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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 5

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TIHURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973, WIIITBY FREE PRESS PAGE 5 MOTORING wlth Mike Burgess Well, 1 did it again! A short while ago 1 predicted thit Mosport's liushi-hutsh niegotiations for a U. S.A.(. (United States Auto CIlub) race would not give birth until next year, and of course 1 was wrong. Rigit ! We are actually going to hiave those screamning muscle mlacinies hiere at Mosport Park this Augusi 3-4-5. Plans are mlade for a 200 mile event featuring Indianapolis Chamipionship cars and will be called simiply 'U.S.A.C. Inidy-Car Race'. This long weekend wiIl also include an event in the hiighily coin- petitive Bulova Chiamipioniship Series for Formula Fords and 2.5 litre sedans. An official anniounicemient on this U.S.A.C. race. anid further information, wiIl be forthi- comning fromn Mosport ai a later date. While l'mi on the subject of' Mosport . .. president and General Manager of Mosport Park Ld., Harvey Hudes, will be the guest speaker at the Oshawa Motor Sport CIlub lncorporaîed (OMSC) mionthly meeting this Tuesday (April 3) ai 8 p.mi. ât the Hioliday Inni (Oshawa). AlI guests are welcome frice of charge. This past weekend. was rallher inactive in the sport, as the C.A.S.C. (Canladiani Automobile Sports Clubs) Ontario region hield ils annuial spring mneeting. Possibly 1 shouldn't hiave said 'iniactive ini the sport' because fellow club presi- dents and delegates whio staved ibis weekend proved to be VERY good sports! Aniyway, between bauads ofU bridge, euichre, anid the uisual festivities we i'ounid lime for- more serious moments. Race. Rally and Solo Events workshops were conducted Saturday. runniing concurreuitly wiîh a Treasurer's mieetinig anid a Mosperi sectirity seiniar. Sun- day was taken up witli Adiniistrationi, anid a general mneetingo. A couple of poinits of juiterest tibat 1 cani divulge without upsetting anybody' (I hope)... C.A.S.C. is now otfiîcial ly recognized as a sporting organii.atioiu by Sports Ontario ( the governulenit office for- finiaucial liaison wi tb tbe sports werld). . . O.T.L.C.C. (Oakville-Ti-afalgar Lggbt Car Club) lias doia tedl a trophy t10iutarie Regiori 1er tbe firsi Lady iii the Sole-Events Series... locatiotns for the Nationial Slalom in Ontario (Jul 8') \vill be. Oshlawa, Te- ronte. Burliuigitu and Sudbury ( agaiin ruruniug Coui- cunr re n tlIy). AIse fromn a fairlv reliable source (lue! ) there is a pretty good possibility' of a Natioiially spotîsored club level slalomi series orgaiuized by local emîhusiasts ( fromn O.M.S.C.) with euie of thîe events beiug included ini the Autofest activities ini Septeibfer. Before closiuig. ld like te re-write aui excerpi Iretu a reader's Icîter ..it gees somiethiiig ike tibis: '"Dear Mîkc. My boy-frieud is a real car-nut. arnd next tte bis Corvette 1 ceme second. Wbiat canIi do te bielp inii sec the ligbit'? signied Merga t royd" (obviou slv a U'ic tit ious naine). Dear Mergatroyd, I cani ceriaiufl appreciate yeur predicamient. but yen bave te try te bectuder-stanidinig. Persouially I cain't understauid wby yetfre SECOND) ou bis lisî. wbeil there are se tuiany more ituportauit tiuigs like cami-sbiafts, carbs, slicks etc. Il seeitîo tue yeni shîould be frbrdown. but il' you insisi I 'd stnggest yen t rade iba t biair-spray for seuîe good îhick grease (e.g. SAE9O), swap tbose biot-panits for- a set ot'cover--lîs (preferably used anîd dirîy ) and take a course in auto rniecbuics. If yen still hiaveu'î mioved auiy bigbier ou bhis list, give mue a caîl atnd l'Il fîx yen up witbi someotie witbi a 'blowni' meter! 'TiI nexi week, Happy Metoriuig! BLOODY M URDERERS Editorial iii St. Marys Jottrnal-Argus reprinted by th ii tiarie Safety L.cagLie Canaiýdianis bave a strange mecntality. We dcvuaud tbe kilI and maimniususpectitig itnnocent victîis. Criminal conduct on our biglîways is becouîitîg accepted as ati nnpleasaut but unavoidable pbase of Canadian liUe. W e demand the bulding etf saf'er roads audthie manunfacture cf safer cars, but we indignanîly screatu "police state" ai the suggestion cf ghesi cars or cencealed patreluien ini a feeble effort to inter te SOmeiCsmnall degree, 1the oenlaws cf the highways. We protest the infringemnenl ef personal riglîts if police îry ho obtain scienîific lests on a drunk's alcohiolic cotndi- tien, but we scarcely give a thouiglît to lus victini lyitîg itn thlentiorgue or hospital. hlI seenis uiilikely tuai thîis sorry picture wiIl change soonl because there is ntintdication thai Canadïa,îs îttetîd te deianld protection oni ilîir lîighways. Nothing upsets a hockey player more than an inconsiderate driver here and the ice has melted, John St. West is just one of the many who drives through the middle of his "rink". Now that spring is newly formed "rinks". Photo by Mike Burgess. THE FIAT WINNER 0F 8 CAR AWAROS9IS AVAILABLE IN 1285' OF THE YEj NOW I MODELS: ATWO-DOOR SEDAN9 A FOUR-DOOR SEDANANO A THREE-DOOS !ON WAGON. The biggest selling car in Europe@ Marian Auto Limited 25 Grenfeli St., Oshawa, m à ml

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