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Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS àBIRD 'S EYE r byv Jim Quail Actuaiiy i 've hicard a lot wvorse tlian . 'kiii the ref" buît we couidn't priîîî sone of' the other reinarks. And would you believe it, sonie of' those remnarks were t teredj by norînaliy quiet and sedate hiosuiewives. These occasionai biessings can be lîcard in the wee heurs et' the îuerning on nîest weekends cluriîîg the win ter. Anyt ire after f'ive a.m. rvlonîl and Dad roi I out of' the hotisC with both anis loaded l'eilowcd by an aspi ring young Bobby Orr. After picking UP a couple of'1the rîeighibour's kids il s )tt te the local arena t'or a hockey praci ice or even a gaine. At l'ive in the morning 1 don 't care if' ha l* if ef Vli t 1 siides iîto the lake, bu t when yen 're a hockev nu t It ue deesll'i matter. Mocm and Dad liv e bleary eyed bu t die kicîs are brigh t eyed and raring te go. Tac tics ai e piannîed dur iîîgthLe car ride and thlere is aklvavs hie occasîotial argîiîne t as t1o who \Vil I si t mosi eft thle paile (o1t(lie ie iîcil anud \Vîo Caln give the hardest check. BIGGEST CLEARANCE EVER Zenith Most Models Available 10091,0Soli Staftechassis (flot e.actIy ai lIltodl Phiips ~ k Modulor 4 Ail Canadian Mode Admirai Solar Color maot exactly am iustratedl 'We do take trade uins *Same day deluvery 4Same day service FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-001 Whcei yout sec theose tIykes truding in te hMe tIre with whjat appears te be a t icast 200 pot'nds et equipînet yen ca n 't hielp bu t w0fnder iîow t ic ir little an kles w iii hold ni) fer a wheole laai't hou r. Wliiiie metu and dad hecad l'or a choice satnear t(lie boards the kid s are ini the dressing rooin caret îmîy adjutsi iîg pds, checking sticks anîd horsing a ronn d Iike t hcy liad i ec n np l'o r at List six hiounrs. As sooiî as theick ids appear yeni cati ligu re out wlicli parenîts bcleng te wh ich k ids. Last ni n ute inîst ruc tion s are ye lied ou t and cach pamren t siIs rip a lit île st raiglite r as hbis pride and jey cemes ou t on the ice l'or a pract ice skate- arouiid. The guy 1 t'cel sorriest l'or is the ret'eree. li'n sure there are soniîe mornings when lie doesn 't have ait'rieîîd in the worid. Tlhese are the limies when lie just cati't cali ýany- tlîiig riglit. i is cails are replied with tirades of, "blifid iii ene eye a nd can 't sec eut t lie o tlier." or, '"givc thLe re ' a White calie!" For the kids it 's a serions business. Yen cmiî sec tlie look et' deteriînatieu on tlîeir l'aces as tlîey sit lot tee patient ly in thle ho x wa il ng l'er t lieir 'big break'. Tlo Othci hockey is more 1 ha iist a ga ine, i 1 's a way of I' i l'e. At home tlîey wmaclî ail the N.1 1.1-. gaines. collct hockey cards and 'posters. know ail the stat ist ics on il tIle players anîd voice tlîeir opinions long anid loud abot i lir part icular hero. Seine t inies t lie paircints aie 0easy t e Lace beca lise i t s tOr sure tue ir kid m ust hajve becni iticked liii o a bail check or atipii call andidtlie ie, ei-e isi didîî't sec wiiat was hîappeninîig. AltiiîîgliîItle Closvd 111a1V coilsisi t oeily 5(0 oî Où lîardy parenîts Itle ioa t oi the ciowd eau Lie iiuciî lmore -OP"nEwfnp - Tuesday Mid Tbwiday ~ IVA NS 'dHAIRSTTrLIN4G 14W offmDs ST. EL - WWTS "If you want to look your bestf" sr- te N r&MP 5>OfggAvR»., f,145tà%vIfl"À Ào s, e- SFSCOEBAR Hovv t e.p 0fiS s PLACE DRIVER BRAND TîME FIRSI Sian Hayes POLARIS 8 12:35 SECOND Wes Pesek POLARIS 8:31 18 THIRD Ed Manstud POLARIS 8:39:.42 FOIJRTH Jim Satranski POLARIS 8:48:19 FIFTH florothy Mercer POLARIS 8:.49 ý04 SIXTH Ed Mansuems ARCTIC 9.03.08 SEVENTH Larry Cotion ARCTIC 9:27:21 EIGHTH Wayne Konickson ARCTIC 9:36:48 NINTH Bi Riopelle POLARIS 9 ý52:34 TENTH tionn Ede ARCTIC 9:53:48 ~44IM321 * ~ PIXTURIS a SUPPUB I I ~701 ro&kst. N. Wib 20% DISCOUN DIRECT TO YOUS 668m6601 IOYO1A From COROLLA cýFmmt Dcse rom *0 www MoTifm 0TF~ somw $%we lPwNiv roe IXObS T. W. 6684.792_ Enjoy a prepaid vacation hn1joy a crt eprepaid vct uand s'ive mlonley toe! E.