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Whitby Free Press, 28 Dec 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2, THURSDAY, DECI3MBER 28,1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS raer ' The Editor: [t is an hionour to have been re-elected as a Mernbcr of' Pariamrent. 1 an most anxious to be dcserving of the vote of confidence given mie by the voters iii our conistitucncy. If yo>u voted for nie, please accept iîny hieartfeit thanks; if you dîin't [hope you wiIl continue to look upoflnie as youir represen ta- tive aiid allow me to serve you in any way 1 cani. If youi have any problems involving federal inatters, 1I hope you will write to mie care of the Flouse of Cotnmons, or get in touicli with the New Demnocratic Party's Connuity Service Office ai 3V2 Siincoe St., S. Thc telephione numnber at the office is 723-2381 and it is open fron ootn until 5.00 p.mî., Monday through Friday. The fact that no political party bas a clear nîajority ini the House of Coiîuiotis presdnits iiîany problerns as well as gruat opportuLiities f'or brcakîntg the log-jani atiid gettiiîg things inoving. Govenînents xith a liuge nîajority have a tendency to becomc autocratic îind insenisitive to thc public's demands for imiprovenmen t. WMile a i mon ty govcrnmen ett creates a state of unrcertainïy, it lias thc advantage of kécpiîng the Cabinet on' its tocs and more sensitive to the wislîes of die electorate. Since the NDP holds the balanice of power at the pres- cnt time, we think this provides uis with an opportunity to pressure whatever party is in office to bring about soîîîc of the social and economiie rcformis tliat are long overdue. We do flot expect thc other political parties 10 adoptounr centire programme, but we think we are justificd in usiing cvery nîcans at our- disposai to prod wiclîcver of the parties tormn- ing a miinority government, t0 deal effectively with sonie of the more pressing problcms sucli as the rising cost of' living, the unfair tax burden paid by average and low-incoinc Camadians, the îîeed to reduce N.H.A. niortgage iiiterest rates and the urgcncy of inîproved penisionis for our seniior citizens. Yours sinccrely, J. E. Broadbent, M.P. IR' wuIrsyFU FSS ~Voice 0ftii. County rOWK) Hometown paper ofWhitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. PublisJied every Thursday 2 12 Brtick Si. Soutîh. Wilitl%.. Mail Box 206. Wilutby. Plîunle 668-61 Il os, 668-611 2 Gencral Manaîger: W. -.4îiI Durkee lEditor; Ju4' Iurkçe& Sports Fdiior: DuWaa PER MIT Advertising:. Ron Winstarnley NO. 2941J I FALCO Race f or supermayor underway Tîte clamnor following the revelation of Queenis Park liinking f'or Uhc Oshawa-cenîered regiomi lias barcly sub- sided anîd alrecady the drtums are beginning to beat on behalf .Of tlîose iuterested iii the post of chairman of cou îîcil. Withi the region expectcd to becomne a fiact coric January 1, 1 974, a date refcrrcd to by Charles Ma,,cNaugluton ini revealing ilie plan, a degre of lobbying lias already starled iii lopes of catchiîig the appoiniient 10 hecad tlîc ~ncw governmcuil. Mir. MacNaughitoui confrriicd tha t Ite governniien t wilJ appoint the first chairnnu of' the new counicil and that afterwards, thie chiairmîan would be selected by a vote of conticillors clccted lu thc regional couicil. Speculalion is rife as lu wlio uiay gel the initial nod. The aiea press in the kuiowledge tliat soiei forni of' regiotial govertiîiieuit was iuievitable, lias lonîg heen rcfcrniîug lu Wliitby Mayor Des Newmîanî as Snperuiayor. Wliilc nul always ini seniuus vein, it caniult he argucd that the tîmougli t of Newman as regional chiairnian did nul cross dic mnîds of' vaniuus and suiidry edilors and ncwsuiien. llowevcr, wlîilc Newuman would uuîduutcdly bc keciily iiitcresîed iin sucli an appoiri Inîcut, a mniîber of' rabid and formîidable couipeturs for thc post are slowly enîcrgiîîg. lî's difficil t lu gel aiîy ut tîe possib[le clioices lu stiy a word iii respect lu thieir availability for the Jpost. Tliey be- lieve tlie everutal chairuiiaîu is alre.-dy knowuilu govcniienut but is beiuig kepit a closely gLiaridc secret. Oui the utlier liaud strauige stirnings are takig place thai do h 111e but iuîcrease the belie fitua t st ruig and well planuîed lobbyiîîg is abut to bUrst un1Itie SCeuîe. Becanise thie Onitario Goveurtiien t is a ('ouservative Guo'erninienut il, is aliost a lur-eguuie conclusioni liat the ap- poinitee will be a good Tory. This rnay tlîrow a ruad block iii w auy îlin kîiig iliai Des Newvman lias ini respect to the initial appoiunt iuient. Newnman is a card-carryiuig big L Liberal aîîd coutested the federal scat for Oshawa-Whithy as a Liberal candidate several ycars ago. Il' il is a facît tat a good Tory will gelthie post, there is mnrt iiithie belief lhcld by uîîaîy tha t Mike Star. ,formeîr Oshîawa