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Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1973, p. 14

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PAGE 14, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1973, WIIITBY FREE PRESS NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to Tii. Ontario Municipation Board by The Corporation of the Town of Whitby for appro. val of a by-Iaw ta extend the Urban Service Area with re- sp.ct ta liabilities of the Town of Whitby ini regard to water pursuant ta Section 14 Subsaction 12 of The Municipal Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends lu eppîy to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant te the provisions of Section 14 Subsection 12 of The Municipal Act for epproval o! By-Law number 909-73 passed on the 22nd day of January, 1973. A copy of such by-law is herainafter set forth. Any person interested may, within twenty-one <21) deys after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clark of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection tu appruval uf the seid by-law, tugether with a stetement of the grounds of such objec- tion. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-Iaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place where any ob- jection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of env hearing thet may be held wiIl be given only to persons who have f iled an objection. The lest date for f iling objections wilI be 28th May, 1973. DATE O this 26th day of April, 1973. William H. Walace, Clark, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. tIu IV)I Irl i -~ I E -' î~i. iii,, SI Il j iliji I .L.L jiI~J CVOb' S77VH t ~11 ColiJ 1-J -t -~ h I. - _ _ Il r--- h-k- - - - -. - -- k QI H -J BY- LAW NO0. 909-7 3 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY- LAW NO. 909-73 BEINO A BY-LAW TO EXTEND THE WATER AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO INCLUDE CERTAIN LANDS ABUTTING DUNDAS STREET WEST, HALL'S R0AD AND ALMONOS SUB- DIVISION AREA. BEING REGISTERED PLANS 496 AND 562 WHEREAS by Order of The Ontario Municipal Board dated August 22nd 1967 (P-3321-67), the Corporation of the Town of Whitby and the Corporation of the Township of Whitby were amalgamated effective January lst, 1968, as a Town to be known as The Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby. AND WHEREAS under the provisions of item 23 of such Order it was ordered that the lands described in Schedule "A" to this By- law should become an Urban Service Aiea with respect to liabilities for sanitary sewers and water. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to extend the said Urban Service Area in order to include the lands described in Schedule "B" to this By-law with respect to water only. NOW THEREFORE be it enacted and it is hereby enacted as a By-Iaw of The Corporation ut the Town of Whitby by the Council thereof as foîîows: 1. That the Urben Service Area created by the Order of The On- tario Municipal Board dated August 22nd 1967, under item 23 of such Order, be extended to include the lands descrîbed in Scheduîe "B" to this By-law in su far as the liabilities of The Corporation uf the Town of Whitby reîating to water are con- cerned. 2. That ail liabîities with respect to water which on the 31 st day of December 1972 were liabilities of the Town of Whitby in the existing water aiea described in Scheduîe "A" to this By-law shahi be discharged by the imposition of rates upon aIl the rate- able pruperty described in Schedule "A" and on ail the rateable property described in Schedule "B" to this By-Iaw. 3. The provisions of Section 29 of The Assessment Act R.S.O. 1970 chapter 32 as amended shall apply tu the lands referred Io in Schedlule "A" and Schedlî "B". 4. The provision,-;ut this By-Iaw shall not take effect until approval bas been obtained from The Ontario MuniLipai rBoard. BY-LAW READ A FIRSI AND SECOND TIME THIS 22ND DAY Of JANUARY A.D. 1973 Sgd: T. J. Edwards Acting Mayor SCHEDULE "A" TO BY- LAW NO. 909-73 COMMENCING ai a point ai the south-west angle of the preselit Town of Whîby where it intersects the north shore of Lake Ontario; THENCE northerly along the west limnit of the present Town of Whitby 10 ils north point in Township Lot 31, Concession 2; THENCE east parallel t0o undas Street (#2 Hbghway) to a Point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; Tfr-ENCE north parallel 10 Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet nrKth of Rossland Road; THENCE east parallel t0 Rossland Hoad to the east limît of the foirmer Township of Whitby; THENCE south along the teast limît of the former Township of Whitby 10 Lake Ontario; THENCE westerly along the north lir of Lake Ontario 10 the plac of beginning. <J-, SCHEDULE "B" TO BV- LAW NO. 909-73 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and beîng in the Town of Whitby and County of Ontario, and baing composad of parts of Lots Thîrty-two, Thirty-thrae, Thîrty-four and Thirty-fîve, Concession One, part of the road allowance between Lots Thîrty-two and Thîrty-thraa, Concession One, part of the road allowance between Lots Thîrty- four and Thirty-five, Concession One, part of the road allowanca between the Townships of Whitby and Pickering, Concession One, Lots One to Forty-three inclusive, Crasser Avenue, Queens Road and Churchill Avenue, as shown on Plan 496 ragistered in the Registry Office for the said County, Lots One 10 Thirty-one indlu- 9 107 IN,138 3.9,77VGOb I i i -~ I - j iLi :ý i I Q ri "'J i QI<" ~ j ~1 s. -J sive, Queeris Road and part of Almond Avenue, as sflown on Plan 562, registered in the Registry Office for the said County, parts of Lots Thirty-two, Thirty-three, Thirty-four and Thirty-five, Con- cession Two, part of the road allowance between Lots Thirty-two and Thirty-three, Concession Two, part of the road allowance be- tween Lots Thirty-four and Thirty-five, Concession Two, part of