PAGE 15, THURSDAY, APRIL_5,1973, WIIIT13Y FRIS RS I~~ __ ___ Classified A dvertising_ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SINESS OPFPORTUNITIES [_______________________________ WHOLESALE MEATS PRIVATE SALE 4-bedroom home. Den with fireplace and patio, sliding doors, storms heated garage, paved drive, gaslights, land- scaped, TV tower with rotor l-year-old, plus ex- tras. Cali 668-4490 after 6 p.m. NO0TICE EMPLOYMENT WANTED Looking for bulldozer operator or horse farmer having experience in-these fields willing to work. Caîl 668-9737 after 4 p.m. Bankrupt stock. Excellent oppor- tunity for self-employment. Will clear very reasonably or on con- signiment. Write Box 206, Whitby. TYPEWRITERS CALCS - CASH REGISTERS ADDERS NEW & USEO DISCOUNT PRICES NEWAN'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 668-3738 WHITBY, ONT. IMORIGAGES 2.4. MTOAGE MONE AVAUSI. a.5 VEAR T'EAN OPEN MOwSrTGGES " NO SS " No VAEDIT CHECKS "* NO INC1IRIFY 0F NEIGHS0US " CONFIDENTIAI. ARRANGEMENTS AUDE IN YOUR 06WHOMIE * SORROW AS LITTLE AS $1600 *FAST SERVICE 942-2611 o _ _ _ _ _ $CASH$ .SeUl directly to me. No commission payable. Move when you want. Calil Willard Johnston: WILLARD REALTY INC. Realtor 723-8144 FOR MORTGAGES ALWAYS DEAL WITH A MVEMI- BER 0F THE ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION our member(s) in your area: RAE R. JONES & SON REALTY LTIJ. 122 Brock Street South, Whitby GORD'S MARINE LTD. CLAREMONT Crew Boats-Aluminum Boats Can. *Explorer Trailers EZ Loader Trailers SkiOoo Sales M15 Classified cal668-611il FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARIMENTS NGW AVAILABLE PHONE 668-6161 LEGAL THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE is hereby given that the Councit of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby proposes to pass a by-Iaw for changing the name of Camelot Court to McFarlane Court. The Judge of the Counity Court of the County of Ontario has approved of the foregoing notice, and has appointed the l5th day of March 1973, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, Ontario, as the day, hour and plar.e for consudering the pro posed by-law number 886-72 and for hearing those advocating and op- posing the change. A copy of the proposed by-Iaw, stating the reason for the change, may be seen at the off ice of the Town Clerk, Municipal Building, Whitby, Ontario. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 15th day of February, 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk, Municipal Buildin;, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. ma W onted Houses in Whitby and area. Any condition accept- able. Will make cash offer. Quick closing., GEORGE SULLIVAN LTD. REALTOR APARTMENTS FOR SALE in Prince Albert older, brick, 3- bedroom, 2-storey home. Modemn kitchen, bath with vanity. Nice haîf-acre lot, small barn. $27,500 cash. M. WOODWARD REALTOR 655-4525 FOR SALE in Prince Albert older, brick, 3-bed- roomn, 2-storey home. Modemn kitchen, bath with vanity. Nice haîf-acre lot, small barn.. $27,000 cash. M. WOODWARD REALTOR 655-4525 GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR PHONE 623-5300 N EWCASTLE: Well bu ilt and kept 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large kitchen, att. garage and spacious lot in quiet location. Asking price $29,900. Owner has moved already and is waitïng for an offer. NEWCASTLE: New six room bungalow, diningroom with french sliding doors, large attached garage. Extra large lot 150 x 150 ft. Priced at $34,000. Highway property: ten year old well built and kept duplex with 1,000 sq. feet living space on each floor on 1/2 acre lot. Priced at $39.900. Owner has other interests and