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Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1973, p. 27

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71 Beetle Red Lic. 472330 70 Beetîe Auto. Lic. 373040 70 Wagon Auto. Lic. X513611 MANY OTHERS AVAILABLE :k Le Sabre Lic. 300284 tang Lic. 18535A 69 Toyota Lic. 71388P 65 Mercury Lic. 271662 AIL THE NEW 1973 VOLKSWAGENS AND DEMON- ORS AT BIG SAVINGS. .ASY BANK FINANCING. TRADE - INS WELCOME '%KERING CAR CENTRE BASE LINE RD. 1/2M Mile East of Harwood Ave. AJAX 942-1881 OPEN TI L 9 P.M. Authorized VW Sales & Service J25 ST IA ISALES riolyIl SERVICE - PARTS 1 p UUunc»48MMy J 723-1 176 'ONTIAC - Power steering and brakes - good lition - asking $1,500. Apply 130 Calais St., :by af ter 6 p.m. J25 WI-OLESALL MEATS BEEF, HENS - Young and Tender Direct f rom Farm We cut, wrap and deliver CAL L 986-4862 Fl ILISTER WHOLESALE MEATS Sides of Beef - 77ý Lb. (Cut & Wrapped) nt Quarters- rage Weight 1 25 Lbs. - 6U~ v York Shoulders - 671 Loins of Pork - 99s$ Lb. Prices Subject to Change CUSTOM CUTTING & SLAUGHTERING CALL 649-5908 1 VERY TO ALL 0F ONTARIO COUNTY WEEKLY ORDERS ALSO ACCEPTED M29 Snowrrobiesj4 TIRA VIEL GORD'S MARINE LTD. Claremont e w Boats-Alumiflum Boats Can. Explorer Traiders ski-Doo Sales EE" VOUR DWN SNOW- îLE REPAIR PARTS& AC- ORY CATALOGUE - EST REVISED EDITION- RANTEED SAVINGS 0F R MORE." JUST MAIL R NAME AND ADDRESS "DIRECT DISTRIBUTING fP. O. BOX 1178, HULL, BEC, CANADA." A COM- TE SELECTION 0F PARTS CCESSORIES TO CHOOSE, MATTER WHERE YOU E, YOU'LL ALWAYS RE- VE FAST SERVICE. NOTE: E S E N T CUSTOMERS' ASE DO NOT RE-APPLY. JR NEW CATALOGUE IS NG MAILED AUTOMA- ALLY. mi DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED' Register Now for Charter Flighl to U.K. for summer ITC TRAVEL WHITBY MALI 723-6792 Services VITAMIN E GET THE FACTS-SEND FREE BOa KLET Sunshine Health Foods, 75 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, or cali-576-2391 CALCS - CASH REGISTERI' ADDERS NEW &USED DISCOUNT PRICES N EWA N'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 668-3738 WHITBY, ON iîf ied continued CARS Guarontmbd VWs Model Blue Lic. 374367 i. Cab Truck Lic. B38007 Jle Blue Lic. 10289 OR ( L Si MARIA.NNA VILLA (corner of Simpson Ave. and Base hne, BowmIanville) NOW % RENTI NGI on* b.droom $155.0 Two bedrooni $175,00 Monthly Includes hydro. Cable T.V. inside parking for one car, etc. Large pleasant suites, with coloured appîmances, superior sound proof irg, rec roomn, controlled entrances with intercomn. CeUl 623-4172 or 723-0575 or 725-9750 FOR SALE Arborite Coffee Table, End Table, 21"- Adm irai TV, 2 piece Chester- field and Chair. Reversible leather to fabric. - 668-3761. SAVE$SON THAT REPAIR BILL Radio, Hi F,'s, A.M.P. or Malti Plex Comp. Systern Not Working Property. It rnay not be as ex- pensive as you think. Sorry, no T.V.'s. Cali Nixon's Electronics, 668-2877, 104 Ontario St. W., Whitby. DOG FOR SALE: Poodie - Apri- cot toy - 1'12 vears old wvith papers. Very good vvith children 668-9429., KIDS KIDS KIDS Corne and see the f ree puppet show at the Salvation Army- 122 Kent St., Prizes by Mr. & Mrs. Woodcock. Saturday at 2 p.rn. J25 DRESSMAKING and alterations expertly and quickly done. Rea- sonable prices. Phone 942-0688. TYPIN G Man uscri pts, letters, statemerits,. etc. typed in secretary's homne. Cati 668-3073 Cîassified caîl 668-6111 Services SALVATION ARMY CORPS 122 KENT ST. Sunday-Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Hoiiness Meeting - i a.m. Sal- vation Meeting - 7 p.m . Wednes- day - Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday - Brownies 6:00 p.m. Ladies Home League 8:00 p.m. Captain-Mrs. Douglas Warren C.O. METRO FISH& CHIPS & GRILL BLAIR PARK PLAZA Specialize in Pub Night & Hot Meat Pies 668-8672 clearnces p-ecitar- cleadran dicester- fields,aen d dtables, 1 lapns, en talvet, un- paintéd funituree, run- eaitc. Man kre to cboo e.Mn frmor7e-347, 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. FOR SALE-Used Car Tape Deck; $25. Also several 'rock' tapes. Phone Don at 668-9034. COMMITTEE FOR INDEPENDENT CANADA Write: William Cumpsty 348 Arthur St., Oshawa, or Caît- 576-2391 Ajax Floor and Rug' Service Specialists in Rug Ail types of rugs ari carpets,' 'expertly cleaned. Cali for free estimates nd -942-5590 FREE to Igood home - 10 mo. Part Gerrran Shepherd. nteltigent Good wvith children. Needs room to exercise - 668-2268 F-8 TELEVISION Tovvers, Rotors and heads. Black & White & cotor. Reasonabie Prices. Cai John - 579-1800. FB FOR SALE: Two interior doors Size: 30" X 78", wvhite also pole amp with three white shades. Cai 668-5557 F8 LOST LOST-BLACK miniature poodle- female-Lost in Brooklin area, Turquoise rhinestone coltar, Reward - Phone 65574291. WHITBY FREE PRESS, THtURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1972, PAGE 27 a FULL RECREATIONAL FACILITIES a VEAR ROUJND INDOOR POOL é