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Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 27

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The Uîisinkable Rosa Browni (Coli nlued fr-oîî page 18) Onîce s/w sawv a /111/e hlac/k /anb finr sale jiiarer' Market and ilniicdiatelv bouglît it as a gi/t fJôr le voulig pricesses. Carrylng i i ome, Rusa ac/cd lc/ 11<>etleIztero- gem.uus col/eciio, fi ->tdfr-iends îv/ich s/îarec/ the smîall snellv s/iatk iii 'v/iclz s/e lit'ecl, v/il/e she macle ar-- rangeenets tu esc'ori il pers nia//v 1t/lte s/up on w/eilf 'voîi/J sail i u Englani. lhi due course, Rosa auJ idteleamb cauglut a tranaai ar,-imed iii Mon n-cal togetlier--trtiig i the luggage l'an, since Rosa t/îoug/ît iflinust uuîseeîn/,v liai lier Mal(jesti' 's lu val su becet s/iou/l recine at easceli an upper beri/z w/ilt lier Ma/est 1,'s lo val /anîh bleaieci t/e niles awav inlu, uîelv ciscVoiilIOrt. Eatl'w/m t/le queen rea//î' tiionglit of t/ils unlsoIic-iltd gi/i lu lieu- daug/aers is not known. Rosa i-e- cen 'cd tlhe saieneînnitta/, iignified ac-kniowledlgemien t as s/je receiî'cJ to a/I lier comnmnications lu Bucking/hanm Palace aund tî/iubiacked it loî'ing/v Io tile> îal of ler nia/o- dorous line. Ml/ien the kfing aund queen vîisited Caniadia ini 1939, Rusa traî'e//ed b v (lai' vandl 1w ufiglît 1<) standcloni(t>epier cii Quebec i(> îvelcone tzeini, îeariuig t/lt special rusti-black ouîit and linge liai sht' iîad kepi Jô)r sue/i cerenoml occa- sionxs silce lit>r arrivaIl ii auzacla ai the humn of t/le eeuiurv, anîdcraped aboui, like Britannia, ivitli an tenornous Utuîiouî Jack. 1larassed o./icia/s t(ied Io reinoî'e lier fruni t/ie briglît liglît of» dav litu soînec dark, obscure c-onirîlcrftile docks. but Rosa liaci anticipatt'c/ mani s iiiumjaîiiy w un an anci jôrear-nied lierself iviuîz addiîiluîa/J7gs on stouf. Sharp suickà. Usiiîg il/îcst' as bavonts, Rosa procd e icinavor i lu lus Corporaion zw/il/e st'ariuîg lus ars îs'ltl a rmn.îug eonî nien tai- bncienoîîglî (o ivii out ftic 21-gmni sa/utc- rc'gardiîîg his stexual aetlmitics and lier Contention (hla lie haci beeuî dt'secied froni a lonig /Ue vi'baceors. MV/en TVieir- Ma/esçties ciseînbarked. Rusa ivas ii p/ai viiwwam'lng lier flags, tvaîcied wvarllv h vltce ROI/P. the Gov'trnor-Geiîera/ liche iaî'or. (lie ariv. uiaîvanzd alrjoi--e. As t>e i-u*val coup/t>(calle /eîel, Rosva droppedc in a gr-cefiil. iraclîrlouili urtsc v. iile t/te breatzoi rle iidtucoi/ t'xpeliec/ bi* t/iLe assenibled diguîitarites calusec ie vlîc oc'>miing jlags tiv au'e briskli, ilaa nî-inade' /n-eee. Rusa gut iecr pliotograp inluihie papers andci was îîîcn- tiuuicd in a liiaga:luiie article and l Pr a /loglimîue t/is c/av îî'as rîngc>d/ i/l hrecl inilictineinvuntil il was fJmalv escihvit>eî'isit of' ile/iig 's brtucr. The Dukeut Kenit. to Tininîluis liiiiort/ieriiOOntario. O)ni/is occasion Rusa once miort, s/ioukfiec/lius! Uîid tlie dvl' s /air.î. t/le leas andc ite oc/vinof IS/van 's infinîeuit Jn>î>î lier rt'g>a/ raimnt anîd liît(c ie/cr u'aî'noni ive' (il tht> LEmpire fHitel 1v/ii-c't/IL>i)îkc rî'as 1<>recc>lu'ca select iuîumbt>-o]fclugntaries. ie ,aîvr. po/islîiuig luis' c/ain (vf offi'c'e cit! 'ela'siiig lis sf eci oJ în.elc'omf c, ruas aglîast ca[ t/ils apparition ivho ctni-wuî (cl lîlui. c/t>i/idiliig th)' pi-c'- semieci to Ilis RO val litiic'ss. Ie aute'e clac'Iil/ i-e/uSa . the. liunubei-o <) p'v/)/c> lobhc presciited 'mvas so large' the. lie ivrmas l!lnzite'J. .h-s. 13î'omi'n Iî reu/cl sîurc'l 1111-. Bi-oic/iiiou) Ic/ inug. Mlis. Brvwu clirsedl Ilinibrit'Jli'ivîth l /, book andicauîdleuid <ook /cîsI'f Io r*etîeit' esituatioiicndPlanî licr straiegr'. hoitc't/i' /ows/c>c/cI1,i ssvumict/iîng iîohoc/v lias L>er hteî ahît' IoyJigur> ou t sî'cesulv uithi/e lic'î n ) t trible ac't t/lai atexact/t lic' att Igît momunlt Rosa appearec iniiitiî fine <of c/giitaries beiiig prc'seiiîec/ ivthu îke. andcl whil/e a slîuekecl officialin111îuc'd lier îîaîîîe 1i ic'rc>ciuls cilcl R osa mîadet'lier spectacu1ar1v ht'antifi il c'uri'se * v el k'rc H. R. Hl. George EJîvarci A /exauîder Eiînc.Dike uf Keîu i. For the iest of lier 11fr s/îc rcmninercc/ thai zîlo- nient andc spokt' of ilt mo au voule rîho iould isien, aund Io mnav iw/îo dllî t. W/îeuî(lit> Duke of' Kc"î,'s p/aile c'ras/icid reasoîîablc ain<spiiere -i w/îielî t<) onunea serions nîedltal exanîluation, you muist be as eeeuîtrie as Rosa Broivîml" Thîs sf i-y is an exc'erpi froni the we//-kntow,î Canadiauî works, 'F/anmboyan t Caîîadians,' cdited by E//leu Staff ord and ix repinieî d here with i/uc kiîîd permission of' the publisher, Baxî"er Publislîlug GompanY, Toi-untfo. letf thea a,.dto* s.