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Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 11

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The Birookin-Whiit by Las- Co Steel major peC-wees op- enced tieîir besi of' îhree ser- tcs against Lin dsay with a 7-3 win last Saturday Hen camne home to win the second gaine by a 1 2-4 score on Mon- day. 11 the firsi gaine flhc steel-« crs got goals froîn Paul Brown, witlh ilhree, w'h le teanmniate Datve Bannion added two. Sini- gles wcre notchied by Johin Wad delI and Randy Galtas. The seconîd gaine in th1e series was ptaycd at Brook- liin Arctna wtiere the Stecl- lers thirew everything they lîad a t the vîsi ting Lndsay club. Thnce of'thec Steel- Mites beaten in tourney The Vickery Electric Mîtes teok part, in the Mite Tour- liaien t held ini Bowmanville over the weekend and lost their first gaine by a score of' 5-1 againsi Bowvmanville. Novice post 2 wins in weekcend play The Brookliin-Wirby Bob Heron Farîn Equipnen t maj- or novice teamn played two exhi b ition0 gainles w iiiil îng bolli. The first gaine was 5-3 ovet Lin dsay in which Char- lie M0ejîni led the way willh two goals. Darrclil3Blacquire. Todd Cotton and Joey Vanl derlinde added singles. The second ganie as a 6-1 %vini over Aîajx with Scott Breniner leadimng(the ay illh INvo oik sSintylcs wecoî b ('lai lic Mcii ier. Joey Valider- iîîde. Todd ('01100 and Dayv- id Non tan. tan Poiter scoreci the loule LI(Oa t. lTe second gaine of thie teutrinent was a 21-0 sîtut- ou t over Port IHope. S Mark Lee provided thic goat tend ing whileuc ianina tes 1)anîîy Gannard. ('hartie Mas- oin and Kerr Kingston lhain- dled flhe scoring. The nexi gaine wvas a close 1-2 toss to Cobouîrg. Brock Neuinaoii scorcd boidi goals l'or flhc 1rookliin-Witiby tcami. The club played anl ex- hlibit ion gaine iii Stoutifville on Suînday wtîerc rhey de- lèéaicd West Reuge by a score oft 5-1I. Roin ie Magu ire ted ilie wvay %withi two goals. Siingtes wenc addcd 1w ('hart ic Mason,. C eg Cibsoîi anîd Danniy Camrard. WIIITI3Y UREL PRLISS, ITIURSDAY, IILBRUARY 15, 1973. PAGE, 1l ers, Johnt Waddcll, Paul Brown and Dale Sawyer scored two goals each wlîile Scot t Rav- ary, L)oug Zinkiewichi, Danny Maguire, Jaic Roachel, Grog Tushingliani and Johin Bu is- man added the sîngle mark- ors. Brooklin - Whitby Minor Pee-Wee House League Peter the Plumber - 4 Jim Stachow - 2 David Elliot. - 1 Bill Rowell - 1 Dunlop - 5 Jim Atkinson - 1 Paul Whyte 1 Eddie Derks 1 Jamie Gregg 1 Bill Cain - 1 McNamara Marine - 4 John P. Aggett - 2 Larry Chizen - 1 Jamie Tran -1 Randali Plurnbing -4 Jim Reid -2 Steve Porter 1 Bruce Pettes 1 Lynview Construction Ray McWhirter - 2 Allen Andrews - 2 John Spratt - 1 Greg Gilks - Todd Sandrelli - Koke's Sheil - 2 Mike Mulligan - 1 Jayde Gibbs - 1 Broolin - Whitby Major Pee-WVee House League <Games Piayed Feb. 10, 73) Celotex -4 Joe Fusco -2 Steve Matika - 2 Mercury -1 Shawvn Ewing - 1 TC'S - 4 Danny Edvvards - 2 Rusty Kawecki - 1 Paul Ciugston, - 1 Kîwvanis - 2 Grant Broughton -1 Gord McComb - 1 Red tNings - 6 Mike Gallagher - 2 Mike Eldridge - 2 Rick Nieuwvendyk - 2 Dodd & Souter - 1 