BgIRD'S EVE VIEW ~-~r~ by Jim Quail Yards of red tape ihat 's very ofetîcti 'a t gelts inIllte ay ti' ltiing a jtob \itliîiii a r.easenable tlimîe peried, atnd il seetes es- pecially t rue witiî tIlewi t(i' Wli l '. h liad occaision t ie taik itî te a ct)itcili tir the etliet tay atnd wiuile I \vti'ttmenit itui s inaie, I cati tell x't)t that lie is a busînessmn anatd otne I ctîtsider sticcesslol. Iii his husiniess lie lias le niiake titick decis- ionts atnd itîpienîent tleiem - ed a tt i drcd lape is seiiething lie definiiteiv deestît like t) gel catîgh t up ii. He was taiking about cetincil sessiotns and liotw disappoiî'ted lhe as ith Uice way t lîey are unatnd 1 lîad te agree witlîiti. His biggest beet' was tuat seine tfIllte ctn.îcil sectîî more ilitentotn f itiiiiig Rebertsen 's Parlîanientary Rules than they are ton gel- LIî u job at hatîd doue. Weili Ibis îay have hecu a lew experieuce teoh imi but 1inuust sadiy admtit I have seenl this rcd tape kitîd ol' ttltIicitiusiiess 11,atîY tintes in tlîis lewul, soett nes oet e th l ii tlle ct)un cii Chatmblcrs. Pc rlîaps t(lie eue tit a t st antds ou t t nost recen t y un mly uiii d va s tIlic gre atl>Pop M a rtcape r.Ili t ha t case a greup tit htîsiîtessttiet expressed a desi'e t e sel 01) a rela il heverage buosiness t igi It ac ress tIlic Stiree t frelin tu r td doetffices eit ByrionttS treet . 'Il ese hbus- inessitien were assuriet inauiidividtil tîat ulîcy weuild have ut) troubile îeceivitîg ptrmîissietn te carry otii tcir busitness trlit Iltle Toitwtt etWlîthly. 5 tlîey starttcd te werk. 'F'lîey reitteti att elt taiuy witiclt Itati lieit sit- tiiig uttoseti l'or \ears, anti at'ii a lot et Jpaitnt ing atnd t'iiig (1p, the pluce letîket reatiy Cor business. Th'leir. itexI scpl was te speuti thtiusatîds et' dellars steckitîgItle pliace \ViltI 5 li s iti înk evertages. Fitiailv Ilite place wvas ready tIle atîvet tisiîg tai ttiit people titcy were in butsitness ýutid tle deers wetc oietieti. 'lliteew iters wct c t appy atntisai eveilt(lîe inayer lhat expresset iîls appreval te îlieîtt aîtd as glad te sec a iew busitness il i tiwt. Butîtiîey dî(ii'î gel a licetîce te eperate thte businîess. It seetîs hIle reti tap)e Jlagte liad struck again. 1)espite Ille pîcas treti litIle ilittivitiuai wioIe tirst atd- vi sed thleti i l\r î itha t a ilicenlce wvoid he comt it g ait1 was 1rtiabiy ou ils way', Itere was St iji tua licetnce. lTe area whcre lte da iry wvas situa led xvas te i zenedti soli pop).Il' veu vwaitîed te sel1 iiilk itere didn't seentî e hea prein t nottipep. So thlcboy s tused a le ph ele ant i îived t liei r calsh 'egister eut sidc int e the hack oe*tl ieil t ruck aud you ceu]l d't pLiy for yen r puIrchasc inIilite store. 'TVie individual toid tIlle pop boys lie wouî d swîing ]lis weighit areund tlhe town hall and everythtiig wetild bc okay. "ihe pol1ice showcd up a nc!e rdercd tflic b usi ncss te stol). cease and desist . So tuuch tl'r t eswi halIl wc igit t- swiugîilg. Score aiiether round l*or red lape. IKithlere was a legi t i mute 'ea son l'or net ch ang ing t(lie zooing a nd le t ting t weiindu st rl00 b usinlessîrten carry oin w itii a-- dese rv ing eut crp risc i n Wlîi t y t hen tlle 'cason d id neot coeeo lighit. Wcil thoe two men iteved out et' Wh ithy and they epened up twe steres in Oshawa. and they are dem"g ve ry welii iudeed.. .witlihou t Wh ithy 's rcd tape. Ilt ilt doesu 'i na ke sense t o you t he n jein Ille cloh. Se 1 can undlerstand very Weili hew mv ceti- cillor Itrieîîd becemes ltrustrated ai Seilg counlcil ses- Sit Ils ticd up St) niiîcii in ced tap)e 1that1the ptlrpo)eoet Ilile wioe tiîiiîg s itst. Attrtaiking with tthis ceuticilior 1 hegan te xvtitder io iLVia n y gootd imen we liave lest te in uco n cil he- cautse t bey lheca uic se trust rai cd t hey I usigo t te d 11i) aind quit. 1 I Up oIti tls peint it appcars WC have a good ceuncil ging l'er Lus anîd it' we give Iltem thle eppor- tutîity the can do greait tlings teOr Whiîhy at a lime whi sve have t e he grea t t e Survive Iret( ionall gever- mient. I den't kiiew ahout the e)Id adiage thlai rules \vcre iliean t te he hreken hout they sure we eu't nîean I i e si o~p t e iY c >1111ciii or Ur jeu d isay. -Ihatîg in thcerc anid uayhc we can wvtrk toge liter Iote irew eut Reheri son 's Rules an d ge t seule werktee Goreski's Summer Resor! Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN DANCE HALL PHOINE 9835-30683 Fishing - Swinming -Trailers, Camping & Marinia ONLY 20 MILES FROM WHITBY PERRY, 1- R. R. 3, PO]RT I~. i N j WANTED ALI' The hungry bui for an iEATING SPE( IDairy Cr VE nch :IAL 'em e GRAND OPENING Friday Feb. 23rd. LUNCH SPECIAL (Mon. to Fr i. - il arn-2 CHICKEN DINNER 99 'ý SAVE 36 c Hwy No. 12 (1/4Mýi le North of Bronk lin> Hours: Mon. ta Thurs. il amn -11 pm Fri. & Sat. 10 arn - 12 prn Sun. 10 arn - 11 prn 655-3281 : 1 F h h h F h F h ~j Il F I PJ I. il h h Il F h h h h I ~ i OINT. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE DOCTOR JOSEPH 0. RUDDV GENERAL HOSPITAL Notice is hereby given that the Annuai Generai Meeting of the members of the Doctor Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hos- pitat Corporation will be held at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March lth, 1973 in the Doctor Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hospital in the Town of Whitbv in the County of Ontario to: 1. Receive the report of the Directors 2. Receive the report of the Auditors 3. Transact other business au __ C. IOO( 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS ePlus the flen est in< COUNTRY PERSON TO PERSON rý'COMMUNT RADIO CHOO 1390 t i j) .. ... ........... h h ~F . h h 22, 1973,ýWIII'I'IIY FREF PRESS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIM il .1 ligli ýjleliýf>lP tifillif uliii ItJIA oi i pli tt k 1 -----------