- 206. stb WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1972, PAGE 27 I SNOW MOBILES -by Joyce Read CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Significat days arc Suinday the 24tlî-,nd Monday thle 25 1h wicn a igltlîcarted 'senlse of adventurc iand fun p)revails. Yotu revîcw flic last tweve lv ontlîs calmily, appreciaîively. Even tfli more ditticult phiases you pereive as a necessary evoluition. AQUARJUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 ChUristmas day is far more liarmnoniotîs tlîan the immiiediate past. 'l bre arc benleflts ini both spirituial and mnaterial blessings. 11appiness ini small things and manly practical niceds scenm to bc fulfilled. Re- mcm nber to review the year end activitics and use thcmti as guidelines iniflhc new year ahead. Make finaI plans and gear your siglits to high goals l'or tfuture success. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Romnîce, youing people and tfestive mnouds mrate anl atmosphcre of excitenwent. Christmnas Day shouild bc pleasant, svith flic accent on niaking your partner's or t'amity's intercsts predoiniant. Many of the greatest rewards have been bestowed uponl you as a result of mcerit and miaturity. Early August 1973 will bring this realistic trend to anl end. You hiave passcd thic hardest tests and the ruost serious disappointmnrts and have lcarrned tlie depth that cornes sith these tliîngs. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 This last wveck of tlic old year îîîov'C 1o an exciting close. Your most signif-icant daiys of this period are the last day of tlic ycar and the tirs( day of' the New Year. Thiere will Uc briglit prospects upon svlîiclî 10 base future Ihopes. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 This seven day period brings a soinewliat rare feeling of inner con- teiitiieint. You still face obstacles alicad of wvlicli you are aware, but you seem to have mnellowed ini attitude during tic last twvclve nionths. Soule of (lie ideals you enibraced lightly have becomie para- mîouint Io your wcll bcing. You are more flexible, less stubborn and more willing to incorporate ilew ideas mbt your work. Themie qualities corne witilîtruc naturity. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 Lvents concerning home are of paramlount interest during this last Weck oflte year. You miovc ith alacrily through A fields requiring tinme and talent. The lholiday is briglit, fcaturing a very special kind ot' togcthcrniess. Significant days of tile Neek arc Wedncsday the tlhe 27t1i, Tliursday tlle 28th and I riday tlle 29th. You do not feel the uisual lcldown aftcr a festive occasion. ('auglit up in a swirl of activity, work îo\vard invisible goals tliat youi have set for yoursett. Witliin this framnework, you wvîll t)e able to provide a needed creative atiosphiere. CANCER - itîne 21 to iuIy 22 -l'le las( period of 1972 imcorporates mol only tlle spirit of freedoni buit a sub[tle change of values. Rea t îonsh ipsý willh a partrier or your iaite are stîll stressel. A ssociations wîtIi ý ou r tamîily, whilec losc, poin t tip hic di ffcrences Uc tween vour ottlooks and belie fs. Your hiomei assu mes gre ater im portanîce afiter the iolidays, Milen inaI ters se 111e dow ts or a 1-imore niorm aI pace. Sri fiticati t day s.arcSa ttu rd a% Ille 30 tir and Stiid ay thle 3 1 s t swhen you e \pcnienvce a spiritlu al upli Il. LEO - Jtîly 23 (o Aug.122 Youir crue rgy peak s rver Stind ay, wi tI a feeliîng rif personal C hilara- lion, partt1y catused by tlîe lime o f ycar and partIy lhy yriur riwni in- votveinei t vi tlIrtîiends a nd tamiil>. Y ou h ave adi ievcd a moirirua- tutrco tiuk Ins vear. I eri.and lhave tearncd 10 accept respomisihfli ty v. jthiott éeliin dov. trodden.i'l'Ue latter pfart oif'te week you r floiie base of, opera tions assumles importance. lhis would Uc a goodl lime to eriterlaini yoir i nier circle of ticnds arid inrebers of tlîe tanuily who arce Sp)CU.i;lly deaný VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. .2 Tlic 24til and 2Sth you anc ai a liiglî cycle. Use this period to counit youir blessings and lu Uc lhappy. On thic 3Oth, lUcre coutd bc anii- tcrcstingpîiecc of'good ncws or an uinveiling. a revelation about AiltIle tliîngs youi are. lraisc and bless wliat you have. ('riticize. anîd even wvhat you have inay disappear. This is a liféloug lesson Vîrgo, and if youi have reinenmbercd nolliing