WIIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1972, PAGE 3 Whitby joins battié against increased Béil rates Following the last formiai session of the '72 counicil, Whitby hias been added to the indignant municipalities figlit- ing Bell Canada on its pro- posed rate increases. Counicillors Tuesday, voted unanimously to support AMO (Ontario Association of Mu- nicipafities), the aggravating force whichlias levelled down on the telephone company with an intervention dîrected to the Canadian Transport Commission. In its Notice of Interven- tion the association nmade cleà r that iL had been its in- tention at the pre-hearing con- ference held on December 18 to ask the Committee for a joining together of Applica- tion "A" and "B" so that they may be argued at one time. Reasons stated for this were threefold: 1. "By mak- ing two applications in this maLter, Bell Canada is mierely trying to avoid the conse- quences of the Order of the Committee of last year when the Comniittee refused to ac- cept Bell Canada's application for a separate hearing of what was described in last year's application as an Application for an "interim increase." 2. The nature of the evidence which iL is proposed to ad- on While ample land exists in most areas of the new region, IL is also a fact that land prices are skyrocketing to a, point where most people can't, think about buying their own home. The alternative would seemi to be a boomn in high- rise developmnent, with its lower land cost, 10 acconi- modate the mnany new people who shouild locale in the new region providing transporta- tion services are iniproved to concept will fail if the new airport and the North Picker- ing development project- 200,000 people 0on 25,000 acres-aren't included in the region. "The airport and residen- iai projeet will form the economie base to support the whole regîon and 1 don't know where we could pro- duce the jobs and accomnîo- dation for ail these new peo- pIe without it," Newman added. tension of Metro's boundary, the government has lef t Metro with suficicnt land for only about five year's housing grow 1h. "We have 50,000 people a year cominig into the Metro area," he saîd. "The govern- nment must now promnote growth in the new region Lo take the pressuire off us. Oth- erwise, the only choice here is heavy density develop- ie n t." (airport) with us becauise îhey, hernselves, don't know what Lo do about. it," said the Pickering township reeve. Mayor Newmnan îndicated he believes the success of the proposed plan depends on whether Port Hope and Co- bourg co-operate. He added that initial response frorn re- presentatives of these muni- cipalities "didnl't leave miuch roomi for optimismi that they will." 1Newman said the whole On the new regional boun- daries announced iast week by Ontario treasurer, Charles MacNaughton, are likely to start a boom in high-rise de- velopnîient both in Metro and in commiunities within the regon. This, despite the fact many residents of the area are against such developmnent. Me tro Chairman Ab Camp- bell said that by taking part of Scarborough mbnt the re- gion and biocking any ex- REGION ROW (Continuedfrorn Page 1) Possible tax increases were of concern to Alf Gray, reeve of Newcastle Township. He predicted the average horneowner who now pays $350 in property taxes is looking at about $600 under regional government. Not happy John Williarns, reeve of Pickering Township, said lie personaliy is "not too happy" about the regional plan and said he believed the province "4acted inhaste in laying out the boundaries in the west of the region." Williamns said now, more Ilian ever, local residents should have a voice in planning for a new inter- national airport near Pick- ering. "Queen's Park is flot pre- pared to0 discuss ibis îhing Viscounts reprieved MONTREAL-The propeller- driven Vickers Viscoun 15S, ori- ginally to have becn phased out of' service by nexi May, have been granted a reprieve and will remain iii service on certain Air Canada routes throughi the summner of' 1973. Air Canada announces thal because of exceptionally high traffic volumes experienced in 1 972 and forecast for 1 973, three of the airline's 13 re- maining turbo-prop Viscounts will be kept in service on routes serving points in On- tario, Quebec and the Mari- tinie Provinces. Routes that wili continue with Viscount service are Mont real-Quebec City-Freder- icton - Saint John - Moncton- Halifax and Sydney and Mon- treal-Ottawa-Val d'Or-Rouyn- Earlion -North Bay-Toronto. Most of these cities also will duce in relation to both ap- lic-ations must of nccessity be sinmflar' and it is neither logical nor proper that two hearings should be held within a maL- ter of months in which mucli of the same evidence mnust be considered bv the cornmittee. 3. The Committee wiii ap- preciate that the costs of in- ervening in such an Applica- tion are considerable and it wiIl be submitted to the Com- the point recommended by Queen's Park. Other specific problems for Metro, created by the region- ai plan, are the future of the Beare Rd. garbage iandfill area and the land near the new oe mittee that iL is contrary Lo public policy 40ý permit this Applicant, in view of the lbis- tory of its recent frequent and exhaustive applications, to make two applications which must cover certain points of similar evidence, where one hearing couid ex- amine ail of the issues to be brouglit before the Commit- tee at considerably less ex- pense to ail parties." IL is the association's in- tention to levy costs per capi- ta froni participating, object- ing municipali ies. The proposed rate increase is the second bone of con ten- tion with Bell on a Whitby standpoint, opposition to the rate increase foliowing hun- dreds of petitions against the company's phasing out of the VVhitby~ telephone accounts paying stations. ZOO. ' have continued access. Campbell says the garbage Land near the zoo is also site now becomes part of to be ransferred from Metro Pickering and Metro will now to the new region. Campbell' have to negotiate with the. said he, is concerned that no province and the new muni- large scale commer cial devel, cipality to make sure it wili opment be permitted there. oe> * HEARDJ'S TAXI Radie 4upped & Direct Line at Amoldes Market* i115 Brock.St. N. For Your Convenience FUELS LIMITED "You XAco DealerIl 2 11- Br c k St. S. Phone:66836Io GIARTIRWAVS o.LTD FORMERLY BURLEY BUS LINES Announces Daily Bus Schedule for January 8, 1973 between Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby and Go-Station-Whitby Hospital. REVISE TIME TABLE WiII allow other passengers 10 make a trip in Oshawa-Whitby with Go Transit and also supply added haif hour service between Oshawa, Whitby, Watcli next week's newspaper for furtiier information. 117 Brock St. N. 668-2394 Wib 65 Bà ldwin St. 555-3 301 Brooklin High-rise boom Iikely wake of region plan.s F 0 LR 4,77