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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1973, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY JUNE 7, 1973 ~ etters to the Editor Dear Sir: Re: Sunday and Holiday Re- tailing. Today's consumer is cut- ting bis own throat by pres- suring retailers to extend st- ore hours to include Sunday, holidays and every evening. On the one hand consum- ers cry because prices are increasing. Yet they don't stop to consider that they are causing prices to increase by requesting longer store b- ours. Extended store hours do flot usually increase sales and profits, but the costs to ruti the operaion, je: pay- roll, ligt, heat, maintenance etc., certainly do increase. In fact, the costs increase at a greater rate titan normal be- cause stores often must pay employees overtime. Con- sequently, thie conisumer will be required to pay increased prices "ail week" to SLIbsid- ize thiese "extra costs." Another thing that should be considered is the present store lours. 1-1w lopng are stores really openi? Most st- ores average betwie-' 60-70 Now in O shawa 3usinessmen. requiring term loans for sound busi- ess purposes and who are unable ta abtaîn financial ssistance from ather sources on reasonable terms nd conditions are invited ta discuss their needs at he 1DB office recently opened in Oshawa . .. DB an lend ta almost ail types of business-man- îfacturing, taurism, professianal services, wholesale nd retail trades, agriculture, construction, etc. Ask for aur bookiet. Manager-K. W. Bolam Assistant Manager-J. D. Carruthers 22 King Street, West, Oshawa, Ont. Tel.: 576-6800 K.- W. Ih>Ian J. 1). Carma t Iters The Industrial Levelopment Bank announices the opening of an office at 22 King Street West, Oshiawa, Lu serve iLs customers in the counties of Durharn, Ilaliburton, North- umberland, O)ntario, Peterborough, and Victoria. Mr. K. W. Bolam is the manager and Mr. J. ID. Carruthers is te as- sistant. manager of the new office. The nd ust.rial 1)evelopment Bank provides financing, usually in the forrn of term loans, to snmaller businesses which are unabie to obtain financial assistance front othier source,: on reasonable terms and conditions. 1DB makes boans tu almost every type of' business includ ing manufacturing, tourist industry, construction, wholesale and retail trade, agriculture, and many oti-ers. Mr. Bolam lias rhad soîne edoen years service with 11)1 and prior Lu his present. appointment lie was manager of the Kitcliener-Waterloo office of the bank. Mr. Carruthiers joined 1DB in 1965 and previously hie was an assistant manager of the Mid-Ontario office, To~<ronto. .lThe sta ff of the mmiew office also incl udes M essrs.IW. S. Bea tty, R. E. Dawson, J. 1. McKiernan, E .G. Norris, and S. A. Shoe- maker who were formerly at other 1DB offices in Ontario. lîours per week. Tîhe Àverage consumer works betwr.-.Lit36- 40 bours per week. Thus, everyone bias access to stores for at least "20 lîours" per week. How many people really need 20 hours a week to shop? Another factor that sho- uid be considered is the wel- fare of the retail employees. For many. Sunday is the only day off;, for others they are obliged to take a day off during tbe week. 1 dare you to ask a retail emiployee when tlhey lastI bad a "week- end or bioliday" with bis or ier family. IlTbs Mr. Consumer, con- ider the facts and leave well e nough alone. Yours truly. A. Kenilt 1008 Wardrnan CIres. Wbitby, Ont. as imterest iii lie pas( yeaur, Cablecast 8, wit thlie assis- tantce of the Osliawa Chess Club wilI present, "Priuncip- les of Clîess", a five minute program desigrîed lu imiro- duce lte ewcomer lu te gainte uof Cess. Titis pro- gram wiil be aired Tuesdays antd Fridà,ys amI 6:OOp.mn. eacît week. Prog-ammnmg Direclor, W- illiam Riddell, states eîtîtu- siatically, "Simîce lte Fischter- Spassky match Iast July, we have bad many requests abo- Dear Sir: 1 am writing in response to the boy who took blis life while inijail, After reading sucli a sym- pathetic letter ini the last ed- ition, I feel no0 pity. If tliis "innocent victim of police custody" was sucliaan up- standing pillar of society, w- bat was he doing ini jail? Society is certainly not strict enougli with drunks, drug freaks and such mental cases brouglit on by ther-n- selves. 1 am 100% behind the Police Force, in any decision made to deal witlî cracking down on such degenera tes. Keep up the good work. Police aren't getting tîcar eni- oughi consideration ior thi- anks froin tbe Public. A Taxpayer of Witby. G» ca ble tv Pine Ridge subscribers win national. awards "The Conmnunities of B- owmanville, Oshawa and W- hlitby get the credit for ch- oosing the winners in the Canaîdian Cable Television Assocition Awards for coin- mu nity' prograniing-. sta tes Williamn Riddell, Prograni [)- irector of Pute Ridge CahIe TV Limited, (lie Câble Co- npany whichi serves the area. ".We would like to sce more of tItis type of res- ponsibilitv takenl on by nie- itibers of lthe area because (ablecast 8 is their channel to express themisclves"' aid- ded Riddell. -Thev have given tItis region national recognition by hielpîing t(> win time Awards.' An hou r lo ng progran conisistimîg of tellminute s- egmients of eacl show tha-t was being comsidered for entry was sbowîî 10 the suhscribers. lThe public was asked to write or phione mbt the station their choice of lthe best shows. The results