SPORTS REPORT DACEDAI I 1 NEWS 11 Area basebaîl fans have a big weekend coming up whien the Whiitby Minior Baisebaîl Association and the Oshawa Legion Basebaîl Association host their second annmal Midget Tournaîîîent which brings to the area some of the top clubs in Ontario. Sixteen teams from points as far east as Kingston and as fan west as Leamingtoni will be playing in twenty - two gaines to decide a winner', with sixteen games slated for Saturday and six on Sunday. Four parks, Kinsmen Stadiuim in Oshawa, Soper Creek park in Bowmnanville. E.A. Fairnman Park ini Whitby. and Cedar Park ini Ajax will be used o11 Saturday while Sunday's contests will be played in Oshawa and Whitby. In 1 972 the two associations joined forces for the first time and the '72 tourney was an outstanding success in spite of terrible weather conditions. The event was so well handled, and competing teams were so impressed with the event that the response was over- whelming this yean, and mnany team-s had to be turned away. In '72 the Whitby Canadian Tire Midgets turned out to be the dark horse of the affair and battled gamely right down to the final game where they bowed out to Scarborough in a thrilling finish. Teams competing this year are ILeaside - Pitts, Willow- dale, Newmarket, Kingston, Thorold. Brampton, Peterboro, Leamington, London. Scarboro Village, Bircimount, Hami- ilton, Mahonley. Agincourt, Belleville, Oshawa and Whitby. On Saturday the action will be almost continuons iii the four parks, beginning at 9:30 and ending with the final game of the day at 5:45 p.rn. On Sunday there will be games at 9:30 a.m., 12:00 in preliminary rounds wvth the Consolation Final at Kinsmen Stadium at 2:30 p.m., and the Grand Championship Final at E.A. Fairman in Whitby at 5:00 p.m. Schedule For First Two Rounds: Oshawa vs. Leaside Pitts Brampton vs. Birchmount Whitby vs. Agincourt Ruch Doors Wilowdale vs. Newmarket Belleville Vs. Leamington Hamilton vs. Scarborough Village Kingston vs. Thorold Pceterborough vs. London Third and Fourth Rounds will be played at above parks at 3 p.m. and at 5:45 Fifth and Sixth Rounds will be played on Sunday at Kinsmen Stadium and E.A. Fairman at 9:30 and 12 noon. Consolation Final will be played at Kinsmen Stadium at 2:30 p.m. and Grand Championship Final will be played at E.A. Fairman in Whitby at 5:00 p.m. Lacrosse Resu ts Ramn played havoc with our schiedule duning the past week resulting ini fewer ga- mnes played. The only Tyke action was a 1 - 1 tie between the Tyke Al Sars and Novice Flouse Leagtîe Gaben lnvest- îîîents. Mark Oliver sconing for tlie Tykes and Jeff Pr- ebles for Gaben. [n girls lacrosse Local 222- beat Dodd & Souter 5 - 2. Local 222 goals by Paulette Noble, Donna Williains and Lori Mclntyre 1 each, 2goals for Marg Fraser with assists by Date Gangerni and Lois Lawecki. Brenda Allain and Heatlher Peebtes scored for Dodd & Souter. An outstanding performna- iice by Novice 'B' MetRon Construction teain on T'hurs- day night against Ajax witli a win by MetRon Il - 2. Scorers for Ajax Orendork and Furlotte. Local scorers were Dezan 4, Lynde 3, Phil- lips 2, Peebles 2, with assists V. ~~ry&1Instal lation Shop At Home Service Toron to Cali 742-1880 Visit Our New Showroomn At Scarborougli Town Centre - Y'al Drapery. by Dernille 3, Dezan 2, and 1 each for Phillips, Hope and Mason. Terrific goalkeeping by Jack Peebles. ln Pee Wee 'A' play Hari- laid Stars and Huntsville tied their game 7 - 7. Local scorers Atkinson and Fleming 2 each, Jacobs (Paul), Taber and iacobs (Dennis) I each with assists by Northam, Cor- mier and Hall 1 each. "Ail in the Family" Carnie Whyte, 305 Beech St., Whitby, happily displays a cheque for $500., the prize in Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association's Vacation Special Draw. Carrne bought winning ticket from her younger brother Geordy, shortstop with the J - C Gulf team in the W.M.B.A. Tyke Flouse League. As seller- of winning ticket Geordy won $0 Dunlo Radial PIyt AHE$LY iRESERVIC 103 Dides St. lestg Whlby ALECtd'GREAT Jxo wn an>' game Xbu must xealiy ge4 i n it, .And, leep your eye On 4ihe ball every minute. 139O AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS *Plus the. finest COUINTRYMUI PERSON TO PERSON Y'COMMUNITY RADIO CHOO 1390 WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, THUR SDAY, JULY 12, 1973, PAGE 9 Wînner of $50. Vacation Special Draw Drawn lune 29th, 1 973 at E.A. Fairman Park Miss Carnie Whyte '305 Beech Street, Whitby, Ont. License No. 138709-157-73