PAGE 2, TH URSDAY,JANUARY 11, 1973, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS eà d itoritaal Counicil's new face Before election citizen participation in Whitby ap- peared to be at an ail lime higli, and so locally thcrc has foIlowved înuchi speculation rcgarding the new '73 coincit. Withi the election of the new council, citizens were asking, 'WilI the 'old' council bury the hiatchet to miake roomi for new nienibers? Will the new nemibers conie in excessively wary of the old miembers,. or wiII the, newly elccted miembers veto every motion put forward by the miayor in an uinconscious effort to kili last year's 'Desmien' stigmia?' Happily. the first general business meceting of the '73 couincil began on a noticeably more positive note, and for the observer there seerned to be a note of opiimismi for suip- porters of both the new and the not-so-new nerbers of the new administration. Thiere is no doubt about it, this was an excellent way to begin the new counceil year. There were imisgivings for somie, of couirse. Sadly miissing from Fhis chair was Gerry Cox. His supporters, however, probably would have been encouraged t0 find lhini seated ini the audience whiere ie couild read in bylaw No. 898-73 that lie had been appointed to the Central Lake Ontario Cbnservation Auîlîority, and to the Town of Whitby Planning Board. Cox's unsuiccessful bid for his former seat wvas no doubt a shock to miosi. Re- spected as the niost effective niember of the '72 council. lie certainly did 1101 anticipate being unseated, and the obvious interest lie displayed in attending thie first meeting of tic '73 counicil was sonîething to admire. Reflecting on sonie of 1972's stormnier nmonments, one nîight have reasoiîably spectilated that ie inew counicil woid be split niore ways thaiî on proposed seating for the new arena. with new councillors perliaps versingtic old on issue afîer issue. III WhIST FEEESSn (Volce of the Couflty YTowfl> - Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrîle -~ and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday PulImhêrd 1 Vlv iiilly I rcePrc','. 111. 2 12 Brot'k Si. South. Wixw > ~ Mail Bo\ 20)6. Whlby. Il>iolle 668-61 Il or (168-611l2 (kiwral Mtanager: W. "bill'* Durkee Idr:Judy I>urkçe I'ditorial StauT': Bill i w'iî'ji'mMA t Sport% Lditor: Doug Wcah.,'Ill, RN1I I Advertising: Rosi Win%taiilcy NO. 2941 FALCON Not so. Ail five of the new council mnembers: Don Lovelock, Bill lrwin, Art Desjardinc, Bill Livingstone and Jitîî Gartsiîore appearcd to be thitikiîig for themselves, and even niore important, aIl four appear to bce of open îninds. But thie niost refreshing Iighlight of the evening, ini our view anyway, was Couincillor Doctor Kennetlî Hobbs, who obviously ini a tiore toicratit spirit, niade a remai,,rk about lus 'new face'. Eveiî a letter suggesting co,îflict of interest on lUs part by former miayorality candidate Bruno Ilariiaid did flot trigger off' his wrath. He took flie letter's rcmnarks like thc proverbial gentleman, adding a touchu of hlumour tu boot. We approve wlîoleheartedly of Councilior Hobbs' 'new face', and mnore specifically respect his opeti-door policy as chairmnan of the recreation committce in initiating a recreation advisory board to be coniposed of interested sporting people in town, SO ihat the general public of Wlîitby will have more of a say ini choosing its own recreational priorities. Thîe attitude of thé old couincil mnembers toward tlîe new, Ulic obvious good choice of tlhc electorate ini ncw represeitatives Loveiock, irwin, Desjardinc, Livingstonie and Gartslîore, and, yes-Councillor Hobb's 'new face' . Perlhaps then somne of thc more arduous nionienis of '72 have paved the way 10 sonîetliing niore valuiable for 1 973. Thiat being that if tlhe first genieral session of '7-3 is anyy examiple of' what is to corne frorîî îlis liarticular council, Wliitby inay have the miost positive adininistraliur iti ever lîad. 