the road allowance between the Townships of Whitby and Pickering, Concession Two, and the road allovvance between Concessions One and Two across Lots Thirty-two to Thirty-fîve inclusive, vvhich said parcels may -be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point ir' mfe east limit of the said Lot 32, Con. 2, distant northerly therein 210.0 feet fromi the south-east angle thereof; THENCE westerly parallel to the southerly limit of the said Lot 32 to a point of intersection with the westerly limit of the said Lot 32; THENCE continuing westerly parallel to the southerly limit of the said Con. 2 10 a point of intersection with the easterly limit of Lot 33; THENCE continuinà[-westerly parallel to the southerly limit of Lot 33 to a point of intersection with the westerly limit of the said Lot 33; THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of the said Lot 34 to the north-east angle of lands described in Instrument No. 181490; THENCE vuesterly along the northerly limit of said lands described in Instrument No. 181490 to the north-west angle thereof; THENCE southerly along the westerly limit of the said lands described in Instrument No. 181490 to a point of intersection with a mie drawn parallel to the said southerly limit of Lot 34 and dis- tant northerly therefrom 210.0 feet; THENCE westerly parallel to the said southerly limit of Lot 34 to a point of intersection with the easterly limit of Iands described in Instrument No. 62664; THENCE northerly aiong the said easîerly limit of Iands described in Instrument No. 62664 to the north-easterly angle thereof; THENCE easterly along the southerly limît of lands descrïbed in Instrument No. 145245 to the sou th-easterly angle thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly limits of lands described in Instrument No.s 145245, 145246, 1 2251 and 114761, t0 the north- easterly angle of lands described in said Instrument No. 114761; THENCE easterly along the southerty limit ot lan-ls described in Instrument No. 59498 to the south-easîerly angle tii-..of; THENCE northerly along the easteriy limit of the said lands described in Instrument No. 59498 10 the north-eas îerIy angle t hereof; THENCE westerly along the northerly limit of' the said lands de- scribed in Instrument No. 59498 to the north-westerly angle thereof, said point being the point in the westerly limit of Lot 34, THENCE westerly paraliel to the souîherly lîmit of the said Con- cession 2, tco a point of intersection vith the easterly limit of Lot 35, Concession 2; THENCE continuîng westerly parallel t0 the southerly limit of Lot 35, a distance of 200.00 feet; THENCE southerly parallel to the easterly limît of the saîd Lot 35 t0 a point of intersection wîîh a mie drawn parallel 10 the southerly lîmît of the said Lot 35 and distant northerly therefrom 200feet; THENCE westerly parallel t0 the southerly limit of the said Lot 35 to a point of intersection with the northerly production of the easterly lîmit of Parts One and Two, as shown on Plan R D-408 de- positad in the Regîstry Office for the said County; THENCE southerly along the said northarly production to the north-east angle of the said Part 2, Plan RD-408; THENCE wastarly along the northerly limit of the said Plan RD-408 to the north-wast angle thereof; THENCE continuing westerly along the production of the northerly limit of the said Plan RD-408 t0 a point of intersection with the centre lîne of the road allowance beîween the Townships of Whitby and Pickering; THENCE southerly along the said centre lina of the road allowance between the Townships of Whitby and Pickering to a point of inter. section with the westerly production of the centre line of Almond Avenue, as shown on Plan 562 regîstered in the Registry Office for the said County; THENCE eastarly along the said centre lina of Almond Avenue and ils easterly production t0 a point of intersection with the easterly limit of the said Plan 562; THENCE northerly along the easteriy limit of Registered Plan 562 end Plan 496 t0 the north-easterly angle of the said Plan 496; THENCE contihîuing northerly along the easterly limît of lands described in Instrument No. 21 5248 and Instrument No. 220948 to a point of intersection with a line drawn parallel 10 the northerly limît of the saîd Lot 35 and distant southerly therefrom 210.0 feet; THENCE easterly parallel t0 the said northerly limit of Lot 35 10 a point of intersection with the easterly limit of the said Lot 35; THENCE continuing easterly parallel to the northerly limit of Concession One t0 a point of intersection with the westerly limit of Lot 34; THENCE continuing eastarly parallel 10 the northerly limit of the saîd Lot 34 10 a point of intersection vith the westerly limit of lands described in Instrument No. 180488; THENCE southerly along the westerly limit of the said lands described in Instrument No. 160365 to the south-wast angle thereof; THENCE easterly along the southerly limît of the said lands de- scribad in Instrument No. 160365 to the south-easterly angle thareof; THENCE rortherly along the said easterly limit of lands dascribed in Instrument No. 160365 tu a point of intersection with a lina drawn parallel to the said northerly limit of Lot 32 and distant southerly therefrom 210.0 feet; THENCE easterly parallel 10 the no.therly limit of the said Lot 32 t0 a point of intersection with tlie east limit of the said Lot 32; THENCE northerly along the s-A easterly limit of the said Lot 32, Concession One to the north-trast angle thereof; THENCE northerly in a straîght lina to the south-east angle of Lot 32, Concession Two; THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of the said Lot 32, Concession Tvvo, a distance of 210 feet 10, the Point of Commence- ment. ONhMf3>l3Id O .bd: Wm. H. Wallace Clark fr) K. -J Lt-J -'I cd/HSNAfOi 191" XOj/H%1 JO NWMQIVN3341-739 -.9iNVMO771t OVO6' 3J, 77V 0 Plod 1

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