WHITBY FREEPRSTUSADCME28 1972, PAGE 7 T H I E '1 OUTDOORSMAN' -by Paul Wicher Every year the fellows and gais that 1 usually fish anid hunt with hold the Annual New Years' Day Rabbit Hunit. It's a customn that hias been going on now for the last tlive or six years and will probably conitinue to be for years to corne. The action is always fast and furiouis anid the ight hearted intent of the hunt is always kept in mmmd. No planniing is done for the hunt until we gather at YMCA schedule (Continued from Page 6) MEN'S FITNESS: Monday and Wednesday nlights 7:00 - 9:00 pn. H-enry St. Highi School Gymi. Resumes Jan. 8th. Two nighits per week. $8.00 for 8 weeks. $6.00 for Y miembers. GOLF: Whitby Senior Public Sehool. Wednesday nighits 7:00- 9:00 p.rn. Begins end of March. Phione Y for dMails. INDOOR TENNIS: 1-fnry St. High Sehool. Wednlesday iligits. A spring prograni..Plione Y for details. WOMEN'S & GIRLS' FITNESS: An evening of fun and condition- ing. 7:.15 - 9:00 Thursdays in Hecnry St. Higli Sclool - sniall gymi. Starts Jan. 4th - $5.00 for 8 weeks, $3.00 for Y memibers. CROSS COUNTRY SKIING: Wc arc ini tie midst of organizing a Cross Country Skiing Club. If you arc interested please contact flic Y - 668-6868. BRI DG E: Beginners and Advanced Bridge (Classes. wiI'l bc organized in the nevw ycar.l'or detailed information contact flic Y. LET'S CREATE TOG ETHER: A course for mothers and pre-sehool- ers (2-5 yrs) designed to foster communication and understanding between mnother and child and to assist miothers in dîrecting flic child's creative devlopiment. St. John's Chiurch on Giffard St. Mon- day and Thursday mornings, starts Ian. 15 and 18. $1I3.00 for 10 \veeks. SI10.00 tor Y miembers. LADIES TAKE-A-BREAK: St. Mtark's United C('hurch hHall., West- nîîinster United Chiurch and Brooklin lUnited ('lutrch. Wednesday nornings 9:30 - 11:30 arn. Pre-school nursery program for children of mothers. Starts Jan. lOth. $4.00 for 6 weeks. $3.00 for Y icmn- bers. MACRAME: Thursday nighits in (Cnt. BIdg. Starts Jan. 15 to l'el. l5th. $6.00 for 4 weeks. $4.00 for Y mnembers. CROCHETING: Thiursday nighits at ('entennial Bldg. Learil 10 read patterns and do basic stitches. Starts Feb. 22nd. S9.00 l'or 12 wccks. $6.00 for Y memrbers. UPH OLSTERY: An outstanding. class wi 1h liimited registration. Starts Ian. 1Il l. Register before Jan. 8th. Thursdays 3:30 p.im. and 6:30 pan. 2:00 p.m. if cnoughi intercsted. $33.00 l'or 8 weeks. $25.00 lfor Y members. CAKE DECORATING: Thlursday nights at Hlenry St. llighi Schiool from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Starts Jan. 11lfil. $8.00 for 6 weeks. $5.00 for Y niembers. CREWEL: To bc announced. SEMISG COURSE: Teaching ail phases of' scwing l'or begininer or advanced. Register Jan. 8th. ('lasses start Jan. 15tih. $16.00) for 10 wceks. SI12.00 l'or Y menihbers. HANDYMAN'S COURSE FOR WOMEN: Learti die basics about smnall appliances. pain ting. wvorking wi th \wood, hardware and plunih- ing. StartsiJan. 22nd. SI11.00 for 10 wecks, $8,00 ltor Y imembiers. CAR MECHANICS: instruction on hiow a car miotor runs, car ser- vicing. ignition conitrol, lighiting systemn, etc. leld ahllenry St. llighl School on Tuesday nighits 7:00 - 9:00 - Starts Jan. 9th. $I11.00 l'or 10 weeks. $8.00 f'or Y members. Ho the Cookie Bear's hcarth on New Years' Eve. Then many long years of collective expericncc arc put together to in- sure a mienorable hunt the ncxt day. Uncle Duncle Willl re- counit how important it is that ail vehicles in the hunt have proper equipmcent stowed within to -rescue himi in casc hee drives thirough another bridge as lie did deer huniting a few years ago. He will further comment that hielhas double checked ail his gear so hie wil not be inclined to forget any- thing as hias been happening of late. Could 1 help it that hie locked the car keys ii his truîîk this past faîl? After all just because Poo-Kins forgets the canoe paddles whien we go duck hunting and brings along the wrong rod tip when we go Muskic fishing is no reason to believe that anything is rubbing off on hiîn. 