were tabulated aund the winning progranos sîub- mitled to the Judges for the National Awards. Ali trec programs nomin- ated by tbe subscribers won! Ilite Country l)oves, a country music show featur- ing youing Canadian talent won in the category of Co- mrnunity Produced Entert- ainment. Producer. Norni Babineau. Mainland China, a studv of industry, science, and hi- storv ut Red China today woni in the cabegory of Coin- nunity produced Public Af- faiîrs. Producer was Mr. Robert Bentnett of tlie Bible Church, Whitby. lThe Exe- cut ive Producer was Mr. Fi- sher, V'ice Presidcmtt of thie Steel C'omupalny utf Cana dat. AIll About , ai series on1 (?eraumics won îini the ca t- egory of (CibleCom>upany Produced Enlertainninent, w- ifh bProducer I inmQua il - A warni t hank vonu s cxtended lu ail tbrec coin- niutiffijes inv'olved. tit au Ciess Progran. anmd we have mnde airran ugemenbts for imcreasiîg lte leîgth of lte Show inilte future. We feel tlIait Ibis show wilI be pupuilar, and we inîvite peo- pie lu plioîte ini amy coin- memîls or suggestiomns tltey m- ay hiave on irnproving lte program", added Riddell. Anyoîme imterested ini leai- riutglte fimier moves of C- liess are imuvited 10 contact lte Oshiawa Cltess Club at 725-1991.- THE WHITBV FREE PRESS (VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN) Homnetown papor of Whitbyl Brooklin, Myrtie end Ashturn; sorving Ajax and Pickering. Published overy Thursd&y Publîshod by Whitby Fre Prou Inc., Bruno Harilsid, Prosident. 212 Brock Street South, Whitby ^%il Box 208. Whitby. Phonoe66-611il or 668-6112 Editor: MlkeOBurgu Asitant Editor: Jim ail MAILING AdvortIling: Ron Winstenloy NO. 2941 TRAVELOGUE 0F WHITBY Whitby: A Whitby travel- ogue will be the subjeet of a special general meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Co- mmerce at n000, JuneI 1 I,at the Spruce Villa Hotel. Karre Mylbren, proprietor of Viking Vacation Ventures will present a talk and slide sbow on industrial sites ini 'Wbitby and Brian Winter, A- rchivist of the Whitby I-is- torical Society wiIl present a com'nentary and sîides on hi storical sites in the county towîi. This meeting, tbe first of a series of open luncheon meetings to be held by the Chamber, is designed to show wiiat features can be promo- ted ini Whitby for Homeco- ming Year, A buffet luncheon wili be served, and aIl persons inter- ested in thie promotion of Whitby are invited to attend. At a recent meeting cal- led by the Whitby Recrea- tion Dept., plans were dis- cussed for the tbird annual Senior Citizen Week. lune l7tlî îbrougb lune 23rd. has beeni declared Senior Citizen Week througliout Ontario> by thme Honourable Rene Brunel- le. Minister of Community and Social Services. Attending the meeting we- re represenla tives of service clubs, youtli groups, Fairv- iew Lxodge, Wbiîby Psychia- tric Hospital, Whitby Minis- terial Association anmd pres- idenits of the three local Se- nior Citizen Clubs. It was feit tbat the same type of activities as those enjoyed 1- ast year should be organized bus trips, a band concert, parties, and a dance. A newv addition titis year will be an English Pub Niglit, planned by Mrs. loy Tbornpson. Mrs. James Crawford will again coordinate the week for thme Recreatiomi Dept. Thme officiai opening for this years Senior Citizen We- ek wiIl be Sunday lune I 7th 2:00 p.m. at lthe Whitby Cent- ennial Buildig, 416 Centre Street South. A NEWS RELEASE Froini: Willîiam Newilail M.P.P., Ontario South. on Regionial Governmiient: Mr. Newmvnan. iii referriuîg lu tlie stalenment inade hy J(>hinVWhite (Ma%, 28) sa id thiat lie did not go mbiitthe that lie did îlot go info bte (Ctails outhelie nticil)ailies. Legislîtioi will be introdue- cd lu the legisiature in tlie wveek uf lune 4, 1973. Pickerinig Township wilI e- niconpass the area ktowil as North Pickeriung Developmnie- lit l)ro.Icl anud the airport. iis w'ill ineanî that the new c<>uhttunitv anîd airp(>rl will cuine directly under our imu- uinicipal junrisdictîin fron thme <>Liseb. Thme Town of Ajax and lthe Villaîge of Pickeriung will ainalgaîniate, and Ajax will l)e allowed lu exîxînd and liecomne a larger unLllticiî)alily. West Rouige, ais vaîs the wisi of lthe people on lthe i)lel>iscite, tlialtute Townshîip carried out there, are going t(> go t10 Scarborougbi. lThe Town (of Wliitby wili rentain the saine, and te Township of East Whiitby wv- tilI become part of Oshawa. WlvVen the legislatioui is in- troduced, there wiil be Op- porluuty for municipalities to make representatiomi on chaunges liîey wouid like to sec inilte legislation. Mr. Newman went on 10, sziy, 'I arnipieased with the annouincentent by lthe Hon- erable Minister, as i have as- ked for Ibis type of boumîd- airs silice lte inception of regionualI governinent iii lte area. I feel lte Townsbip of East Wbitby nust have built-imi protectionmini the le- gislation, ini order tîtat their taîxes do niot go sky-rocket- imîg when ihey becorne part of Oshawa.', "lTemnaine that thme Min- ister liais givem tollte mtew region: Regiota I Municipal- ity of Durhiam, is omtîy a recoîtmendalion from thlie P- rovinice aIttis limie. Il is nt a finial decision." Legislation wili be passed by lthe enîd of lumie, amnd il is amilcipaled ltere will it is.anticipated tere will be regiomial anîd municipal ele- Mbons îîext October. Senior Citizen Week Planned CHESS PLAYERS, REJOICE!

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