Nick Coady - 1 STANDINGS AS 0F FEB. 10,73 RED WINGS 10'S CELOTEX M ERCUR Y KIWANIS DO DO & SOUTER LASCO Pee-Wee AlIstars win 2 over Lindsay Jeff' Wcstenhoe fer scored sin- gles. Thec second gamne was a 3.2 loss to the Oshawa Little N. H.L. Flyers. Bobby Middlc- ton scored both goals for the Haril'aid Stars, Lacrosse needs you! Anyone interested in a Association is asked to cati coaclîing position with the oneofithe Convenors;Iisted Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse below. Pete Burns (Tykc) - 72-5-8615. Budd Kernohian (Novice) 728-3290 [)ick Walker (Pee Wee) 723-5620 Jim Brady (Bantam) 728-5926 Shirley Walker (Girls) 723-562.0 Thurs. ThruTues. EVENINGS AT 7 P.M. BUFERF61ES Goldie Hawn ADDED FEATrURE ~ ~B5YRIDER k p < DENNIS tIOPPER PETER FONDA IUCKY PIZZA CONTES L%îndpnabut $5000~O~ifBOfl73 E ry tm o buy a pizza f rom PIZZAZZIP - You ;Ild win $50.00. Just fui out the form on the top ACA PO tebxand mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain ACA PO relope to either of aur two locations. Every Sunday- re is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULD A WINNER! YOU R: Paul Sevcik, 1008 Byron St. S. Whitby.- PI ZZAZZ I 76 576-3255 DEPEND me Tax People interest f ree O ir re.tirenmnt bi \ i în 'ýou Important incoie tax dedutîcions red IlI I i fllilt.Sit\lings Plan, You can saý c oundreds of tax IS 1101 lot t \bh. until rtrenicnt, then, only as incomi kl to bL l)\\..r then otoo>. -h oi roI ng- nîîx.ey roni the (io\erninient, intercst frec 'IîcOit 111.(N bring. conte tax advaintages on Retirenient Saivings frorn the well- -esenîs the Manufacturcrs Lîfe. lie is tissociated with t und and profitable mionley managemnent that*s outstanding ohimi bc sure to ask himi on Iy an insu rcd plan ciii this coupon for a frec, Li cao1 saIVe tax dollars.E ne, without obligation, a ýhe bookiet: '"Registered * vings Plan."IQ tanson a, Ont. PIClL~KING MARINE and SPORTS S. . Hns Sie501, Bell Tower, IRE RSOshawa Centre flic Brooklin-Whlitby Har- itaid Stars played two ex- hibition gaines, winning one and losing the other. Thie lirsi gaine was a 4-2 win over Bowmianville. Bobby Middleton, Warren Smith and Harilaid Stars split MICHELIM &ffO.20¶4 steel-belted radial Attersley Tire Service 6835 )MING NEXT WED. FEB. 2lst. ~f jJ ZHIVAGQ mRAlmý CHULOREW'Sl MATSWEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. "WHITE FEATHER" Eve of 1 env the SE NEI WHITBY - 106 Byron1 668-6495 or 668-9909 How bo gel the Inca 10 Iend you moneyi Itcrcstecd? \VcIl l (s possiblc. Secu encourages ý mit to prcparc for \ ou on miOc\ ou iO\est Pi a Regîýstul* dollars cach ,car ditis v Your i rccei\ cd. (ý0 our X )taxrCkct Is likC It ail adds uip to about the saine . . . p/Iu. the sa\ I togs t t.tx dcféri Youi cao learn the fuil stol \ on n11 informied prolèssional \ý.ho reprt company' thatî hts a record l'or so n the industry. \\ hen yoLttalk t( about tue but lt-i gitar.tntees that olTer. Phone hou today\ or mail inforrnatIý c brochure. on ho\ý \ot recpyoPlease send r Retirement Sa Steve t- * The Ma i Oshawa MAN'UFACTW I4NStjlRAN,*'[C, C ce

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