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Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 13

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CALLING AL GIRLS NumerousWbitby girls are practicing the fundamentals of soccer prior1 ta taking ta the field this spring and summer in a newiy-formed girls't soccer league. The girls have been bard at work at Anderson Collegiate1 each Wednesday evening for several weeks and anyone stili interested s urged ta turn out. Officiais of the new league have announced that registration for players wiIl be held on Saturday, February 17 between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m. Girls between the ages of 7 and 17 are eli-J gible and are asked ta turn Dut and register at either of the two regi- stration booths-one at the Whitby Municipal Building and the other at the Brooklin Community Centre. -Photo by Atex Kailiins FREE PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER PIZZA OPEN 668-8807 WE DELIVER MON--SAT. 4-2 am, SUN. 4- a.m. 668-8808 204 BROCK ST. S.1 DIREC7UORS CE Wlill'1'IJY l"REL* PRILSS, 'il IUKSI)AY, iTRUR 15, 1973, I>AG;I' 13 Kainins On women he meets Iorethîe nexil lew weeks yeu will be able te gel soine inlorution on varions pereniinlis. A pereilial is a flower- ing plant wit stem s Iba t are berbaceons, iLe .flesby ralibe r tbaiu woody wb icb nsually d ie down Ite flicsoif and pro- duces new growlii dbe nexi spriug. Tbhis week youti vll look at oeeof' tie nîst lu teresi- ing ef' al urenal.the I)elphnlum.n'.'lbe sp ikel ike tlowers et' Il1w delpbinium are usnially bIne but, tbrougb bybri(li/a- llen en lca'nleh I a itnvery h te re 51iug sbad(es oe*lave ndîer, purpie. svbite or eveu a newer additùi, 4a red Ldelpîinini. Tbe plans vary'inlu eigîn frein 1 te 0 l'eet taîl. l'ie tail vani- et les are breatbitakiug. but reqîtire stakiug wbiereas tbe sîtorte r varie tles deneot. T1heIDelpbhiiummlbas it s best Sbow lu early stnuîmer but svîll 1llewer in ie w 'all il' thte Ilirsi tiewers aire renieved beleOre seed pods develep. le pi educe tb 15 secoud crep oet STUDY GROUP lI>r Jili ( artshtere. say'5 lus tel-Il as clîairmii s ceiuuii- te a atinral end becanise luis vIeai is lp- grenp tuletuibers hiave niade il cleai otele FREFi PRI 'iSS tley de ne(t téee il t'ea silile te carry ou tnuder bis leadersbhip becanise lie is a ce n uci I ni ber. Vice Pt esiden t ilarrv lu k- peu. wbe lis ilnak iuig ra ii ue- nients l'or tbe weekeiud taCet- «)Id~ teld le F P'lRESS. ou'main ettotast veai \was te bliug ,an ettect vo sialenuiate te nlii) lIevuhall (1i1 the hlI. wlile cmtu cti oîu 'let îepolice bnildiiu ati tbe Rosslaud Rd. site I tiigeiîî lehas plauned. We utvhve tilt iliutel\ cur- bed pins l'on ceiilsitic t (ili (la wn lhall It Ilesite.-' Tbere vas ncb i al k lasI e. cai ilat Itle gtenp I)was îoî uedpnely'()n za beel bas- is. lie couil ined. i teeliluai id w~e received ubie ceur- iesv I l a ieplv 1h oi Cotul-l IAIRS U'here's a limited supply of these Hollywood styled directors chairs. Great for patio, rec room, dining room or don. Businessmen, these chairs are excellent reception furniture for your off ice or store. Available in Black, Blue or Brown. COMPARE ELSKWHERE AT $2290 4 CHAIRS FOR $69,95 ROWLYN STATIONERSI 14 HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX, 942-4051 839-4363 FREE DELIVERV ANYWHERE bleetus, cu-Illb e is jttsibelow Iblle owers Mien Itle l' gi'ewtlt,,iI the base of* plants is about 6" tall. rerriov, li origi nalI sîis to flic gnourid . l'le ncw stailk s wilIl caýr tlowe nsse mile wha I Sma Ile r I b a nIlble lh st cnt p of b lue nis bu t will be jusi as colourflul. N'eu wiI I find a "'a irly new"by brid cal led C n nec t - CLII Yankee te 1)eail cxcept lena I y lr-ce-floweiing plantI witli a bieigbit appreximately 2V2 'cet taîl, tuai bears spikes of' 212 inch blosseuis lu sbades of' bIne, purple or lavender and as well as wbite. Yen \vill1, idIe candle delpiinnîLii is a giaut bybrid wbose sîalk s înay becinie 5 te 06 leet or more inlu bigb t, il' given tbe proper condit ions. Te massive spikes are coin- posed et' 2 te 3I incb fllwers wîtbi a single or double ring et' petls. Many et' tbe l'owers biave coutrast iug ceuters or "becs'". Seme etft be vaticje s te leok t'er ,are Pac ifi lIIy- hi ids, lilackinere and Landen I lybrids. Yeu wilI 1'înd delphiîniums de best lu 11111 sunligbt a nid a, wel l-d rainîed speot thaluabalieien nricbied svi bcoini- post, . ell-rot ted cow ulailure or leal menuld. Yen sbenld sow the seed lu Angusi 1er bloem ing the fllewing year. Yen sbenld sew seeds every t'ew years te keep euly st rong, vîgereus plants i n or perennial boerder. ADORN HAIR SPRAY 13 ounce, Sugg. List 2.98 CLAIROL 8 ounce HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO - Sugig. List 1.98 New 24 oz. Suxe LISTERINE E.. Sugg. List 2.39 BUFFERIN 48's- Sugg. List 99c unl'oghtMULTIPLE VI MILD FAMILY with IRON-101 TOILET SOAP Sugg. List 4.75 6AANTIDIl f 00 Dee-Te coB c BEN * O *I -PANTY HOSE SHORT'S l.D.A. PHARMACV 65 Baldwin St. 655-3301 Brookiin COURTICE-ALLIN l.D.A. PHARMACY 117 Brock St. N. 668-2394 Whitby \-,12 oz. Nursery Jar VASELINE -'PETROLEUM IJELLY Sugg. List 1 .19 9 JOH NSON'S 2BABY POWDER 14 ounce fl SUGG. LIST 1.39 7 Le" JOHNSON'S SBABY SHAMPO 12 ounceg JOHN SON'S BABY Oit New 16 oz. Sugg. List* 2.12 lMe6 Plain or >LC S L7 I~VZ~I with Iran E" 15 ou.nce HE T FLINTSTONES lNo Children's Vitamins 3-r uaat A o 1

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