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Whitby Free Press, 28 Dec 1972, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1972. PAGE 9 Area Hockey Rouindup (Gotntiiiied .fri Page 8) Midget grotip up to the Xnas break "7-LIps" hiad won 2 and lost 2 gaines. Wayne Roman leads the goalscorers with seven (inciud- ing a true hiat-trick in the hast garne). Romnan and Captain- Defencernan Jimi Halliday are at prescrit out with injuries, but will be back early 1973. Other goalscorers so far are Chuck Halliday (2), Hawe, Owen, Tutton, Harrison and Jîim Hallidîiy (1 each) t'or a total of 14 against 11. The 7.ups have hiad steady goalkecping fromn Chris Recd, good leaidership fronm Grog Saunders and fini Halliday and Lîp front 1973 should bring a chanige of luck around the goal, especially for Bruce Hawe ai~d Steve Tut ton. Snowmobile speed run set for Mo, A winner-take-all prize of $1,000 was announced today for Mosport Park's first Land Spced Run l'or snownmobiles, a part of the 3rd Annual Bosch Invitational, Jan. 1 2, 13 and 14. The Land Speed Run will be the opener of the $1-5,000 Bosch Invitational races, Mos- po rt's major sniowmnobiie event. It will start at 1 p.m., Friday, Ian. i12. The prize will go to the rider and mnachiine recording 'Safety deposit boxés from $51 Yourvaiuabie documents- certificates, mortgages, deeds-ail the papers you want to protect froni any eyes and hands except your own--put themn in your Victoria and Grey safety deposit box costing as littie as five dollars a year. -Safe as only steé*l and reinforced concrete can make it, your Victoria and Grey safety deposit box stands between your valuables and the haLdrds of lire, thet't and loss. Get yours today . .. t Vie- toria and Grey. RPEl RUST COMPANY SNCE 889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 sport the fastest top speed at the end of a haif-mile section of Mosport's famied Mario An- dretti Straight. Each rider wil be given three attemlpts to set the Mosport Land Speed Record. Mosport officiais say the LSR is open to "silhouette" machines. snowmnobiles that oLtwardly resemible standard production models. But there are rio restric- tions on tie engine size or modifications that canl be donc to the engine. Any type of' f'uel is allowed. Speeds well ii 'i excess of 100 iîn.p.hi. are an ticipated. Many of the top t'actory riders wvho are entered in thie Bosch Invitational arc cx- pected to conîpete in the LSR, thien move over to the new one-ile uval for the re- mnainder ot' tlec veekend's rac- ing. .The $25,000 in prize and accessory awards is double the mioney of' last year's event and is cxpected to attract the top sno(.wiiobile raîcers ini North Aînerica. Rick Clarke of' Barrie, xvin- ner of the Bosch Invitational l'or tie past two years. will de fend bis, tîie oit an ini- depenidenitly-enîcered Ski-Doo. Mosp)or! ollicials arc cri- couraging spectators to bring' the ir own miachiines to tHic track to enjov tlie 500 acres ut' marked trails. Warinup tenis and gtilded t rail rides will bc providcd l'or specta tors. WH ITBY 668à361 8 B RO(K NOW PLAVUNG! THU*RS. FR1. & *S*AT.* SUN. 1:30 P.M. 1-.30 & 7PM. ONLY ý h aaItDiSnO MON. TUE. WED ONLY 7 P.M. "%BECKET"FJ PETER O'TOOLE (ADULI ENTERTAINMENT) RICHARD BURTON Soccer inquiry L to R: Robert Crichton, chairman of the Applied Arts Division of Durhamn College, Oshawa; Debbie Phinn and Dale Taylor, Sports and Enter- tainment Administration students; Bruce Thomas, Toronto Iawyer designated to prepare a nation-wide inquiry into soccer for the federal government. Volley bail f inals On Tucsday. Deceniber I 9th, the 'Coun ty Finals' ini 'Junioc Boys' VolleybalI' for Ontario ('oLrnîy Separate Schools took place at St. Francis de Sales School. Pick- ering. Si. Lco, Bruoklin, coin- pctcd against St. Michael, Oshawa. The winners were the boys froin St. Leo- they won two out of three gaines. Members of thie County Winncrs consisted of: John Fusco (captain), Henry Ver- rydt, "Gilles Millette, Alex Lyle, Stephien Bojda, Franik Schieepers, Hcniry Kroes, Fred- die Frendo-Cumnbo, and Marty Bykcrk. TIue coachi was Mr. A. R. Oerton. F-aach tea i nenîber vas prcsented with a penant by' Mr. J. llolowaty, Principal of St. Francis de Sales School. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 'lie (anadian Radio"I'evîsion Commnission announices the toluwing decisîon eltective Decemiber 13, 1972. Decision CRTC 72-331 OSHAWA, BOWMAN VILLE, WHItBY, ONT. 7105562-7000409 Application' by lint' Ridge' ('atble "V Liinited (t'urnucrty Oshiawa ('able TIV Limited) tu anicnd îts cable television broadcasting licence l'or Oshawa, Bowvmanvill and part of' tlicTowvn t' Whîitby, Ont'. lu add flic distribution ot' WLftI'V-"V B3uffalo, N.Y. Channel 17 is not broadi asting and to mnake a distribution chiannel change. Decision: APPROVED Moniqjue Coupai I* Canadian Radio-Television Commission ConseIl de la Radio-Télévisioni Canadienne Boy scout bottie drive The first Whitby Boy Scouts will bc holding their sîxth annual bottle drive on Saturday, January 6. Over 100 Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and their fathers canvass every street in Whitby that day in their major l'und raising event of the year. TFrucks loaned fronm many local business firins are used l'or pickirig uip bottles. Sorting wil be donc at the home of Group Comniittce Chairinan, Mr. Lyle Bland. This is a m'a- jor part of the projeet since it usually takes ail week-end to sort, pack into cases, and re- turn ail botties. Thie Ladies' Auxiliary helps by providin g thiose working on the operation withi a hot lunch. This year it wili be served in two shifts at the home of Mrs. Isaac Raaphorist. Moniey raised by this co- operative effort supports all the First Whitby Scouting groups in their many activi- tics. Thiese groups include two Cub packs, one Scout troop, and onie Venturer group. PORTRAITS CANOD09MLJ$PRAY WHITE UBLIDES PHOTOGRAPHY MOVIES WODINQ3 & MAR MITZVAH 1 1 BPECIALI87T 115 EMPERQR ST. 19241 pi1~EIu1îJJ earse. 360 KING W. 576-4232 HfELEN AND SUSANV Formedly of the Establishment of Hair Cutting Wish to Announce they are: NOW OPEN ..dom, P.S. a ' 1%

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