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Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS One Iin reflection, 1972 wasn't suehi a bad year. Sure it liad its ups and downs like al years but we believe, for most people there were more ups than downs. As for the town, it appears 10 have been a year of some progress. Assessments wilî tio doubt be up some- what ini the industrial seg- ment particuîarly and, with any huck at ail, counicil will probably be able to hold the miii rate within shouting dis- tance of the hast one-although mans view By Bill Wiiiams a sfiglit increase is just about a certainty. The new couneil, which holds ils inaugural mee ting on Saturday, wilI face many tough decisions in the mon ths ahead. Many of these wiil be brought about by the switch to regional governmenî and even decisions taken last year (iLe.: the sale of the municipal building) mnay pose problems under the new scheme. Here's a note to the De- partment of Transportation and Communications (High- ways Branch): The ramp lead- ing to Brock St. N. frorn Highway 401 eastbound is a definite hazard to motorists these wintery mornings. Even on days when little ssnow is about, the approach to the ranip is icy and often snow covered because of snow and ice dropping from the bridge above. On at ieast two occa- sions in the past two weeks 1 have seen vehicles go out of control on these icy patchies and once, had the unpleasant experience of nearly Iosing control of my own vehicle.' It seems to be a problem easily corrected by a liberal applica- tion of sait and sand early each morning. Our own nhotoring expert, Mike Burgess, uinveils his new show on Cable TV this coni- ing Saturday. It deals ex- clusively wîh nîotorsport atnd is bcaîned at those îlot too familiar with the intricacies of this fast-growing sport. Mike says cven the seasonced fan will be able to appreciate tie program though. To be aired under the titie "Wipe- out", wc can't for the life of us understand this ehoice. Maybe there is a technical reason for the naine but we believe the more popular con- notation of the word would preclude ils use on a show ostensibly promnoting the sport. Nevertheless, we feel congrats are in order to Mike and the staff at Channel 8 for showing the initiative to corne up with what should be popu- lar viewing. Onîe of our town's cele- brated citizens, Leslie McFar- lane, author of the world- famed Hardy Boys series of youîlî books many years agu, appears tu have been siighted by no less a journal than Playboy Magazine. An item in the current issue attributes the authorship of the series to "the late Edward Strate- nîayer." Now this, even if the mysterious Mr. Stratemeyer had a hand in the confinuing series after Mr. McFariane sold the riglits, in our view, constitutes a slight. Piayboy, which prides itseif on its ac- curacy, reaiiy biew this one. We admit the item in par- ticular is attributed to one of their correspondents but, in Playboy's case, even when a letter is printed containing information not factuai, they correct il in an editor's note. This was not done. However, we assure our readers that Franklin W. Dîxon, the au- thor of record, was in fact Mr. McFariane. Was privileged toIlarn a great deul about a coinmion liouse pet this week that I tneyer knew before. The pet in) question is the Guinea Pig. Provid ing the in forîîîation1 was oui- own Elizabeth Tyler, au thor of' tie syn dicated col- LIInI elsewlicre inii tese pages 'i>ets on Parade." 1lier-coILurnîî îlîis week is devotcd Itlitese lit tle an ina s an d lIllunsure you will Hind it as interestiuig readiiîg as 1 did. Can't help but feel our local council, under regional guveriiîmentwwii be down- graded to a point where they will have little of any con- sequence lu do. This impres- sion is gairîed fromn talking to council rmenîbersand residents who have already experienced the change. l'inî told the local councils have su uittle juris- dictioin that il is increasingly harder to gel good people to run for the local offices. Un- der thc region planî, the nmayor and îwo coumîcillors sit on the regiouîal courncil wvhi uc two ottier council memlbers deal stricîly with local affairs. The mayor anîd regional couincil- lors, of