany toy displays as there are furniture or appliances. In fact, you can even- get childreni's furniture and appliances. lt's enough 10 mnake a kid flot wanî to grow Up. And the people who always pick the toys are usually the adults. The manufacturers are quick to pick up on thiis so they design toys that will sel! 10 the father and amuse the kids. Any departrnent store salesclerk will tell you mosl of the mode! train sets ar&boughî by dad. Sometimes the kid doesn't even want one, but dad is hooked. A well set up'display of mode! trains with tunnels, stations, whistles and smnoke will draw the fathers in like files to hioney. l'm sure we ail have an urge to revert 10 childhood, but it runs sîronger in the maie of the species. Those models wrth whistles and srnoke bring back mcmn- ories of the days when steamn trains ran the rails aIl across the continent. So instead of a spacemnan kit the son gets a mode! train kit and dad gels a little 'of his childhood back. ME'SWEAR 103A DUNDAS W. 668-3261 Il OPEN MON. THRU SAT. r 9 A.M. tilI 9 e.M WýE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F CHRI I ISTMAS GIFTS But you can't blamne hlm too niuch for that. Wlîen our genceration were kids wc didn't have much in the way of îoys. Cars were big in those days so you played with used car parts or you gol a duli jacknife and carved, and when the chestnut trees werc ripe you played with a liard chest- nut on a string. At Christmnas the presents wcre sensible things like clothing or books. And what a' disappointiient il was to unwrap a box with visions of a toy tool set only to discover il was, 'a îîice warm sweater". Allowances were meager and were mneant (o be saved up 10 buy ajazzy pair of pants or jacket, but a toy was con- sidered a foolishi investniient anîd wasni't usually permnitted. That's probably why the ovCr 30 generation today is con- sidered by the youniger set t0 bc loo mnaterialistic. So why îlot'?? The over 30's neyer hiad a chance 10 buy tlhe tlîings that our young generation are now given. It semns the opposite situation is happening today. At Christnmas the children gel so niany toys they can't de- cide whiclî one t0 play wilh first. After the decision is miade it's just a fast process of elfinination because the toys fal aparl su quick!y that ln some cases 1 swcar lhcy self-destruct. T[le mnanuifacturers cal! it, "planned obsolescence". That nieans it quits just about the timc îthey figure you should buy a new one. My idea of a present was somcething thal I always wanted, didni'î need and couldn't afford anyway. Il doesn't have b bec a luxury item, il could just be somcîthing frivol- ous. Unforîunately it doesn't work with me because ever since those frustra îing dîays at Christimas as a kid 1 stilI get sensible presents. Sensible presenîs are socks and sirits, pan îs and even underwear. 0f course the latter iîîakes it kind of difficult thie day afler Clîristinas when the family wants 10 sec whà î you got for Christîmas and you can'î show themi because you're wearing sonie of the gifts. When you have 10 shop for somiebody who lias every-. thing the final choice is often a sensible gift sinîply because you can't thuîîk of anything else. You krîow the kind, booze for a drinker, smiokes for a smoker and a flashy tie for the swinger. Because 1 do the cooking my idea of a neal presen t is a nifty gizîîîo for the kitclîcn. But 1 don't suppose the aver- age father would be ecstatic about a new egg beater. If you're sîuck for an idea though you cari always give tlhe ian in your life a cookbook. If lie looks surprised on Clîristnias day you can always say. 'its thie tlîouglîî iliat counts' .. ...and dieu renîind iiaboutthie 5flow lires lie gave you last Christmas. 1M YOU'LL GETA WARM RECEPTION AT ALLTEN 0F OUR OUTLETS. Volvo',s new high-powerecl heater spreads warmth whcrever you sit. JAKE & BILI'S GARAGE Taunton Rd. Oshawa. E. at Wilson 723-3041 CABLECAST 8 - BROADCAST SCHEDULE DECEMBER 18 - DECEMBER 22, 1972 Monday Dec. 18 Tuesday Dec. 19 Wednesday Dec. 20 Thursday Dec. 21 Friday Dec. 22 5:00 p.m. Evening Report: Dave Stewart with Sports 6:15 Basic Bible Briefs 6:30 Kinsmen Cable TV Bingo 1:45 Basic Bible Briefs 8:00 Hotline to Heaven - Topic: Di- vorce, Ves or No 8:30 Sermonette 5:00 p.m. Sports Special (Curling) 6:00 Evening Report: Manpower Re- port 6:30 Hotline to Heaven (Monday Re- peat). 7:00 Sound Talent '12 7:30 Sports Special (Pea Wee Hockey) 5:00 p.m. 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 5:00 p.m. 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:30 9:00 5:15 p.m. 5:45 6:00 6:30 8:00 Sermonette Buya SO BR bYaRDmMaN get a $109.95 electrie starter A Pre-Seas.on Sale that'Itake the sting out of those fiîrst white flakes! WHILE THEY LAST, They'lI go fast! And snow's on its way. BUY NOW and be réady! RUNDLE GARDEN CELNTRE 1015 KING ST. E., 725-6551 OSHAWIA, ONT. Watch It! Kids Sound Talent'72 Evening Report: Dave Stewart with Sports Orn The Wall U Titky Kwitky TO BE ANNOUNCED The Country Doves with Norm Babineau Sermonette Santa Claus The Country Doves with l'ormi Babineau Evening Report Watcli It! Kids U Titky Kwitky Sports Special: (Hockey) 3 R's - Mike Breaugh Sports Special (Curling) Santa Claus Basic Bible Briefs Evening Report Sports Special: (Curling) i PRINTING High Quality Invtations Your wedding de- serves the best in- vitations and an- nouncements ..- select from our tasteful samples. Expert Consultation WAH ITE3Y FREE PRESS 212 BUK ST., SO U TI- 668-6111 TiHE MOST PRECIOUS GIF FOR TiHE SPECIAL SOMEONE GIVE HUERÀAFURIM uSCIIRSTMAS Beautifuily Gift Wrapped .Exehangeable OP EN NIGHThY TILL 9 SAT. TILL 6 - FREE PARKING "the finest fur store" OSHAWA FURRIERS 463Bo*nd St. E. 728-8322 Canada's number-one import car is here! Datsun 1600. 96 horses, up to 35 miles to the gallon. With the kind of per- formance that's made it Can- ada's most successful rally car. Buy the onie that's been& tested under the worst pos- sible conditions against the best possible competition. Datsun 1600. lt's The Leader. e*« -1973 DATSUN NOW. ON 16() Shîueoe St. Sott 0sha Cail 729-01[)51 Catch up with the a 1 leader. DATSUN 1600