-achi pay' day put a oft io tyour vacation iîoney inito a V and G speciail savings accoun it that %vilI pay' you t-ive per cent iiit eresi. Dr-aw this fuîîd outI at vacatien tinie. The germrons iii ter-est your miey wii i have ear'îed l'or you is your- boiîus tor t hinkîng ahcad . St ar-tm'ut- pr-epaid vacation f'und te- day .... at Victoria amd Gicy. WCORIA an GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 Stan Hayes, driving a Polaris TX Star- tire, and with a 51 minute lead over the closest competitive brand snowmobile, won the shoriened Winnipeg to St. Paul "500- on January 25, The last teg of this four day event was cancelled because of extreme fog con- ditions and Iack of snow cover. Fïve other Polaris drivers completed lte domnating sweep ot this year's "Top 10" by winning 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th places! This impressive vîctory ctosely toi- lowed the Polaris win at Eagte River, Wisconsmn, where Bob Eastman, driving a TX Starfire. captured the coveted World Championshîp crown. Thats two major wins for Polaris with- in one week .. . against the world's best competition.What better proof 0f Polaris quatity, performance and reliability! ÀCa (Yi $ W77f&LW99.OHn'/?À 'i&fre ÀHY»PY Don't miss this once-a-year chance to buy a famous, race- bred Polaris at rock bottom, clearance prices! Polaris continues to win big al across the country. That shouid be proof enough that Polaris ofters a top performance value at any price. But the big news s that right now, you can buy a race-bred Palaris at the iowest price ot the season. Gel down to your Polaris dealer soon and take advantage of his special Avalanche of Values low, clear- ance sale prices! 0F VALUES ýCLEARANCE SALE Charles Bell Sales & Service Taunton Rd.W. Whitby 668-6173 HOurm: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Set. 9 a.m. to 5 P." a ~ tremeutidets tllin a fll homse l'or a big leagueC gaine. Fer every father sitting iin the stand secesis lïtoy the chance t'or greatrtess thiat lie could neyer a t tain. And wlî uc the irotiiers sece tieir tyke as a rouglh and tough guy who eau give it out just as well as taking il, îhey et teti have a riagghig worry in the býacks et' their ininds that miaybe their lit île guy îuiglit be iijurcd. Wlîeîî the whiist le biows aind the eue brave serti stays flat oii the ice there is an instan t fIushi in tic arena. Worried parents peer aiixioiisly,(iver the boards and an eveni more wernied coaclh skýates hutrrîedly over te the secene of the disaster. Usually after a quick inspection and sonie iu- spiring words the flllen warrier is tip again tu receive clieers lrom tdie parenits aîîd respect l'rem his timates. The next timie you lhappen te he up eanly ini the inoro itg aind giance out the window tesec the sun just ba-e ly start iîg to risc, tlii ink abhou t thli teer wenld . That otiîcî world is called hockey and in thousaîids cf arenas A (Iver [liecocennry at ridiculeus heurs cf the mornings a lot of devotcd players. parentis, referees, aud coaches are giving hockey Ilîcir best. 1 don 't t ii îk iiilier hockey she iiid j ust hiave (.ule weck set asidle. I1îiink we shetild set aside the whele darn winter to01 itl, deîi't you'?.. % A-K ýw& m m

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