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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, THURSDAY, MARCII 29, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRIESS CANADA PERMANENT OPEN 24 HOURS (1sf in Area) Tlicrc's inuuch activity at Canada permlanient Trust these days ýas tlîey preparc to ioVe Irutu the Osllawa qlç)1)1îlg Centre whiere tlbcy'vc been lfor. the past 10 yea rs t o die s t rik in g new building tuie conipany lias built duwnituwn at 22- King Strecet West. Thle flW)ve takes place îlîis wcek- eiid and it will be business as usual on Marci 27 iii the niew quart crs. According to Jack Fruud, Mianager, a numi- ber of Senior executives fiomi Hicad Office in Toronto is planning to attend the officiaI upelig colemony plannled 1cri April 5 a t 1I :00 a .ni. The Mayor ut' shawa w ilI cul Itle ribbon and ottîcially open Ille ncw building. An exciting added feature ot tlle opening, says Jack Fî'oud, is the fi that Ille ncw Oshawa braiichli as been chosen by Canada Permanent to bc e t ' il-siof Ille coin- pany's ne twork of' branches across Cýanada tn introduce a 24 boni deposit and with- drawal ser-vice to saVings Cuis- tumners. This is nmade possible by the conîpany's new Permna- ToIler compuiter unit set ini the outside walt ut' the new branch . Cust oiers inscrt a special card w hicli activates the unit and eriables theni to jnakc dcposits ini their ac- countS, withidraw t'unds ut any hour ut' the day or nighit, transfer funds trom ni e ac- couint to anuther and pay utility buis. "It really is an incredible operation," says Froud, "and flot ini the leasi cuniplicatcd. No more ditTicul t than mak- ing'a phione caîl fromi a pay booth." Tie publie is invited tu drup ini to the branch and juin the staff for cuffec and sec a demionstration of Permna- Teller during Open Hiouse- April 5, 6 and 7. Open for Business March27 (Use your Perma-Teller card to do business with us anytime.) e'-. Friday nmon. I by-passed the lhne-up the CoLInter, Sunday 3 pm. "Yes, dear- t was making a deposit at Canada Permanent Saturday 7 arn. 'l'Il draw some money out of my account on the way home." At its new location, Canada Permanent is the first trust company in Canada to provide service 24 hours a day. Once your application is approved, y0L1 get a Perma-Teller card that works only with the secret numiber we oive you. iust insert your card in the. Permat- Teller computer unit at our new downtown branch and press buttons to: " miake depusits " make withdrawaîs " transfer noney between accounts " pay utility bills It's.as easy as making a phone cail. Ther-e ikno charg~e fo)r Permia-Teller service. An application is available to every- mne Wh() has a savi nos account at Canada Pernianenit Trust. We puy 5(/(,oni non-chequing a-Cccoun lts -3 ½%/, on chequîntz accounits - and up tu onL,/(()iterni svj We a\l~ 1so)(tC persunal ser-vice on Vlurtgages - Persunal Im.ans - Estate Platini ntz - Execttr/Tru-Lse - Retiremlent Savinigs Planls - Real Estate sa les. Rates subitject lu ch)ange Mr. Jack Froud, Manager, invites you to erojoy the advantages ot Perma- Telle r and other Canada Permanent services. Canada PermanentTrust 22 King Street West, Oshawa. Phone 728-9482) 0 Perma-Tel ler neyer coses ------ - -----

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