inayor and loung îiuîe federal Couiservatîve nieuîbcr anîd cabinet niînister in Outtawa, iigîit bc inifiue lfor tlie top job ini the new regiomu. The nmore onîe tluiuks of' this suiggestionuitlîe umore une can sec wlîerc il wonld bc viable. Starr certaiuiily kîiows the arcat. He lias a great deal of experience inIi Uiiuicipal polit ics. He also lias lîad federal expenience auîd wais a snpcrh cabiniet minister for years--a fact acknowlcdged even hy lus opporîeuî Is., Tliere is anotîier mn ni îauîy ltelshuutld uuot be uver- looked ini tle cluairuîîau sweep)stakes. And huat belouigs lu f m w TV MWe Service Whot W. Ssii Ourseives What we put ln back keeps us ln front. PHI1LI PS MODCLAQP FALCON T.V. 426 SUMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 723-0011 Kruger is the administrative assistant to Ab Campbell, the Metro cha,ýirianii. Many think lie has actually taken cwer as the bchind-thce-scene string puller in the top Metro post. No onîe can argue that he mnade practically ail major de- cisions during the recent illness of the Metro cliairman. Tiien, too, thiere exists a managemenît study whicli poinîts ont Ihat a power group is slowly er-nerging in Metro and this gronp is headed by none ollier than Mr. Krngcr, To residents in this arca Kruger is pcrhiaps better kîîown as the president of the West Rouge Ratepayers Asso- ciation. Ccrtainly he, is best known in that role 10 mienîbers of the Pickering Township Counicil who rcpcatcdly are sub- jccted 10 his plca,,diigs on behaîf of his group in that area. Uîîder the regional plan West Rouge is to beconie part of the Borougli of Scarboro. Thecrefore it follows Iliat Kruger, as West Rouge Ralepayers prcsident, will find liiinî- self' iii strong confrontationi witli Scarboro neinibers of Mctro Counicil on thiemne liarid, whiile on ic u ther, as Canîpeil l's assistant, asking for co-operation 'romii liese saine iiieiibcrs iii anothier areuia. Il almiost cari be descnibcd as an Lintenable position. Sonie iighit wonder why lie just doestî't give uip the post of' rate-payer leader. Weil, these peuple just don't know Mr. Kruger. KrUgcr enijoys tliesc conîfron tations witli nunicipal counciil. He enijoys badgerinig, banîtening and fighîing for hiis belief's. î-le backs up liîs arguuiienils witlî cuiotglu data to niiake ithe licad swinî. Tlîis, coupled wiîh luis knowledge of iniuuicipal affairs, su iîuch niore comiplex iliani the nîost scliooled muicipal coujucillur, mnakes inii a putemît foc îiidecd. Kruger lias luînscîf' adiniiîîed lie is worried about the laiest develupîinerits. î-le says that lie planis ani iiinîiediate talk xiîlîMi-r. Caiipbcll aînd, i f thle regii planis rcîîaiiîî nu- chau.iigcd, il is quite likely lie will upt lu Icave h is cliallenging Metro post. Tlîis would tluc e cve t lue ruad clear ho consider ail appoiîtuicn t as [lie first clîiuîuauu of the Oshi awa-ceîî ter-cd regioui. Despîle clainis Io tlîec cnt rar-y, Krugcr's poli.ics are not 100 dlear. [le wis asked tu ruii as a Liberal iii thc recent fedieral election. lie tmcid Ithe uffer down. Il wouldn't surprise if lic sliould suddcuily aiiniouiice lie lias beeuî a Tory supporter aIl aloîîg. One tlîînig sure il is guing to be iuuîercsî iîg. Lobbying will st art ini earniest wiîluin the nexi few wceks anid, if truc to furnii, tlîe goveiicn t will alinoutîce tlie cliairnîani's ap- poiî nîdlut ii advaîice of sclîcdulcd elections ho regiouial council cxpccted ho take place as canly as îîcxt Septcîi ber. letters B t e geit 'bo. ' 0 , o. It Larger grant Sought Wliitby couneîil will be asked to seek addiîiouîal eii- ployîîîcîuî iuîcenîive funds froni thueProvinîce Mienî it lîolds ils first meetcinîg aftcr the rîew year. The reqneshtu conicil wilI bc couîlaiuîcd iii a staff re- port. Townî Treasurer F.N. Me- Eweuî said lie would prefer to sec thîe allocationi of fuiids couisider Ithe populationî ut the iîuîuicipality rallier Ilian being based sîricîly oui the welfarc caseload. 0f Itue six îunicipaliîies betweeui Pickerinug anud Bow- mîauîville whichi will receive iuîccuîive grauîts, Wlitby's grauîu is thie lowest based on tue welfarc case load. Oshîawa leads wiîlî a per capila grant of $4.47 anîd ollier grauits in thue area ranîge dowuîward lu the low paid tu Wlitiby ut' 78 cents. Sale Stock SAVE UP TO 50 e GREENWARE eGLAZES eSTILTS - GLASSWARý TOOLS eSTAINS 0 BRUSHES, LUSTER PASTES la KILNSST e FINISHED WARE » WHEELS *CLAY a MOLDS new & used 0 SLIP CLAY 19A.M.to 6P.M.I tiLoppoinltirri 1 BROOKLIN CERAMIC CENTRE 56 MITCHELL AVE., 655-3107 Reduction NOW OPEN S.. Our Op 9I.g pecials Artif icial & Fresi Tropical Plants & Flowers GIVE IFLOWERS FOR CHR-SMI HARWOOD FLOWER SHOPPE Specialists in Floral Arrangements For Ail Occasions 1333 HARWOOD AVE. N. AJAX NEXT TO WINGS RESTAURANT ýPHONE 942-5730 I rmn*ý

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