'Princess Featherweight' at this time will join in the plans with the statement, that she will not'bring anything of great personal value along. Since the last tirne she did Poo- Kins collapsed on hier portable pottey. Faulty constructioni was the cause of that little mnishap. "lggy', Poo-Kin's other haîf, pipeg up with "Just where will we hiunt?" She always lias hiad visions these past few years that she will have to re-clinb the verticle cliff at Coe Hill. Hardly, David explains to hier that it was very simple if she would have just stepped where lie stepped and held on where hie held on. He's six foot three and she's five foot two. The Cookie Bear has now compiled a menu for the day, but hias included only one pizza, which lggy rerninds hini is not enougli for both of themi. Raîf usually picks this moment to try and put cold water on the Annual Hunt by telling the Cookie Bear that they have to go shopping, work on the deck, or go to his Birthday Party. She hias been this way for awhile now but has gotten worse since she was CLEARINO Oý'UI SALE RIDING IQQT$ *NGLISH & WESTERN APPARIEI TACKS AU 01ON SALE I 0 KOURS * Wed. Dec. 20 9 arn. tilt 5 pmrn Wed. Doc. 27 9 a.rn. Thurs. Dec. 21 9 qrn tI 9 pm '. Thurs Doc. 28 tilt Fri. Dec. 22 9 a.rn, liii 9 pm Frî. Dec. 29 5 p.mn. S&t. Dec. 23 9 qi.m. tillI'5 p.rn. Final Closing: Fr1. Dec. 29 RUTERFRD'TACK SHO6P 14 Albert St., OSII*WA 728-$1;9 1SAVE ON DX OUALITY ~ FUEL NW cou ut Todsy f.,PfMp, 8couvule vloe DX FU E L 0IL 6684381 Are You Paying Toc Much Tax? ýw To Cut Income Tax WhiIe You Save For Retirement It's riglit iii. the Incoine Tax Act (Sectionl 146). You can deduect up to S4,000 frorn your taxable inî- conie wlieii (>u de1)osit inito ani individual registered plan. ien<c Posteraro MdntdILM Don't take a chanîce on missing out 01n tax savings on your 1972 incorne. Act îîow. Cali Genie Posteraro of the Maîîufacturers Life for more details. Or mîail the coupon. Why Manu Life? A leader in the pension field. Has more single premiium immediate anîîuities on the books than any other Caîîadiaîî coînpaîîy anîd more grotîp penision plans too. A wide variety of retirement saviîîgs planîs for registrationi. Regular guaraîîteed plans. New equity ilîsurance and anm.îity plans. Money manîagemen t by iîîvestîîîent professioîîals. If you opera te y our business as a hînîited i.onîp)an y there nîlay bc Isonie additional benefiîs under section 147 thati miglit lbe of in terest ho you. Get ini totich w it1h M r. Posteraro today. IMANUFACTURERS LIFE SUITE 501, BELL TOWER, OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Tel. 728-7391 1 request more information on Registered Savings NAME .. ............................................. ADDR ESS......................................... jPHONE ........ .............................. forced to wear Poo-Kin's extra hunting boots during our last holiday and was mistaken for a moose skinner. It seems that our Cookie Bear brought three pair of boots for hlm- self and none for her. - - With rnost' of the preliminary planning out of the way, the question of when the hunt should begin now cornes up and no matter what time is suggcsted, David responds that it is much too early since after five years of repairs to his alarm dcocks (he uses two), they still don't work. Tinie hias always been a big factor since the opening day of trout fishing a few years ago, when we caught three browns, total' weight, 23 pounds, and invited ail the girls to a fish fry, whien we arrived home at 2 a.m. The fish were delicious, but as usual someone complained that she was too tired to enjoy them. Why don't we get somne more of the sanie size this year, but corne home earlier? Squirming a bit in his seat, Hardly David asks the Cookie Bear to wear a suitable outfit tomorrow so as not to embarass hlm, as he has in the past, by wearing his wet suit and white captain's hat for trout fishing. This naturally brings Uncle Dunkle to, make disparaging, remarks about Poo-Kin's well-used Nwaders. 1 believe that he wiIl purchase a new pair of' waders for Poo this spring as he can no longer tolerate the screamns of anguish that issue forth_ as yet another leak is discovered.0 Yes, this is how the Annual New Years' Day Rabbit Hunt goes. Some day we may even get the dogs out hunt- ing, but 1 don't really know when. Every year there is always more successes and defeats to re-digest, and every year the tragedies seem of less importance and the comical incidents seem more hilarious. 1 hope your New Years'Day Rabbit Hunts are as succeýssful as ours always have been. PARENTS'- Your Son or Daughter can * EARN BETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Programs For Achievement in Reading Incorporated now being offered exclusiveîy at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes wiII be held on Mondays and Wednes- days from 4:00 p. .ta 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Typing classes also available on Saturdays. Better Concentration; încreased reading rate; better retention: new study methods; better Notetaking Skilis. Phone or write for complete details. aDîo 728-0052 1