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Whitby Free Press, 28 Jun 1973, p. 14

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,,THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1973, PAGE 15 KALNINSý ON PORNOGRA PHY Portiograph ' is a dirty word. -Riglbt? 1I say, wroîîg. At one tiinte you couldn't eveit mention the word sex. Oh boy, it was a dirty word alright. And who could ever discuss prostitution, abortion, and honiosexuality without raising an eyebrow? Today, these subjects are freely aired on radio, television and in sù-called famnily newspapers like the Torontto, Daily Star or the Globe and Mail. The reason l'ni writing today's column -on porîîograplîy is because not long ago a Toronto newspaper featured a. series of articles on titis delicate if nlot somnewhat uinfailiiar subject. lThe newspaper liad spent thousands of dollars to find out wiîy- people are interested ini pornography. For heaven's sake, I could have toid theni the pertinent facts about 'Porno' busiiîess-free of charge. There is no doubt ini niy mind that we have touclbed only the tip of the iceberg as far as porilography goes. Canada is way beind other countries ii titis field. Taike for instan ce,. Deniark or Holiand. There the 'porno' business s legal. Antd no one lias been hutrt by the booniîtg trend. Legai brains say the pornography lias hielped to stanmp out -petty erinae and sexual assauits on young feniaies. Ini otiter words, pornography is good for people. Unfortunateiy, we take a different view ini this country. We shout and holler as -soon as somlebody is trying to openl a sex shop or launcit a 'blue movie' theatre. In Toronto, there are about ten mini-cinemas specializiîîg ini skin flicks. They try bard to show somne of tîte Danish goodies to our boys, but the Almighty Law says : Oh no, you can't do this; you can't do tîtat. In fact, they are saying-we are the censors; we are tite guardians of todays morals. Tbe Morality Squad knows best. This hias created a new and interesting situation, 1 cali it a cat-and-mouse gaine betweerî cops and theatre operators. The latter are aiways weil informed ini advance about possible raids. One Sunday afternoon 1 was watclîing a 'Nlue movie.' A caîl came througli to tite theatre manager. "I-iel>o, whios tlîis?" lie aslied, pickîing up the phone in the back roont. The voice at the otîter end of the Uine could be heard *oud anîd clear: "If you see two gnys witlt black wiîîdbreak- ers, ask for the mentbership card, anîd for petes sake don't show the liard stuff. About liaîf ant bour later tite cops arrived. 'Needless to say, they couidît't produce the mernbershiip card. But, at the saine time tlîey didn't waîît to -admit they were senît to titis place by the inspectô r of the Morality Squad. Furtîter, l'nî told, the M Squad is very busy on1 weekerîds. lthat's the tinte wlien nîany tourists visit Toronto and are aîixious to speîîd titeir extra pocket ioIicy oit skin flicks. Most of the sex mnovies you se0on Yonge Street are teasers of sorte sort, bust with a littie bit of huck you miglît be able to see a sizzliîîg'hard-core porîtographic movie. In New York, the story is differeîtt-everything is wide open, evet oit a Sunday. But liere: stever uever oit a Stnday. However, I presurne, that itot it the too distant future Toronto lie Good wiil chtange its image for tîte better or worse, ail depending on wilîi side of the feitce you ike to be. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The opirimuits expressed iiitItis article are îîot neccssarily those of' ftc Wlitby Uree iPress aîtd/or its managemnent. Dennis O'Connor High Sohool Graduation Graduationî Exercises were Iîehd at D)enis O'Conînor High Scliool, Wiitby, On Saturday, June I6th. 'lle programme began wi- tht a Folk Mass cehebrated by Father L.i. Austin, P.P. Music was provided by a choir directed by MIr. J. Foy, PRE-SEASON CLEARANC E ON AUL 1973 MODEIS' 26" SUPER CHROMACOLOR SOUID STATE (00 TUBES) The FRANCONIA D4748-9 SERIES 210 Mediterranean styled console. Fuit base. Casters. 26" Super Chromacolor Picture. Dark finished Oak veneers <D4748DE9, or Pecan veneers <D4748P9). 100% Soi id- Stite Titan 210 Chassis with exclusive new Zenith Power Sentry Systern. Solid- State Super Video Range Tuner. Super- Screen Picture. Chromatic One-button Tuning. AFO, VHF/UHF Sp*ottite Panels. Ail. Sets In Factory-sealed Cartons "%WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL OURSE[VES"f FALCON TV' 426 SIMCOE $te Se 723-0011 OSHAWA accornpaîtied by guitarists L- es Cser, Mike Pitre, and Pen- ny Sidor. Guest speaker for the oc- casion was Sister Cornelia Goulet, wlto was invited by the Grade i 3 chass to deliver thte Graduation Address. Sis- ter Cornelia is leaving Denis O'Connîor after six very suc- cessfui years to go to O'Gor- miail High Scitool in Timmins. Sister's message was a wish tîtat the graduates choose wisely of the gifts offered to each of them a s tbey enter thie wi'der world of life. Site made special mention of the "wisdom wlîiciî offers self-kîîowhedge tîtrougît wiîi- ;cih you know you are original; self-reverence through wbicit you respect that originality as coming froît the Diviite; and self-control tbrough wit- ich you experience a divinely corne see our.,. "BARN FUL 0F CAMPING EQUIPMENT99 KAMPINGuil imted SALES - RENTALS - STORAGE TOWNLINE RD., NORTH HRMNR. OSHAWA TOWNLINE 8RD 728-9942 E 1 MILE NORTH disciplined origînality." Nancy Hickey and Jackie Aider stood out as flot oniy Ontario Scho[ars, but also won three otiter awards each. Ail in A nineteen awards were presented. >Foliowing the presentation ,of diplomas, rings and awards,, Valedictorian Kevin McAiiis- ter expressed th'e thanks of the ciass, reminisced and said goodbye, calling on the grad- untes to "to admire, but not eîîvy, to praise but flot flat- ter, to foiiow but not imitate, anîd to lead but'not manipu- la te." The day's. activities were concluded with a round of diîîner parties, and tbe grad- uation formai. LIONEL -L FROM i DRIVE-IN EVENUNG CIIURCH SERVICES (corne as you are and sit in your car) JULY 8, 15, 22, 2Î? A&P Parking lot on Brock St. N. Wh itby TIME: 6:52 P.M. Gospel Music & Messae Rev. Murray Clugston, Pastor. 519 Brock St. N. Whitby ANGLO TENTS eROPELESS TENTS 0 OUTSIDE FRAME e PLASTIC WINDOWS & SCREENING e 2 DGORWAYS SHELTER BR OADVIEW 12'x9'oLy $100*73 K ITCHEN 5HADEVIEW 91X9, ONU S$90*73 ___________________LI 1

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