'Ne ail i ake mnistakes. and in puLblic office tlîis sometimies happens wlien une miust stand uip t speak out on what lie believes iii. Buit it's beinîg able to recog- nize onc's istakes and îry ing ailthie lharder the next lime thiat really couints... readers Dear Sir: 1 have nited thiat util re- ccuîly Mr. W. "Bill" Durke was listed i the Wliitby Free Press as ils 'puiblislier". F low- ever, inn tic hasu ilrce Issues il appears tlîaî ie huas been de- moied to the position tf' "Gencral Manager". Whio, lineni, is nîow the pubhishner anîd wluu the owie r. or uovne rs, out the WIIITI3Y ERFE PREISS'? Has the WIIITBY FRIE PR ESS narrowly eseaped incet inîg ils tin-ieiy (or uni- timiely) deinnise'? As hiorest, st raighî forward TV .We Service Whut W. Ssii Ourseives What we put ln bock us Un front. PH1LI PSMOU LARi4 FALCON T.V. 426 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 723m0011__ ___ write and iru itft a paper as thie Wliby Free Press cari surcly nul lau lu answer these quest ions. Yours iruhy. An iuîerested reader. EDITOR'S NOTE: The reasuri ('or thie'change'ii ou r rîast- iead is that thle WlI iTB1Y FRE'E.' PRE;SS lias recenîrly beet i icorl)uraied. Sîrhse- quernhly'. w1uitby Fre Press lic. is riow thie teclical pull- lishier of thue WIIIT13Y FREF' PRESS. Durkees are sîiil uwni- crs. wvithîBihl Durkee beirng fulli mie puibuîshien. genneral manager. ( Up unitil t\wo \weeks agu) Nr. Durkee hîad beenu wurking for 1)uPt tof Carn- ada, Wliîby Wurks. le irnuw \vorks fuil uinie ai ihie pap- e r). Thank you (or- your cuni- lîlrieni s tii' 'liunest 'SIraigh î- forward' anid 'irthl'i'. ad- jectives whiich coud riot uFi- viousiy apphlu oyouu as wiilc you pose Ieadiug questionin m a plain, lyp1ewrilten leiter, you car'i even dignify those questions withî your uwn signature. Regional data meetings WIIITBY--Four -public nicet- ings on regioniai goveriient will be hield it itliby during Jarîuary anud February by the Town in co-operation witlî thue Whitby Chianuber of Curîi- mierce. l'lie public îs inîted to attend thiese riieetinigs bu hcar a presentabion un thie Pro- vincial government's proposaIs for regional governimenît ini thie Oshawa area, and cui- nienîts on hhe proposai frum *the mayor and menîbers of co un cii. Foilowing thie presentation, questions wihi Fie received fronui the public on any part *of the proposaI. AIt meetings wil F ield on Tuesday evenings starhing at 8:30 p.m. Thic first meet- ing wili Fie in tie Town Coun- cil Chamb Fers ian. 1 6, the second ah E. A. Fairtian *Schîool, Palace St., Jan. 23, thie third ah btue Brooklîn Coin- munîity Centre, Cassels Rd. E., Jan. 30, and thie final meceting at Dr. Robert Tihorni- ton Schooi, Scott St. anîd Hazelwood Dr., FeFi. 6. Dear Ediior: Su 1973 was dcciarcd lioimecomng year luor ail for- nier residenîts outhe Town and Towrîslîip of' Wlutby. i tlirnik tuatIllhe idea ias sotnie very guud icrits, atnd wvhu ever thiuugh t tihe idea sliuld get an Oscar t'or bravery'? h Cati visulalucthie foruie r residents ru shing back Io tue p)lace t liey nn issed su nînucin afiter bcing away for a few yea rs and si nce t ie Invi talion camle 1(rouli t lie 'Iuwt ('uic il. tie tîrst stop) woti Id ie thle lownnIal11. 