is open for an of f er. HELP WANTED ITT Cannon Electric has immediate openings for the following: ACCOUNTANT AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE SET UP AND/OR SET UPAND OR OPERATOR INVENTORY RECORDS CLER K CLERK TYPIST AUTOMATIC TURRET LATHE OPERATOR Candidates should be willing to commute to our East end Toronto until1 May 3, 1973 when the plant and office will be relocating to Whitby (Consumer's Drive. Please caîl personnel offiîce 751-5440. HELUCOPTER PILOT AS ACAREER Join aviation as a helicoper pilot and begin a rewarding and prof essioriaI career. Commercial course vacancies now a% ailable at Oshaw'a Air- port for full or part tinie enrolment. Ministry of Transport approved. primae. Licence courses also available. Telephone for appointment: AST OIN ELICOPTER 725-2141 NOLiSTEI WMGIESALE NiAIS Sides of beef .83e lb. cut, wrapped. Hinds of beef .95e lb. cut, wrapped. Front quarters .73e lb. Hips approx. .89e lb. Loins of Pork $1.15 lb. Pork approx. 50 lb. lots $35.00 Beef Portions 75 lb. lots $65.0 Chicken Portions,-legs .69eÇ lb. Breast Portions with back bone .69e lb. CUSTOM CUTTI NG & SLAUGHTER ING CAL L 649-5908 DELIVERY TO ALL OFONTARIO COUNTY FR11 PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA COËlER PIZZA OPEN 668-88907 MO0N-SAT. 4-2 am SUN. -4-1 arn. 668-8808 irJIoY JQTA WE'DELI VER 204 BROCK ST. S.1 SALES SERVICE PARTS INCVýAeLMITED KING ST. E. OSH4AWA (1 mit£E AST 0# NAMONT RD.) 723-1176 FOR SALE SHOWROOM sp eeciaà l clearance - chester- fields, a n d dinettes, lamps, end tables, oil paintings on velvet, un- painted furniture. rugs etc. Many more to dco> se from. 729-3473, 253 Bloo St. E., Osbawa. HUSKY STEEL BD AIS CO. 1628 Charles St. Whitby Steel Boats-AIi desigos & shapes 668-5431 F22 Do you live centrally? Have you room or freezer for wvell-known name in ice cream. No money needed, we supply the ice cream. For more information, 725-4818. Tea cup and card reading by appointment only, for parties or individuals. 942-0436. 1-bedroom mobile h ome, fur- nished, 33 x 8 feet wide. Located Whitby Trailer Court. Good con- dition, asking $3,100. 668-9773 SNOWMOBILES jSERVICES "FREE" VOUR OWN SNOW- MOBILE REPAIR PARTS & AC- CESSORY CATALOGUE 7- "LATES T REVISED EDITION- GUARANTEED' SAVINGS 0F 30% OR MORE.".JUSI MAIL VOUA NAME AND ADORESS TO "DIRECT DISTRIBUTINO INC., P. O. BOX 1178. HULL, QUEBEC, ICANADA." A COM- PLETE SELECTION 0F PARTS & ACCESSORIES TO CHOOSE FROM. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, YOU'LL ALWAYS RE- CEIVE FAST SERVICE. NOTE: P RE SE NT CUSTOMERS PLEASE DO NOT RE-APPLY. VOUA NEW CATALOGUE IS BEING MAILED AUTOMA- TICALLY. mi LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can train right here in Canada! Accommodation and ex. penses paid while training! Tuition Tax deductible! For application and interview wvrite: Set ety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens fluay West Toronto 117, 0Ontaria or cull: 416-864-9381 VITAMIN E GET THE FACTS-SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET Sunshine Health Foods, 75 Simcoe St. N., Oshawva. or call-576-2391 DRESSMAKING and alterations expertly and quickly done. Rea- sonable prices. Phone 942-068. METRO FISH & CHIPS & GRILL BLAIR PARK PLAZA Specialize in Pub Night & Hot Meat Pies 668-8672 F22 RELIABLE DAY CARE Available in my home. Babies Welcomne. 5 Minutes f rom Woolco Plaza Phone 579-3564'. N O-T I C E Rug & Upholstery Cleaning The New Dry Foam Way 658-6012 m29 PORTIRAIT 12"XlgV" 01 S $20. PASTELS $15. from photopraphs or sittinp &. Williams. 725-9452 HOUSEWI VES-Aey ou interest- ed in earning money in your spare time? Pick your own hours. Con- tact Mrs. Drew - 668-9915. F22 &mM»ý 9mý