TIIURSDAY, MARCII 29,1973, WIIITBY FREE PRESS PAGE il *3rd Annucil Durham Canoe Race The Third Annual Durham Trail Canoc Race wilI hocld on Saturday, Marcli 3 1, 1 973, al 12:00 11001.- The racc will bo mon along seven miles of'tthe Oshawa Creck troiniDurhaim Col lege to Lke Ontario. The start ing point is 0110 hall' ile wcst of' Arîistrong Sports ( Simicoe St. N.) on Colin Road, north of' Dur- hiaml College. Regist ratio n tnie is at I1:00 a .m1. A pro-race mleet- iîîg will he lhold ai 1 1:45 a.nm. AIl cHiies wvill be started ai 30 second intervals. Registra- tion lee: S3.00 per ontry. Eacli paddler 11uLst wear a I ife jacket during t hoon tire race. ELacli canoe shIotId carry extra 1addles Secumely ai- OPEN HOUSE -Fle Ontairio Paint Hloirse Stock Fa rnis aire liavîng ain open Horise on Srlinday. April I 5 tIi for1.hoyers and visitors alike tb discover Ille rapidly Llr-owinig Paint Hlorse hieed. Frc cotice anid donît s xilI bo served. The l'olloxving malp shlos tllie tw\o tarins InIl lie i iniii ed1i a ie 'iCiniiV : troîn Iliere you will receive direc- i ions to oi lier fa rniis on ourr lisi. We lioîîe eevoewilI coiîie out and ,ce i llese tino Rogisi rat ion Cor thie Whiit- by MiniorLicrosse Associa- tion will ho lîeld aiilie Wlit- by ('ou ncil Chîamblers on Sa t- uriday, N'arclî 3lst and Sat or- day April 7tli. Thîe Players fc for ilîis year \vill be $4.00 singlo and SI 0.00 p~i- aiily. Anyoiîe wlo is inteiresied iin lacrosse cao support mnio lacrosse by hccoîning a boost- or- for- oily SI .00. This will give ithe oosi er's tain i ly iin- formatiion onî Local lacio>sse aci ivit iOs. Allyolle \viois îiotcrestcd please contact Goird Nicuiweil- dyk, 1446 Brock Streeti Soutlh, Wliiîby or George Pur- dy, 11 12 Atliol Sreet, Wlî if- by. Moillhors or- gir-ls wlio I ike 1<> give a lielpiog lîand witlî scorec kecpiog or imie kecpiog plcase bave you r naineO a Iille regist rat ion. Wliithy Minlor La crosse lias gond tliiogs comnig ip tdus year. Thiis year thie (Cana- diaui Na tional Pe-Wee tounia- mont vilI ho lcld i Wlîitby as itie 1972 l>e-wee's are the dcenidiiig Canadian 13 chaniii- pions. The I1972 Baittains are defending Onitario Clîanips. ht is proîniscd thiat cadih and every boy will participato in every gainle. ,j Il stIar s or IFIouse Le-agie" rînder direc- tion of' Heaci CoachiMr. Doni ('raiggs. We caîî assure you tlîat Wliit by Miiîor Lacrosse lias a strong and iarid-wor-king exoctîve f'or this yoar uider tlhe lea dershîip of Prosi dont Mr. Max (Caso. Please sigîl rip an d Support Minor Lacrosso. Glenview Acr'es' Helenl & Geor-4e Rutherford Seagrave SSeagrave 1l lIwy. Port Peri v ('edai piinsFa roi AIlice & J it llebb R. R. . rooklîii 655--4(î98 a St h (Concesion , l'hicksouî 131,00k 1 ii] TeFRIENDLY FLEA MARKET Th -We buy and seil anythïng' 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA IPLUMhUNMDISCOS ~~ IRXTUE& SUPPLES 701 Brock d. NM Whitby 20% MoDISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU H4ouri: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fn 68LA Smt. 9 *.m. to 5 pý. 668mV601 tachied. No rubber boots, hip waders or hcavy rainclothes should bo worni. bi the event that the race should be postponted because of woather conditions, it will bc îoc-schieduled one weck at a tinie until it cati bce mn. It is suggested that those interested in entering should try to negotiate the course at a slow pace, at least once, before the race is run. For information contact Bobb Gibbs at 668-9008 or 668-3371. r WHITBY MINOR LACROSSE WHITBY MINOR LACROSSE ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION AT'THE WHITBY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MARCH 31STAND APRIL7TH, 1973 FROM 12 NOON TO 2 O'CLOCK FEES $4.00 SI NG LE AN D $10.00 PE R FAM1LY EVERY PLAYER WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE GAME "HAPPINESS IS PLAYING LACROSSE" See Form page 13 AISALES ITIOIIOiTPARTS NOTICE Town of Whitby CLOSINGOF ELIZABETH STREET BETWEEN DU NDAS STR EET WEST AN D DU NLOP ST R EET Take notice that the Council of the Cor- porat ion of the Town' of Whitby intends to pass a by-law for the stopping-up and closing and also f0 authorize the sale of Elizabeth Street between Dundas Street West and Dunlop Street more particularly described as follows: That portion of Elizabeth Street as. shown. on Annes'*s Plan now part of the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby lying between Dundas Street and Dunlop Street and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of Elizabeth Street distant 17 feet soùtherly from the norlhwest angle of Lot 13 of Annes's Plan; THENCE southerly along the easterly limit of Elizabeth Street a distance of 688.44 feet more. or Iess fo a point distant 10 feet measured nor- therly from the southwest angle of Lot 15 ac- cording to Annes' Plan; THENCE westerly in a straight line a d istance of 66 feet fo a poi nt i n the westerl1y 1li mit of Elizabeth Street distant 10 feet measured northerly from the southeast angle of Lot 4 of Annes's Plan; THENCE northerly along the westerly limit of Elizabeth Street a distance of 688.44 feet more or less f0, a point distant 17 feet measured southerly f rom the northeast angle of Lot 3 of Annes Plan flPONTIAC Dundas St. E. (at Hopkins) Whitby 668-5846- Visit us soon ut our big new location I