niore tlîan lUis, you svill have bene fi ted. rotin(ed by your loved ories. You are fitled tvitli glowving plans. Yoti have a running start on 1973. TOWN 0F WHITBY The follawing regulations apply with respect ta drivers and owners of motorized snow vehicles in the Town of Whitby: (1) Motorized Snow Vehicles means a self propelled vehicle, de- signed ta be driven exclusively on snow or ice or bath. (2) Highway, includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, bridge, driveway, plan, square, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles. (3) Roadway means the part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used' for vehicular traffic but does not include the shoulder. (4) The Operation of Motorized Snow Vehicles on the roadway of the Queen's-Highways or Secondary Highways are pro- hibited except that the vehicle may be operated on the shoulder of the road as far away from the Highway as is practicable under the circumstances. This applies ta High- ways 2, 7, and 12 in the Town of Whitby. There is a total prohibition on Highway 401. (5) Vehicles are permitted on ail highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Whitby except vehicles must be driven on the right hand side of the road allowance and in single file. The General Rules of the Road which apply ta Mator Vehicles also apply ta Motorized Snow Vehicles, but in every case the Snow Vehicle will give way ta the Motor Vehicle. The opera- tor of a Motorized Snow Vehicle may cross a Highway at right angles. (6) Vehicles are not permitted on sidewalks and other property intended for pedestrian use. (7) Vehicles are prahibited on ail County or Suburban Roads in the Town of Whitby except ta a member of a Police Force operating a Motorized Snow Vehicle or ta persans aperating such vehicles for emergency purposes or when roads are not opened for use by normal vehicles for traffic or municipal purposes. The roads include Victoria Street; Thickson Road; Rossland Road East from Cochrane Street ta the Oshawa City Limits; Cochrane Street; Taunton Raad; Anderson Street between Dundas Street and Rossland Road; Hopkins Street between Dundas Street and North Service Rd., North Service Raad between Hopkins Street and Thickson Road; Winchester Street, Brooklin; County Road No. 5 (A) between Highway No. 7 and the 8th Concession; and County Road No. 5 between the 8th and 9th Concessions. Motorized Snow Vehicles are permitted in public parks ex- cept upon the roadways where vehicular use is prohibited and except in those areas where motorized snow vehiches are prohibited by signs or posters. Vehicles sUalI- nat be driven in excess of 25 miles per hour in a park. 1(8) (9) No person shall drive a Motorized Snow Vehicle on private property without authority by the owner of such property and such person shall be subject to the penalties of the Petty Trespass Act. (10) No persan shahl drive a Motoried Snow Vehicle on muni- cipal property other than Towln parks unless it is indicated by one or more signs that such driving is authorized. (Il1) No one under the age of 16 may operate a Mutorized Snow Vehicle on a Highway and it is also an offence for the Owner of a machine ta permit anyone under the age of 16 ta aperate a Motorized Snow Vehicle on a Highway. (12) The owner and driver of every Motorized Snow Vehicle shahl be subject ta the provisions of the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, the Highway Traffic Act and any other statute or by-law gaverning the operation of such vehicles. (13) Every persan driving a Motorized Snow Vehicle an a highway shall be in possession of a Chauffer's License or an Operator's Vehicle License issued under the Highway Traffic Act. Ali such vehicles must be registered with the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communication and the owner will be issued with a current license plate that must be attached ta the front of the unit. (14) Only thase wha have Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance may aperate a Motorized Snow Vehicle on a Highway. (15) The Anti-Noise By-law for the Town of Whitby wil per-mit the Police ta charge those operatars of Snow Vehicles wha do nat have a proper muffling device or wha aperate the machine in such a manner as ta cause undue noise which disturbs the inhabitants of the Town. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitlby, Ontario. '4 $2669. 808 Coupe ZOlD9undas St. W.. Whitby- 668-9397 -.1 Arie Sales Ltd. The MAazda

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