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Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1973, p. 12

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PAGEÈ12, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1973. WIIITRY FRFl PRE.SS by Joyce Read For period May 6t1h to I 2th CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Mate and partners assumle special imîportance ai tlic first of' tlle week whien discussions arise over papiers to bc signed. Your twvo miost significant days during titis scven day periotare Tlîursday the I th and Vriday the 1 i thi. This would be anl excellenit tinme b develop inter powers of* concentration. AQUARJUS - Jan. 210 to Feb. 18 Seek as much relaxation as possible during tins fast paced week, contrasting hectie working conditions witlh pleasurabie pursuits ini thic evening. Watehi a tendency towvard extravagance ini.purchases you do tiot actually need. PISCES -- Feb. 19 to Marchi 20 This is a wveekfiai. secs you getting ont front under. Monley in- voived in Ite week's activitv. more so thian k usuiai. One wvho is aggressive niay bce trying to give you a feeling of* inferiority. But, Pisces, your innate wisdonî can overcomec. Pien ty of' istening and sirewvd observing ftili tlie bill. ARIES - Ma-,rch 21 to April 19 T'his intervai provides a brief respite front your recent tùeverîkit pacc. You are not yet ready to pull out ail stops andi relax (silice nîarny irons stili renain in fthe tire). ('urb extravagance andi impulse buy ing. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 Your lunar cycle reittaîns hig t tiis wcek. Yoit have al tendency to work too liard. Take timie out for a bit of fuil and relaxation. As thle week closes your qualities of senlsitivîty and awareness sitould be appliid to atfairs deaiing with partners and loyers. .GEM INI - May 21 to June 20 This seven day period begins witit a positive vibrant nlote. You are in top f'orrn, witty, pleasanti, and filied to Ite britti with charni tit niay prove irresistibte. For Itle riext six weeks guard against acci- dents which couid be caused by careiessness. Home entertainmrent is favoured on tlle weekendl. CANCER - June 21 to JuIy 22 Vitaiity ix very highi during Ile iterst of titis seven day period. Your two Most significan t days are Sunda Ilite ô6(t and Nloday tlte 7th whien tIle moon traveis titrougit you r ,un sign titrowing the spoiligiht signiîtcan tli n vour direction. Social life îmnproves. Tîtere k a possi liiiitv of unlusua inivi tat ions. Iricnds catn be vcry l1w ipfnil an d you aretgra tet'i i t or ruorai suppor t i u n Iporta ni underî ak i ng. LEO - Juiy 23 to Aug. 22 Tihis iltvigo(,ratibing x-veriday period opc nl np ian y ic w or.Yen are popu lar and y ou r critliijiiniasmru.nv itigli.IIi lti me te ,Ii, out in tn flie sptl iglitt an d .outt mand centIre stage. N ou r t w e mos t îtil1 cant davs areTc fly itc 8tlitantd Wcdntcsday Illc 9tli. Ciarnitoc long way towards smnootimg yer path.i There is neoiloînt inii bct overlv aggrcssive, \v lien yen achiivc cnds by jusI liing on rs;ci'. VIRGO - Atig. 2-3 to Sept. 22 Your Innar cycle is higit on tlle lOtî, t. l i anti i2tit. Your decisionts shoulti be sounider and your eniergy greater. Titis i% a good time to push. You couid bc invoived in a sweeping reorgaîiiat ion ol your financiai structure or career structure. Wltever it is, 1 expect it bo bc good. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Changes conting about during this low key week siîouid be met with a tranquii caim attitude. lb is important that you quietly reniain in charge of responsibilities. Dispatch your duties witlî precision and WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION REPORT To a young feilow anxious to heuar thle cry of "Play Bail" anîd the crack of' a bat, May' 26th scemis like a long way away, but the Officiai Opcning Day for the bascbaii season inî Witby iooiîus large a nd close fer officiais of thle Whitby Minor Basebali Assoc. as ditey tend to the endiess details necessary te get the 73 season underway. With regisitration îîow cein- plcted Registrar Geraid Rob- inson aind the convenors of' te varioLis age brackcts, tyke, pee-wee. bantatîin itgetjun- ior and tee-bail have the task tif assigning beys tti teamns iin the various itouse IcagLies at- temptiîîg where possible to have bo0ys playiiîg ini their own neighboirhood, anid with a clitb piayiîîg ini bite ciosest park. 