WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973, PAGE 9 Gardening by Sid Morris Army tank test track on Wellington St. Christmas rose and Lenten rose An interesting but one of the hardest perennials to grow is the Helleborus niger (Christnmas Rose). This plant is reiated to the buttercup and not the rose as its naine denotes. There is a companion plant and relative to the Christ- mas rose and it is the Helleborus orientalis (Lenten rose); both plants grow to about 1 2 to 15S inches high. You will find the Christmas rose will produce 2 to 4 inch white blossoms with prominent yellow pollen-bearing starnens. ht bloonms from Novemiber to January' and individual flowers will last approximiately a month. The blossorns of the Lenten rose, usually about 2 inches across, vary in colour fromn white to chocolate brown to purpie and even green. they open between early and iniid- spring. You will find the flowers are suitable for cutting, but bet'ore placing in an arrangement, the ends of the stems should be seared with a miatch or candle tlamie. Bothi species hiave leathery. evergreen foliage; the roots of both are poisonous if eaten. HOW TO GROW: Botli Chiristmnas and Lcnten roses will bloomi in our area. Thcey do besi in partial shiade and a mioist,, neut raI or sliglitly alkalîine (pH 7.0 to 8.0) soil tiat lhas been liberally supplemiented withi peat mioss or compost. In tops of the root unîi, about 1 inch below the top of' the soil. Eachi spring apply a I -inchi niulch of' compost or well-rotted cow ilianirie arotind the plants. You wvill find thar it is best not to move or divide cILIMPS once they lhave becomie establishied. Whitby council, in dealing with correspondence from town ratepayers, has received many letters of complaint about poor street conditions. It has probably, however, received none so humorous as a piece of correspondence written by the hand of one Tom Norwood of 235 Wel- lington Street on the subject. The letter, read falteringly aloud by Clerk Bill Wallace states: "Dear Sirs, 1 should like to raise ob- jection to the Army Tank Test Track recently installed at the south end of Welling- iLasco Steelers I win opener in Quebec. The Brooklin-Whitby Las- co Steclers played their first gaine ini Quebec on Moniday, February 26 against the Fred- ericton N.B. pee-wees, and carne up with an 8-4 win. Dale Sawyer and John Wad- delI scored two goals each for the Secelers with singles being scored by John Buis- marn. Jamnies Roach. P aul. Brown and Greg Tushinghani. ton Street at No. 2 H!hway. Atter seven years of living on this street, 1 have become inured to regular placement of vehicle shock absorbers, however 1 should not like to extend this to frame-straight- ening. 1 realize that there are many demnands upon the bud- get, but would it not be possible for Wellington Street to be declared a disaster area and thereby qualify for Fed- eral assistance? In the meantime, it would be much apprec iated if you could arrange to have the craters topped-up by a grader, after suitably warning the op- erator of the hazards involved. 1 have noticed that in Brit- ain, many sections of ancient Roman Roads are in far better condition than Wellington Street. I must inform you then, sirs, that if satisfaction is not forthcoming, I shall be forced to contact, in order: 1. The Italian Government 2. The Vatican 3. Bill and Nick Sorichetti." Needless to say the council received the letter in ail good humour. Commenting to the local press about his missive, Mr. Norwood explained,*"'J have nothing personal against any of the boys, I just felt it necessary to jog their mem- ories about our streets at budget time." RONALD J. FROMSTEIN Borrister.& Solictor announces that effective Feb. 1l9th, 1973 he wilI rio longer be associaté'd with LAWRENCE M. COHEN Barrister & Solictor and that he wilI continue the practice of Law in new premises at 61 COMMERCIAL AVE... AJAX 942-8900 $ 839-447*3 $ $ $ " You just missed out on $5,000.00O" and if you don't buy your KIN LOTTER Y ticket soon you w-ill miss oui on a furthur opportunity for $55,000-00 in remaining jackpots in KIN LOTTER Y 5. Tickets are available throughout Whitby where you- see the Money Bunny. If you have not seen him and would like a ticket or two just drop the attached coupon in the mail and we wiIl brin g the tickets directly to your door. Look for the $1009000 UN TOTAU. CASH PRIZES Klnsmen-serving the communlty's greatest need. When you buy Kmn Lottery tickets, you support these local projects: 1. CYSTIC FIBROSIS Z. WHITBY MIN OR SPORTS -basebaII -acrosse -hockey -soccer 3. COMM UNITY SWIMMING POOL 4. J. O. RUDDY HOSPITAL 5. COMMUNITY ARENA 6. KINSMEN PARKS