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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRES&.". BIRD 'S EVE VIEW by Ji. Quail Missed By That Much! By now everybody knows ail about it. Oh the shianie! Oh the huniiiation! Yep, I1nîissed mny deadlirîc last week, Madamn Editor, and I was in La Belle Provinice, Qucbec. Only last wcek I sure didn't regard it as the beautiful province. It ail started wheîî a bunchi of us ski îiuts decidcd tuiai since Ontario didn't have eîighi snow to wet a slîovel we should pack up our skis anîd wiîîe gourds and licad for tlîe snow covered huils of Mt. St. Anne. Now I know what you're going to say îîext. Whiilc 1 was away Whitby was hit with a terrific dunlip of' snow and 1 could have donc ail nîy skiîîg righit at homne iii Hie back-- yard. This particular little news itern was a constant source of annoyance to me while 1 was away, knowing 1 lîad driven ail that way l'or the saine ting Whiitby reccived on Saturday. Mt. St. Anne is jusi short o' 600 miles away and is north-east of Quebec city. At soie other timie the drive miit be fun and Quebec city can be enchantig. But pass- ing througlh U at five iin the morning docsni't do a thing for nie. The biggcst attraction 1 saw ini the wee hiours was a wino sound aslecp on the sidewalk iii 40 dcgree weather. I1 envicd lhini, a(iclast soimebody was getting sonieC slecp. The FREE PRESS was also righit iii that 1 didtî't lhave niy littie Frenclb-Englishi dictionary with tue in Quebcc. My knowledge of the French language was severely put toy the test. So were miy hands because thce wounid LII doing as tiiuchi work as nmy voice. Tiie final resuli was thai every- body sceemed to think 1 was a 'crazy Amiericaine'. 1 began to agrec with themi because 1 feit as a Canadian 1 should be able, to converse a little better with my fellow country- man, Frenicb or Englishi. But the reason 1I missed my dcadline and stayed so long in Quebec was flot because 1 was skfiiîg. Nope, flot at ail. In fact 1 didn't get in tlîat miuch skiing. But 1 did gel ini a lot of timie draggiîîg injured and battered bodies down off the mioun tain. The first casualty was Peter Linton of' Pickerinîg. He was skiing withi a group of us and lie feli and fractured bis Ieg at the ankle in two places. Skicrs will know the old story. When you don't want a ski patrol they are aIl over the huIls like flics, but whien you do need even omie, you begin to suspect they have ail gone bo a convention ini Pa sedenla. I stood so long 0on tue bih wai ing for one I begin to feel like a statue and 1 got a lit île worricd wlien 1 noticed a few pigeonis hovering overhecad. Wlhen a ski patroller fi- nally showed Up shie couldîî't spcak Englisli anîd so 1 bad to get by with iny Brooklî French. Anyway wc got Peter offtheî mountain and into the' hospital in Quebec city, 20 miles away and we figurcd it wasjust one of those unlucky liappenings. Two days Iatcr I was skiing with another fricnd from Port MeNicol, Jack McDonald anîd lie t'el down and hit a stumnp. He lay on thc snow insistîng fils arin was broken or somcting and 1 kept telling h1dm 1 thoughit it alwaïshuîîg there sticking out on a fuîîîy angle. It wasn't broken but il was dislocatcd. So 1 did anothier stint as a statue on the mnoun'tain and CVenuLalIy wc went off to Qucbec city again. There wcre so nîany people fron! Ontario ini thlt hospital that 1 think Ontario should consider setting up tlîcir own OHIP liospi- taI ini Qucbcc city. If thcy do I hope thcy stick in a couple of staffT members wîîo can speak Englishi better than 1 can spcak Frenclh. 8<) witlî ail tlîcsc sccîîes straighit out of Benî Casey 1 didîî't get back to the bLand ol'Opportunity in time and 1 issed mny dcadlinc. First tfime! The editor didn't say any- thig about il being tlic first imne but there was a curt mention about it bciîîg the last timne. Whcen i walked down the street on Friday it seemed like (lic whole lown kîîew 1I bad mnissed my deadline. I just don't uîidcrstand il. Wlîcn l've got a bec undcr my bonnet and 1 want evcrybody to read mny columnn about some issue il secems nobody saw it that week. But when I have a uîtile deadline prohlemn and miss my deadline by that mnucb, you'rc ail wa'tching. 1 wunder if Fîarold Robbins has this problern... Gafik Invites Students Nortu ('aflik annuunccd in ttawva ioday an eduicuti ota i exJ)erieiice prograili, "~Ontario fRiditig IParlianiueîiary Sebiol- ars. Four sit dndiits ut'Gra des I i a nd I 2 froun caclb H 1gb Sehou i ini (iit aritu Riding are invited lu visîl QOttawa for a utie week peiwod lu experierice thle du lies ut' a Menmbe r ut' parI ia tue ntiirougli exp)osiire îu Ille ilouse et ('etaînouis, Commhitiltees utl Itle fluîse, roue u uickuî k uta Menhet K) Pal1îîui11 a ive 'l'lie prograii will begit Apr-il 211d, I1973 witlî the first two Higlb Scîîuols participat- îng. Studeuits will arrive in Qi îawa oui Mouîday aftcruîoon anid Iave laie Friday afier- 110011. TIhis prograi is a fol low- up I lic pli euîîcrul al ly suc- cesîr'i I experituieni1,aI prograuîî oft lasi yeari inilibUx- bridge Hlighi Sclîuul partici- paîed. As a resuuli ut' ibis experllieli tai rgr .Mr. ('afik iSilst151luIt ilg 1,11CprO- gra unil (MIl apermnanenti basis, Coilll ituuîug uili he end of' I lus shelexer and slartiiig agadinin the cFail ut' I1973. lave yo e jîîptîr reilit é P Even if you don't pay income taxés you may benefit from the Ontario Government's new Property Tax Credit Plan, but, you must apply by filling in a 1972 Income Tax Return. find a special mauve claim form just for that purpose in the 1972'income tax kit. An explanation of the plan is right on the form. The new PropertyTax Credit Plan provides greater benefits for more-the elderly, roomers, boarders, and low income families. If you paid property taxes or rent last year, you may be eligible. Pick up a tax return kit at any post office, if-you haven't already got one. And send in both the tax return and the mauve claim form. But do it quickly-remember returns and claims are to be filed by April 30th. Your federal District Taxation Office will be glad to1ý answer any questions you might have. The Ontario Property Tax Credit Plan: we thought of it, but we'.d like you to get the credit. Ontario Hon. John White ^Hon. William G. Davis, Hon.AllanGrossman Treasurer Premier Minister of Revenue G.THOMSON CCC REALTY CREDIT LIMITED 35 King St« W.st, Oshowa MANAGER ATTENTION! HOME OWNERS ALUMINUM PRODUCTI Siding - Soffits - Eovêstroughintg - Facia Boards - Windows arid Doori - Installation if roquired. KAISER - Direct Factory Dronch SUPREME WINDOW à DOOR PRODUOTS 1730 SIMCOE ST. N. 723.9t43 DR. W. K. CHANG WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SUITE NO. 7, WHITBY, ONTARIO FAMILY PHYSICIAN 668-5871 'Moab, Dild you know? A $ 10.00 loan can cost as littie as $124.31 per month at COMMERCIAL CREDIT? This is ou r Special Homeowner Loan and is based on a 13%/ rate over 15 years. We have hundreds of pay ment plans for boans from $1,600 to $20,000 anfd more, and you can make ail the arrangements by telephone. We also buy mortgages - and pay top price. For further information phone: 579-1418

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