1i hopIe tirait the Coumcil niakes sure i lia t euuugli guides are lîired and tIra t suiwunie is alwavs tle re lu greet ihieni and takýe ilieni uni a i uni o r las t liev> sa\'. a day ()il tie Tuwni. My idea ouf hie tour îsista i t slinonid si art ai t tic Tow n Hhall itselt' and ilie guides wil expii t o tdne \isiiurs tînat t iiis xvii I FIe li st yea r the building is calied thc Town Ftahl;i:ext year il wîll Fie calhed tuie Library. Thne visitors siould alsuie îuid tiîlîirîligs sta nîed lu inuve alrecady and iliat's wliy dine Works Dept. s niuw locaîed iii Bruuklin. Tliis is wlin a bus cuiies lia ud. Fecauise afier leavinîg dlie iluinhall îhcy vill pr- ceed lu the f'our corners, whîere îliey cari sec soire of tie cmipty stores witlî ugly frontls, thien un lu Brock St. N., atnd as thie bus slows dlown they cuuld Fieîohd tihat we cari't mnake our plionie pay- mienus aithe drugstore atîy- tmore; we have lu go lu Oslua- wa. As tuie bus imves un lu- wards Rossland Rd. tu thie direction of ihie future site uf die Police anîd tîne Municipal Cuniplex. i arn suire thiat thecy will notice that tic C.P.R. sta tion lias gune, anîd is uiow iocated ini Osliawa. At thîis ti it lie bus will procced tuward Cochranie St. anîd souti lu Duridas West whîere they ean vicw tie Mea- duws of West Lynîde, turnîing cast agairi thîey wiil stop anîd pictures wilh Fie taken of thue sanie sign they left beinid surie years ago 0on the west corner of Dundas anîd Frances St., whiich says 'opetuitg soon.' But not ail is hosi at this cor- ner, on the east side some beautiful trees lîad ho Fie chopped down to îîîake room for a gas station, (whuiclî was badiy rîeeded!) As the bus approaches the four corners agaiti it will hîead fo BrockSt. outhwher hiope tlîat the visitors will stay over a couple of days s0 thcy view the nmuddy mîess lefi beinid at die bal park, and then on tu, hue op- posite side lu the casi 10 take one iast look ai flie bowling greeni anîd the tenniis court wlîicli are lu disappear. N'ovinig un to the Bay 1 hope thiey don't expect to se thle 'proiruised land' ye t.(tlha t will hiave lu Fie soiie othier tîiuie, at a later date, iniueh la 1er). but thcey could take a walk un Ilie sanudy beachi (if' til ey coul d stand t lic sineilI of' iie dca d fishi le fi lu rut on the beachi), arnd if' they wouuld like ru swini, thecy cuuld ai- ways ou lu Ajax anîd have a tew\ d ips inii tai ovely swinî- rnîiiîg 1pool 1itcy bu iii uver Tu ru ing back lu luwn i lieý, wîil proceed on lu Green St. wliere tlie guides will explain lu thieni ihuai the big vacant lot used lu Fie an Areita. and itl had lu Fie denolislcd righit ai a limie whcni skating wvas about lu start. lroceedinig un lu Dunidas St. hast. ihcy vill notice a Post Office whicrc hlt' of' tic services niîuvd lu Oshawa su \ve cati cet our niail a day or- îwu laie. Muving cash un lu Hopkinis Si. îhey wvill notice tliat the uld dumip lias gonie but in- sîead, the area is booninig witl i idustry, îlîey will sec Phase Qne. Pliase Two, aiid on and on. (I t's a shîaîîe thai surie of iliese plants can't pay decenît wages). If arîy of the furmer resi- denîts ask the guides wlîere flic Low RentaI Housing is situaîcd iin Wlitby, l'nîi sure tîait thcy could fiiid an ex- cuse uf' sotie sort l'or nt ihav- inig any ini Whitby. After alI, counicil doesn'î expect to have pour peuple living iin Witby. pour peuple are a bore and tlîey are a lot of headaclies besides. Back lu Ilhe towîî hall whiere tlîey could be enter- îaitîed by the staff' under thue direction of the Industrial Cornniiissionier and his staff and lie will explaiui wluy lie makes more mioney per year than the whole of counicil gets, thien il will be the Fire Clief's turn, atîd lie will shîow pictures of the acrial ladder truck lie got last year. 'l'lie show will close by luaving the 'Nelfare Adnîîitistratrut' iigiiig that famîous song of his: "I dotî't care, 1 don't care."