SPACI DUS SUITES AND BALCONIES MODEL SUITES OPEN 1 TO 9 DAILY 579-1629 SUMMIT PLACE residents can be assured of excellent attention. The Executivo and Management Head Office -of Valiant Pro perty Management is looeted on the 2Dth floor of SUMMIT PLACE. % 177 Nonquon Rd. M C» l;aii Yioopo4t Your two most significant days are Monday the 29th and Tuesday thc 2Oth. At this time you might go out of your way to find unusual entertainnient. You nced a change of scene at this time. Do not let yourself become depressed over trivia at the beginning ofFebruary Mie~n vnîîr vitality nîay be Iow. Pursue greater concepts rather than VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 Be prepared for surprises around the 29th. A social event may un- expcctedly produce just the opposite results of what you desire. Declay decision niaking until the 3lst or the lst of February. You may find career niattcrs slowver than you would ike, yet ail is not wvhat it scenis as this is in fact a very important pcriod for you. Later on you wiIl reap the rewards of prescrnt efforts. Your mnost significant day is ianuary 3Oth. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Personal achievement is favored during this seven-day period. You have a grcat deal of behind-the-scene support and you are able to accomnplisli work wvit1h littie strain. Work hard to fonvard your ideas whilc you have good planctary influences. Work diligently, do flot rest on past laurcîs. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 Last wvcek's activity cycle holds over during this constructive seven- day interval. Energy is high. Tackle tasksw~ith relish. A short journey nmidwveek is advantagcous espccially if you can combine business. with pleasure. Speculation is not favored at this time. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23 to Dec. 24 Energy is high during this seven-day period. Your two most signifi- cant days are Sunday the 28th and Monday the 29th when the Sun is occupied by the moon, brînging you special attention. You are apt to bc under some pressures, but work quietly rather than ner- vously. A short journey over the weekend restores your equillibrium and provides a sense of mental change. If you cannot get away over- night take a long drive or walk to place your thoughts in order. M For January 28 to February 3. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 /'SAVE ON DX (UALIT! SFUEL NOW CoiI Ut Todey for Prompt, Courftbosevice DX FUEL OIL16684381 'iii a highcycla ei tfis tieYourtfor mot igniicant dys arc Tuesa h ye ath nd Wedesdyoute 3 st hen he monoccupiec yursa SuneSin. Fianc eesudaimpthe 3 somwhat tthe firs ofthie nonth. Guard your reputation during this seven-day period. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20ý to Feb. 18 You are in a high period during this seven-day span. You should feel on top of it alI. You are popular and mnany people will enquire about you during this time. The week will probably start off in a hectic way, socially. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 January 2Sth is your most significant day durini this seven-day period. T'here seems to be much going on behind the scenes. You will be entrusted to keep a secret. This is the time, Pisces, when you should laugh no matter what happens. Next week's matters will be clarif ied. You will enter a high cycle next week. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 The New Moon on the 3rd occurs in that portion of your chart that deals with friends, hopes and wishes. You will have an opportunity to add to your list of acquaintances. Be prepared for a sense of fun. Enjoy a lighthearted attitude. Although those in authority look more kindly in your direction manage to stay quietly in the back- ground at this time. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 As the month draws to a close you should be in a kindiier, more humane frame of mmnd. Be alert for opportunities where you can express your creative talent. Problems concerning joint finances could be solved in an unusual manner at this time. Near the 3Oth you will give much thought to your reputation and business. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 This seven-day period is rather quiet and routine. Later in the week pay special attention to persons who are ill. Your most sîgnificant day of thc week is Saturday the 3rd. Speculation is noi favoured during this week. If a certain transaction cannot be delayed then consult experts before making a committment. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 This scvcn-day period is favored for setting sights on future activity. Tensions gradualiy abate, but much energy is spent on problem solving. Those in authority are api to be cooperative, but you should stay safcly behind the scenes. Observe, learn and work quietly on assignime nts. 1 I F221

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