PAGE 12, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS 4' LA Ã" WHAT? WHEN? WERE. ever theidc nti s uail e ital ~ erO~~1ShopPnlyp*es 09 r.S L e uic IS L l tlh aI f ? mrOIi 1ceili e V ,en, t ila0" cur -em I ty es er rnC 7,49. ire l 4 r Reqp&r, Ta l irahitee l s Iz frIe uIS r.9 t Rsso.136959 e L e v e l w e M ail L e r 2 69rit a 1 . 9 9 LiITtMailaLlvee dies*raendly . ba- st r« * he ~i tIe d SkIo c a s9 OshpriteReCe2-tere SIMPSONS Séafs The friendly store in the Oshawa Centre. Sec the big 20 page Flyer delivered to your home for warehouse values. Each page lias special savings for you. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Wed. Jan. 3rd so corne early. and be first in line. Personal Shopping only please! Liiniited quantities. 'Z',