WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1972, PAGE 3 An Oshwa jŽypj!w Whitby WH1TBY - Mrs. Margaret Shaw, defeated in the race for the Oshawa mayuralty ini Decemnber, this week praised the Whitby Chamber of Comi- merce and town council for iiiitiating public mneetings to discuss the impending region- ai governmient in this area. Mrs. Shaw, whio attended last week's meeting at town hall as an interested private citizen, said the City uf Osha- wa cuuld learn a lot frum Whitby and other imunicipali- tics who have scheduled mleet- ings tu let residents know about regional guvernient and whiat they mighit expecl. ln ani interview with the FREE PRESS, Mrs. Shiaw said the smnall cruwd ini attendance ai the first uf four planned meetings did nul dismay hier in the sightest. "Thiere mnay hiave onily beeni 65 ur 70 peuple preserit" she said, "but in my view it represented a goud cruss sec- tion of the cummuffity and included businessmleni. house- xives, laborers and teenagers." Shie added tlhat a similar meeting called for Oshiawa wuuld hiave an eveni sinaller ai tendanice in aIl probability. Mrs. Shiaw was part icularly incensed that Oshiawa lias nuot seen lfil 10 schiedule public meetings uni the subject te this date. "Cati you imagine a city this size runing adver- tiseinents and issuinig state- init s uirging citizenis te write briefs l'or council considera- tit iu a matter u' thiis mi- portance anid witîi suchi a shuort deadline ai hiand?" shie asked. "Nu, 1 tink thle Wiîby Chianber anid Council show a gYreat deal ut conmmun sense inii te way they are handling thiis." suie said. Mvrs. Shiaw clainis shie is inîpressed withi most of thle 37-poin1t position paper re- vealed to the puiblic ut the ai the initial mleeting. "Many' of the points raised are vital." she said, "becauise, afier ail Miey are shaping the towp's desi iny. We must ask our citizeis l'or tlieir opinions Enjoy a prepaid vacation En>o)y a carefrec, prepaid vacation and save nioney, 100! Each pay day put a portion of your vacation mioney into a V and G special savings account that wilI paY You ive per cent interest. Draw this fund out at vacation limie. The generous interest your mnoney will have earned for you is your bonus for- thinkîng ahead. Stant your prepaid vacation fund today aI Victoria and Grey. GTORJA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W, WHITBY ý668-9324 on miatters of such vital con- cern and for this, if for no- thing cise, the town of Whitby is to be congratulated. Mrs. Shaw said she will be attending ahl of the meetings being held in Whitby. "We are coming to the final crunch in this imatter of regional government," she said. "I wuuld be remniss if 1 did flot attempt to gel the feel utf all ut the citizens of the poten- tial fiew region. "While 1 annul a taxpayer ini Whiîby 1 feel cumpelled lu know huw yourr people are thinking. 1, persunally cari hardly wait until next Octu- ber when a regional election is expected tu take place. 1 certainly will be a contestant for a regiunal seat represent- ing the City ut'Oshawa." Mrs. Shiaw said she agreed whule-hecartedly with Whit- by's cunten lion îthey should have a struniger represeniiationi un the regional council. "Thiere is nu way the May- ur and twu regional council- lors can do an adequate job ut representing the 25,000 residents ini Witby. I agree there shuuld be a regional councillur represeititng each of your four wards." Mrs. Shiaw puiinîed out that in the existing proposaI fromi Queen's Park. Oshawa would have I1O regional councillors plus the Mayor. She said that, unilike Whiitby anid uther mu- niicipalities. aIl of Oshawa's str j councillors would have re- gionaljurisdiction. "I feel we, too, should have our local aldermen."~ In reply tu a question concernîng possible parochi- alismn in the Whitby position paper, Mrs. Shaw said she did not feel this was the case in too rnany instances. JOHNSON & JOHN SON I ;II>f )< >\Y( b',- She did single out Deputy- Reeve John Goodwin for a few barbs. "His comment about pour housekeeping in the. larger area was uncalled for. Mr. Goodwin just doesn't under- stand the inîricacies of gov- erning larger areas and the more involved dealings re- January C'learanc.e MEN'IS WEAR, 103A DUNDAS W. 668-3261 Dunlop Radial PIy Tire H EÀDQuARTrERS A1TERSLEY TIRE SERYKCE 103 Duadas st. East, Whltby 668-3336 TRI VI SOL BABIES' VITAMIN DROPS PANT HANGERS -u Shaw quired," she said. She added there were one or two other things that smacked of the parochial and were flot necessarily designed t0 hielp in the establishment of regional government. "But, ail in ail, the very fact these meetings are being held is a credit to Whitby. Other communities could learn a valuable lesson," she said, "not the least of which is the City of Oshawa." w DOne of the eshawa group DISCOUNTS O E '%'Big enougb te Save you money SmaII enoUgb te know your name"# Aeý GARBAGE BAGS GREEN PLASTIC 3 FOR 88C FRENCH FORMULA HAIR SPRAY 88c 88c% -I «rAii ir PlDIRI 9: e ATLI i i 88C SMILE SALT & PEPPERS 88C can teach us a lesson 1'à êDLU4OAST. L -AIST "If yu watit to look yur best'e. *1 n*i mi * .1 David J. D. Sims Barrister & Solicitor announces the opening of an office for the practice of law at Suite 3 The Professional Building, 306 Dundas St., W.,, Whitby, Ontario Te lephone s Office - (416) 668-9307 Residence -(416) 267-63 65 OFFER EXPIRES 27TH JANUAR Y, 1973 - L/M/TED QUANT/TY ON AL L ITEMS SECRET SUPER DRY DE000R AN T 6 oz. 88C 14 oz.mi88c 2 FOR 88c WT AOI SMILE COFFEE MUG uDISCOUNT STORES 121 Brock Street South WHITBY, 'ONT. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 11