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Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1973, p. 2

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PAGE 2, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS Your is opinion needed Fre Prss Reader Survey in assessing how we, at the WHITBY FREE PRESS, can brin g you the weekly reading material you most prefer, we need Vour opinion. Below f ollow some questions we ask you ta consider. Simply clip our reader survey and mail tu Post Off ice Box 206. SUR VEV Do You read the following * Q.' ce Birdseye View (Jim Quail) Motoring with Mike (Burgess) One Man's View (Bill Williams) Starscope (Joyce Read) Pets on Parade (Elizabeth Tyler) Sid Morris Gardening Column C LASSIF IF : Do you read the Ciassified Section? Do you read the FREE PRESS editorials Would you prefer to see more guest editonials? Do you enjoy Dave Schembri's cartoons, Would you prefer to see more council and political orienited stories Do you enjoy features such as the FREE PR ESS ,f eature, tCan You ldentfy This Whitby Structure?' Would you like to see a weekly historical feature in the FREE PRESS Kalnin's Girl of the Week Would you prefer to see this feature contnued______ We have in the past featured a special photo page. Do you en)oy photographic features Would you prefer to see a Special Free Press Reading Sectioni which would high- light short, light, fiction stories such as the type published in our Christmnas issue- ("The Ebullient Editor" and "The Unsinkable Rosa Brown")? a a ý aJ Do you feel our weekly sports coverage is (j GE NERAL NEWS ITEMS Are FREE PRESS general news stories 0f tenwppr eiee om oe read the f ollowing: Please state newspapers in order of preference. 1i ............................................................... 2 ................................................................. 3 ................................................................... 4 ................................................................. 5 ................................................................. 6 ................................................................. What do you enjoy most about the WH ITBY F REE PR ESS? What do you dislike most about the WH ITBY F REE PR ESS? IWhat sex and age are you? What is your marital status?I What type of work are you in? Vour name is not necessary. Please send to: WHITBY FREE PRESS, POST OFFICE BOX 206f WHITBY. readers write To l'ie 1:ditor: Pri or lu) th'e List iiitcpl ect ioiýn Wiii \îil k . iiaii Itîrimils \erc hield and a cci- taII iii anIlIt ut initeresi Wais slonhv concerned cil izens. 1 th li t on e such meet i ng wais rumnd b'.'lva t appeared obv it>II5t tiltîS . ithe init ru- duc tion o f plan ted or pre- arranged questions since twu mienibers utf the exisl ing cuin- cil we ne ablIe [o immiied ja ely pick up papet s Irom wlîîch tlcy' were able tu read an- swers in detail. ihis l )CC .i t (t U iC:isonfl Or writîng il ti ilime. Rellecuiîg on thie forums reici red to iabove. juians c:mn- dîdies secking electlion or re-elect ion uised 'Coinmuni- can ons wîî h the Lleci orale' as their plaîl'orîn or one ut- the tIiings îlîey wouild cer- tainly b c watcliing. ln tact. one nle wmcnm ber of' (Cnticil tur whomIn 1votedini ade a very go od present at in o coniiun ica tion s and how ilm The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 1 "We buy and seli anything" 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA A & W is looking for somneone to own ancd operate one of our drive-in's in the Whitby area. The per- son we are looking for will have about S50,000.00 <before mortgages> and a keen desire to be su ccessf ut. The A & W package is complete: Real Estate and construction assistance; Complete initial training programn; Customer orientedl menus; National and regional advertising; Local promotional materials; Continuous training and assistance as required; and most of ail . . . . A & WV's well known namne and fiîne reputation. If you are looking for yo 'ur own successful business and have access 10 $50,000.00, why flot consider joining the leading fast foodi Company in Canada? Write or phone today for complete information: D.M. (Doug) Robbins A & W FOOD SERVICES 0F CANADA LTD. 2810 Victoria Park R oad - Suite, 113, Willowdale, Ont. (416> 493-5770 po~rtanît it was to keep the pecople inflkrned. Wiatlihas lhappetned since Deceniber 4, 19721 It would appear tihat we thRe lectorate niuîst have been i islcd or thai thie new nienîbers of ' ounicil have been brain waslied. A recen t meeting wvith a i C )1 Csenita t jve of'thLe Ontario Provincial Goverumient on Re- gional Governînent was or- dcred "'Closed lu the Press & Public". Whio are Ihese people \whO dictate whiat the puiblic shal know and whiat îhey slîall flot knowv'? Ccrtainly 1 ziiosl fot and cannol use the word 'dictator', but I do îhink we have the riglit to knocw wlho dicîated thiat the meeting re- f'erred to shiould be barred to ilic press. It will, of course, bc argued thiat public meet- Üigs have been hceld on Re- gional Govcrnrnent. How are wec to know that the 37 items bruugh t lu those public meel- iiigs b' Council are ail thiat is good f'or us Io know?, Maybe il is to00 mucli for the peasants. L. Harry Inkpen Frances Street, WHITBY COMMITTEE FOR INDEPENDENT CANADA Write: Willam Cumpsty 348 Arthur St., Oshawa, or Cali- 576-2391 WANTED Names and addresses of former Whitby residents for invitation 10 Homecoming "73, July 27 - Aug. 6. Please send lists 10 County Town Carnival Com- mittee, 117 Green Street, Whitby. HELP MAKE THIS YEAR MEMORABLE FOR ALL VVHO KN EW WHITBY U TEImI FIEPROS j (Volce of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie - .~/and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday publiNîîed l' whîiî by rec P 11wI. 2 12 Brock St. South, WliVlin. MaillBo\ 206. WIîî tlb>. IPhoie 069-61 1 1 or 668-611l2 (esnrml NManaîger: W'. "Bill" Durkee Itr;Jud),l>urk« AIIN 'd itoriat SUTal: Bill Williams A IN Sports 1:ditor: 1V'ouiz Weslcs PE RMIII Adverlisiflg: Rosi Winsianle>' NO. 2941

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