'llie W.M.B.A. is again titis seasen, as it does every year, issuîng a word of' advice bo parents, particulariy thosce of a boy starting lus tirsi season iin tie gaine, te exercise cure in bite selection oi a glove for titeir budding player. Basebail gieves or initts conte in tlirec basic types and te ruies cf basebail are quite explicit as te thie desigît, contstructiont and use cf each type. lIte W.M.B.A. supplies catciters nîîtts l'er all s teaîtts. A young lad wouid gel very it tic benefit l'rorm a cutchiers mibt l'or back-yard play, but if lite makes it as a catcher with his house league team a hinit wiii bc suppiied, for citîter te riglît or ief't iand. In the past two ycars there appears to have becît a very defituite increase iin the num- ber cf* ieft-.handcrs around Who want to catch whiclt is contriary le custoinaîtd trudi- tioît, but thiere, aren't realiy tee matiy valid a rgumenit s whly soLithpaws cani't niake efficient catclîers. A vcry popular type of* giove is the f'irst-basenuien's inibt or trapper as it is ofien calied. This gieve can iîow- ever, oniy be wortî at the first busc position aatd parents ef- bell buy thlis kiîtd of itt . Thte gleve l'or te beginîier is a fiîiger giove, referred te as as a ficiders giove sitîce it is i'sed in both int'icid and out- field p o s i t t o In s. lThe giove slîouid not be so big that it catînet be coîît reled, as ail "tcl'is lest. i t is Co1m11110t te sece tlteyoungster witlî ait over-sizcd gleve matke ilte catch aiîd teru have le look te mîake surelite itas uctuully cauglitthlie bull. Beys who have regisiered wiil bc cetlucted by Ihecir coacht jrier te thte scason opeining. Meanwiîile Whlby's clubîs iuthetclEastern Onitario B a se ha11 Assoc. htave been workiîîg oui inpreparatien l'er titeir seasoît op)eiters wlitih take place itn mid-May. These "Ail-Star" clubs arecutade up of' players who have proveit their abiiitv ini past seasons, plus others who were scouted in House League play and any players who would like a chance to crack thc iincup. Signing dcadlinc l'or E.O.B.A. clubs is lune 15tii. E.O.B.A. sciedules have îlot yct becît finaiized, but ail clubs have been cntcrcd, and 73 hias a bumiper crop of clubs ini ail series. Thic 'K of' C Tyke club will be pluying a 20 gaine sehiedule with Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Bowmu nviiie, P'eterboroughi and WNhitby sup-, piyîiîg the opposition. Thle Legionaires, the local eîîtry iit the Pcc-Wec series willi mcci Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Peterborough, Port Hope, Cobourg and Lindsay in a 22 gaine card. The Lasco Steclers have i8 gaines, cotning up against ja.x, Oshauwa, Oronio, Co- bourg, Bo wnîanv ille, Port Hiope and Peterborough. The Canadian Tire M idge ts are in ail ail teain hook-up which inakes for seule iti- wieidly schceduliiîg. Bellevillc, and Kingston hlod downi the eastern lim iit s ol' thle leugue, whiic otîlier- clubs will bc Port Hope, Ceootur g, Oshîawa, Franiklord, Ajax, Peterbor- ough, Deser-onto, and Bow- nian ville. The Deseronto and Bow- manvilie clubs are Juvenile squads wiio wiil play ut the Midgcî level during rcguiar Icague play anîd tueve uip to the Juvettiic brackels for O.B.A. action. Whiitby Rcds wili open on May i Sth in Oshawa, and will lîost Kendall on May 2Oth to get their homne season under- way. Other tclubs in thîe Junior ioop are Oshawa, Keene, Ken- dall, Peterborouglh, Port Hope anid Frankford. The Rcds are also cntcrcd' ini the tourney at Tiioroid in JuIy, the top, ranking Junior compctition in Ontario. The winner wiII represent Ontario in the Canada Garnes to be held ini B.C.' This Friday the W.M.B.A. wiII hold its Spring Dance, the kick-off for the season for the off'iciais, parents and friends of the W.M.B.A. Hey- deiishore Pavilion should sec a big crowd on hand l'or this popular event. Tickets are availa bic from executive imeni- bers and furti1cr information cati bc obtained by contact- ing Geo. Turner at 668-4577. CONGRATULATIONS TO HARRIS BAKERY ON THEIR 25TH ANNIVERSARY ASHBURN HTS FARM EMM BROS. Spplying Harris Bakery with Fresh Quality Eggs *MOTHERS: Here's the healthy pure water ingredient for baby's formula delivered to your door. *The perfect mix for juices, coffee and drinks. Great for cooking, soups, sauces. Find out more *-phone or write- OZOPURE LIMITED, P.O. Box 473, Oshawa, Ontario - TELEPHONE 725-0566 *PLEASE GIVE ME MORE INFORMATION AT NO OBLIGATION. NAME............ ..... * ADDRESS ... .................... ............................ .... P OE.... -..................PH N A.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M HARRIS' HOME BAKERY BROOKLIN, ONTARIO INVITE YOU TO ATTEND OUR 25TH ANNIVERSARY AND PROVIDE US WITH THE OPPORTUN ITY TO EXPRES,1 OUR GRATITUDE FOR YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE PLEASE JOIN US TUESDAY, MAY 8. WHITBY CURLING CLUB CLUB MANAGER REQUIRED FOR CURLING CLUB LOCATED) IN WHITBY This job offers year-round employment. Write inconfidence before May 15, stating experi- ence, salary expected to: C. L. Jenkins, 105 Reynolds Street, *Whitby, Ont.,

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