Whi*tby Free Press Special Salute To MINOR HiOCKEY WEEK ian 0 Jan local boys help Tiremen goinifirst year Could use support The Brooklin-Whitby Ju- nior "'B" Tirenien are iii thecir first year of operation in the O.H.A. Metro Juniior "B" League. and althiough they are not the biggest îeam in the league, they hiave pro- vided the people iin the Brook- lin-Wiîby area with sone good hockey. The teami hias a iinber of local boys in the line-up. suchi as: Kimi Crouch and Tony Canniella in goal, Kent Mac- Carl and Bob Dalby on de- fenise. Doug Wood and Bob Mowat on righit wig, Mike Harper and Brian Millar at centre. Other teami mien1bers are: Johin Sedgley' and Mike Perrv froni Don Milîs. Les Spanger and Keîrhi Johnisoni fromi the Pickering area. Rich Bn nklev fronm Oshawa. Raîidy Dickson and Biaiine Tannier have just joined the teami ne- centily, thiev wene with the \Vexford teai Uip until about three weeks ago. Steve Dabous is aniothien new addition t0 the Fi reinen. lie was with the Toron to Nationials until just necen tly. Tomn Mac L-ishi and Doni Nicholson are l ivinig in Wi tby, but are trom Canningtoon. On t. The teamn is sponsoncd by the Whitby Caniadian Tire Store run by Mr. A.M. "Art" Desjandine. 'Flic Tiremien niembers are: E. ('rouclh - President executive M. "lS'd" and Gen- cral Manager, Norni [lancock - Treasuirci Bob Greer Sec- retary. 1)oug \Vcales -Pub- licit Dylirector and Announi- . .. -. .Il ý . 1r.n".- 1 i t% .~ i ,.'].fi in. Oshad wa and hrinç!s a lot of Vice lPresiden t. Direc tors are: Vern MacCarl, Ilarold lBrown, Ivan Davies, Murray Beadle, Hlarilaid pays tribute to hockey executive Our thoughts this week are with ail the youngsters of the commiunity who are parti- cipating ini active miinor hockey. This week, which has been especially set aside in pro- motion of minor hockey, is the limie when we try our best 10 provoke the thoughîs of parents, and in fact tLe whole commnunity, hopefully to effect a grealer participa- tion from ail. And we do succeed. --or s0 it seems. But no slirring of thought wouid be of signifi- cant benefit 10 our commun- ity unless there are dedicated leaders t0 enthuse with acti- vated mindis and energies. Therefore, let us ail pay a very speciai Iribute to ail the executive, managers, coaches, trainers of minor hockey and their assistants by greeling them with a friendly hello sometine' over the weekend when we ail attend a hockey gamne. You, mumrs and dads--- LET HlM BRING YOU-YOU BR1NG YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. My wife and 1 this year are sponsoring two ail star teamns; the iminor iiîdgets mnanaged by Bill Edwards, coached by Jiiim De Mille and trained by Gerry Prosser and the major novice nnanaged by Brian Baker and coachied by Carl Johansen. We are, of course, very plcased 11at both these îearns are tops in their respective leagues. Having seen Mr. Edwards and Mr. De Mille in action with the 15 year olds, one can only admire their determination aild compelen t leadership which cannot lead to any- thing but gratifying success. The sarne dedication can be clearly evidenced with the leaders of the fine year old novices. Carl Johansen, Brian Baker and his wife, Pal, especiaily most certainly de- serves a lot of credit for the success the kids are now enjoying. r But Jtlus aI Ihis lime also give some thought to other minor sports in Whitby. My wife and 1 are supporters of -minor sports but we are emphatically supporters of ail minor and amnateur sports Ihat, strengthen the character de- termination and physical fit- ness of the youngsters who ultimiately will represent our commnunity's and nation's fu t ure. Attending a recent coun- cil meeting, 1 was disappoin- ted to see the council app- rove a new arena with a seating capacity for 1,500, while not giving any thoughl to other recreation and sport- ing facilities. 1 most certainly do not object 10 the, building of an arena, but would also like to sec some provision for other sports. Let us ail gel behind the chairman of the Recreation- Comuniiitece, Doctor Kenneth Hobbs and help imii build these other needed facilities. Afterall, many of our minor hockey stars this week are the minor football stars in August. Let us further give sup- port t0 the idea of providing transportation as was sugges- ted by Councillor Don Love- lock fromn the North Ward by way of a mini bus ser- vice 10 the various sports facilities available so that they can be enjoyed equally by all whether residents of the norlh, south, east or west portions of this commiun ity. Des Rosiers. Bill Berwick is the Coachi of' the Tiremen. Bill is fromn Teami trainers are: Bob Lind- say and Marcel Boivin. 0. a*e 0 0*0 0 27 Sincere thanks Thiree cheers for ail volunteers, but at Ihis particular imie of year, hiats off 10 ail the people whio iake possible the Minor Hockey programns. Being emiployed fuli-time in Municipal recreation, 1 realize, better than most, the essential role comnmunity or- ganizations play in our society. Without the spirit and dedi- cation of the countless numbers of individuals serving in a multitude of capacities, the task of providing adequate opportunity for creative leisure to ail citizens would be miammoth. To the Brooklin-Whitby Minor'Hockey Association, congratulations on a fine job under somewhat trying cir- curnstances. Having the only two arenas in town con- denned and dernolished in the sanie year, and having the organization press on with its programi is deserving of the highest commendation. The Town Council has placed, high on ils priority list, a new arena to be ready before the end of this year. While this will not provide the absolute decision, it should do much toward making the task at hand a little easier. The Whitby Recreation Department stands ready to assisl in any way possible and wishes the Brooklin/Whitby Minor Hockey Association and all other miinor hockey or- ganizations success in the years t0 corne. G. K. Gelette, DIRECTOR 0F RECREATION,' TOWN 0F WHITBY. An explanation Space limitations in this suppiement were such that all Whitby minor hockey teams could flot be photographicallv oresented. In isolated instances it was impossible to get teams together in time for the issue. We deemed it advisable to withhold photographs of Ail Star teams until our next issue. We then will present themn in a special spread which could be incorporated with this suppiement to make it complete. We also wiil endeavour to include those other minor teams missing from this issue. This project vuas time- consuming but well worth it. Please bear with us until next week and we think Vou wilI agree.