COURT REPORT "4Ve are coîîsideriîtg iiutcasitg Ilile fuiie," sa--iid Proviii- cial Cot i idgc H.4V. Jermysi. "TIe preseiti fine of $200 eertaiiîly Iîasîî'l controlled it (drinikiîîg and drivîing). 11e recent survey imdicates ltat -750 were kilied by people wIo Ihaîve been driviiii ite wee sînail liouirs of' the ilorintiitnder jusi tiscb conditionîs ais yoii tomid( youirseif. Ouir purpose liere is fo>r lite protection of people. Altîotiîglîyou may nul lliîiîîk sothe (Courts -ire coiîcerîîed juts as încb abouit yotir protection antd otiters like youi just as iiel as il is coîîcerîted ab)out (lie protecît(io people as a whole. It ik as mutchi for youir benet'it as it is for itose whu are isiîîgItue Iigbways. Fus Hoîtotir said ais lie suspeîtded dite driviîtg privileges uîtder the inaîtdatory ternus of suspension of DIeain Williamis, Kîiis Couîrt Apartîmeitl AJax. Mr. Williamts vaîs fined $200 or 20 daîys oh tthe charge of driving will more tai 80 11g911-utfalcuol lper 100 tuillîmelters uofhiood. i-is driver,; license wvas suispended for six nontlls ais ibiere haid heen an aiaccident. Mr. Willianms pleai(ed not gtnilty lu(lite chtarge. -)oitl drive oit Suit dav for the itext six mon)tts," ProýiiîcialI (ouîrt Juidge H.W4. Jerutyn told D)onald WVilloiîgh- bv, 39. otf Thorîthili. He was t'ited S200 or 20 daiy'sini jaiil anîd bus driver's iceîtse vaîs suispeit(ed tor sKi iofl(Itts wvith te provision dituaie1 coid drive ont a restricted liceltse ini thle process of his work. Nir. Willouîglhy ai sales rep)rescîtta I ive. vas bold lite coid <îîlv use (lite speciail license during lte -process of bis work.- He plcaded giîiltv bto e ebcaîrge otf driînk driviitg. Ain Oîtario Provincial Police Officer frointhte Whitt v l)taicltmentlwais on patrol ont Higliway 401 ait i :53 a.n. Maty 26îlî in tie IPickering Tlownislii regioit <f tIle higitwaiy. He s.îw ai westbouîtt caîrlthait gaive the officer reaisoîjt lustol) Itle vebicle. When t ilwaîs stopped ilite driver siiowed tlite -normali syni)tlons of alciioliecon0lsuml- ption.'. Tite hreatîalyzer test înidicaîted ftalite accused liad 120 milligranms of aicobiol per 100 millimectres of hlood in hits syslemi at thie t ime lie was apprebletded; lie tld tIe c>urt ltai lie liaîd orked 1 4 iturs oit fle diy lie îaîd beeni appreiieiided b>' the Wiith)Y ietaîclînîcitl " The Liqiior Lw sas yoti dontt driiik i)et<re vour i Xlii bîrtbda-y," said Provimiciil Court Jtudge fD.4. Jerîtyn as lie plaîced two Ositaiwa yotlhs 01it1 a2 i2moiti suspeîtded senttenice. 1He waied them ltaIttey cotid 1w rotigiit hack to court ait anli-Yme duriitg the itexl i12 moulus antd senteîtced oh tIlte clitarge o>f heiîig ai minor and cun]sumtg iiiuo>r while mnder Itle aige of i18 yeaîrs. Stephien W. Bruice, i16, of 822 Gien Street Oshtawai and Gerald B. Mather. i16, ailso of 822 Gien Street. pleaded gtiiity Io drinking whiii under age anîd were 1l:ced oit ,Ile 12 nontit sîîspended senttence. Miciteail Joseph Lenairy' 17, of 885 Oxford Street Oshaiwa also plcaded guilty tb of seittenîce for 1I') monlus ais long ais yotu sbaîy oui of te Coutl. People lîcre îîeed protection tfrorn peuple of titis type." Mr. Ferebo îaîd pleaded guilty lu lite charge of commoi assainlt caiusing i)odiiy itarmn. Wbiic easlbound on' Dundas Street West, Mr. Ferebu on April 25tlit about nooii stopped his car. A i14 yeaîr uld Whilby laid Itiinking lthait lte accused mant wained some information in regards lo direcions iii lte Towntaippro- aclied lte car. Mr. Fercho took soine objection to1lte manner i whiclii hue youtb aîpproaîclîed te caîr and lie pusbed lte boy away from lte car. "The youîtg boy didn'l feel Ihat lis type of Ireaimeilt waîs ecessai-r>' either," said Crown Attorney Edward HoweiI. He expiai- ned later ltai lte "ver>' act of pushing a person is indica- tive of common asm-ul." WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, THUR SDAY, JULY 5, 1973, PAGE il 6l:668-6111 C la s sa i ed Advertiig1 i hIn J.EARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now yo cotrain regh hore in Canada! Accommodation and ex- penses paid whils training! Tuition Tex deductîble' Fer apWhcatW* Mdaidt.,vj.w mite: Set ety Deputmntt Trent caada Trasirt Truem Suite 316, 207 Guiens Quay West Toronto 117. Ontanao or cati: 416-8649381 e1/ High Quality hivîatons Your wedding de- serves the best in- vitations and an- nouncements-- s elect fromn our tasteful simples. Expert Consultation WH TBY FREE PRESS 212 BF<UCK ST. SOUTH 668-6111 PRE-S EASON CLEARANCE ON ALL 1973 MODELS by7~ff The FRANCONIA D4748-9 SER lES 210261UK Mediterranean styled console. Full base. Casters. 26" Super Chromacolor Picture.CRMAO R Dark finîshed Oak veneers (D4748DE9,ROACLO or Pecan veneers (D4748P9). 100% Soiid-SU TT State Titan 210 Chassis with exclusive OD T E new Zenith Power Sentry System. Soiid- (OTBS State Super Video Range Tuner. Super- -10TBS Screen Picture. Chromatic One-button Tuning. AFC. VHF/UHF Spotlite Panels. Ail Sets In. Factory-sealed Cartons "%WE SERVICE WHAT WE SULt OURSELVES"I FALCON TV 426 SIMCOE ST. Se OSHAWA 723-0011. 2ad. MORTOA6E MONEY UlmILAmr .5 VEAR TE RU OPEN MO«TGAGES " NO 1SONUSES " NO GREDIT CHECKS " NO INOWIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS " CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADEliNV OL/R ObWifHOUE " BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 " FAST SERVICE CAtI Mr. WiU<ks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto Wanted Houses in Whitby and area. Any condition accPptJ- able. Wiil make cash offer. Quick closing. GEORG~E SULLIVAN LTD. REALTOR 66-826 CKALK LAKE PARK Eteautif us plcnic groundis verY quiîet *urroundlngs sandly beach Canomiflg Turn right first sidJe roadt t Thu.a'i'erbirdi Golf Course Taie. 655-341B7 1 B&ing A Friend Back IHome To Whitby Homecoming July 27 - August 8, 1973 Give us the names and addresses of previous Wbitby residents so we can invite them to your homecoming. Fi in and mail to J. Gartshore, Council Repres- entative, Homnecoming Committee, c/o Municipal Office Whitby. Nt' "l. - ------- Address. un- - - - DunIRpdtaliMPyDTh AHTERS YTIIR SERVC 103 bu"«desS. leWhhi* 685 PM.A. - .1-1 - -- - a