course, also sit on the local body. However, ail nia- openî Eveninp -Tiadam ,dThwrsçh 'If you want to look your best" me ~16~MI4I~ jor decisions take place atthe regionai level and il is diffi- cuit to sustain interest ini the purely local aspect of the job. It will be interesting to us, at least, to see whio runs for lo- cal counicil and who decides to try for the more exalted posts. iudging by past per- formances, we sceem to have an abundance ofecouncil mem- bers wehi equipped for the 'do nothing' chairs on in- coming counicils. Don't know how true it is yet but an unconfirmed re- port to our desk out of Tor- onto says several developers are aiready eyeing Whitby Har- bor as a site well worth think- ing about. Siîîce counicil re- leased its Whiitby Harbor Mas- ter Development Plan in No- vemiber, very little lias been houard about it. Thie plans for the hiarbor, detailcd in the Planî, are certainly anbitious and will need large chiunks of capital tb make it 'viable. Wel, capital is îlot aI I that liard t0 corne by iin Toronto and wîl i Ilie an ticipaicd cx- pan sion toithe east , thiese de- velopers are reported 10 al- ready hiave proposaIs roughied ini on their drawing boa rds, We don't know whether tou be pleased or offended ut some break and enter arlists wlio made an after hiours visit to the offices of the FREE PRESS over thie New Year lholiday weekend. Thei culprits eîîtered via the back door, whiich they forced, and de- parted witliout apparently takiîîg anlything. We're of lwo rninds over tiîis caper-lîappy we didii't lose anything of value but puzzled uver wlîy sorne petty cash, inadvertenîtly left out ini plain siglt, was nul even touched. Isn't our money as good as thiat of othier peuple? Chr i st ma s t roes pic kup The Town o f*\VIhiby clerk's otl'ice lias in Orinied ilhe \litby Free Press tuait Cliristiiîas trec clearanice in i lic nii uic ipal ity will I ake lc _h ee lIanarVS How to get the Income Tax People to Iend you money interest free Inîcrestcd? Welit's possible. Section 79B of the Incorne Tax Act -says- so. The Goverlnment encourages you to prepare for your retiremient by giving you important incoie tax deductions on money you invest in a Registered Retiremnent Savings Plan. You can save hundreds of tax dollars each year this way. Your mnoney is not taxable until retirement; then, only as income received, (your tax bracket is likely to, bc lower then too). It ail adds up to about the sanie as "borrowing" rnoney frorn the Government, interest frec . . . plus the savings that tax deferment may bring. You can learn the full story on incorne tax advantages on Retirement Savings from the well- informned professional who represents the Manufacturers Life. He is associated with a company that bas a record for sound and profitable money management that's outstanding in the industry. When you talk to hini be sure to ask him about the built-in guarantees that only an insured plan can offer. Phone him today or miail this coupon for a free, informative brochure on how you can save tax dollars. __________ * p0IVKT Please send me, without obligation, a * *.~~G"~ free copy of the bookiet: "'Reglstered * * ~ Retirement Savlngs Plan." * NAME...... ... 8 ADDRESS ..... Steve Hanson * The Manufacturers Life * Oshawa, Ont. MANUFACTURERS LIFE 1 INS U R A\NCECO MPAN Y Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre Bs.'Nýjs7391 -I BRO(KWHUTBY,«68-3618 NOW PLAYING! Thurs., Fri,, Sat, & Sun. OCS at 7:0om GEc ORGE C fl LSCOTT STACY KEjACE i A ROBERI CHARTOFF-IRWJNUWNKLER PRODUCTION cEN URIONS (Aduit En t.) -AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM- Machine Gun MeCain i ~mtmmm MON. TUE. WED 7 P.M. 2th Century-Fox Color by DeL.uxee (ADULI ENTERTAINMENT) PLUS Beur Country CHILDREM'S MATINEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. ~I ~ c K SI N" Winners of cartoon colourïng "%BUCKKIN#' contest to be announced. 608&3732 Radio Equipped & Direct LUne at Amold'e Mar k«t 115 Brock.St. N. For Your- Convenlence 150 p.rry Stret - Wh2Zb PORTRAIUTS CANDIOS M Lf:RAY WHITE BLIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY MO VIESWEDDINO & BAR MITZVAH 15EMPERQR ST. AAONTARIO 1-942-4519 S. K. Hanson

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