IJIHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY,JULY 12, 1973, PAGE il ) II UN' ri ~GrdenCete-Nris Jw- M RVICE PHONE 655.3331 SERVINGOQSHAWA & DISTRICT 11s«kmeu'Rood Norh - reoilin, Ontatio SHORT'S PHARMACY LTD, -PRESCRIPTIONS - BROOKLIN 655-3301 BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 118 Brock Street S. - Whitby 668-3707 Your f amily. Your pride and joy. Being with them, loving them, laughing with them is your world. Play it very safe on ail your Summer vacation travets. Keep those happy faces smiling. Drive as if their lives depend Because they do! And, watch out for the other guy. That evervone gets back alive. way Brooklin Camping Sales. Telephone 655-3281 Hwy. # 12 (1/ mite Nerth of Brooklin). r FAMLY KARTWAV LTD. Canada's Largest Rentai Go-Cart Track 11/2Miles North of Whitby on Hwy. #12 TIRES - RENTAI KARTS - ENGINES Trelephono 655-4749 Brooklin BESTPIPE LTDc Monarch--St., Ajaix 942-3620 STEEL FABRICATION B. &R. TRANSPORT LIGHT STRUCTURAL LU MITE D PLATE WORK Serving Industry in the WHT ,W E LD IN G Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin and Port Pei LTD. Areas for Twenty-five Vears 11 arnWHITBY, ONT. Telephone 668-9372 MITCHELL BROTHERS BROCK PHARMACY LTD. BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 619 Brock St., S. Whitby Carpet and Wallpoper now odded ta our complet. line of building supplies 6899 CPhone 655-4991 6899 .r BROOKLIN - ONTARIO (D.ivery service to Wlitby ad OsIuwa> -rry 214 Dunidee St. East 22 rokSretNrt hibOnal a nk of Nova Scoti Telephone 668-3301 Phone 668-3334 SCOTIA PLAN LOANS Whltby, Ont. Manager: KEN MARSH> CARPET CORRAL 1646 Bayly St. Ajax 942-11731 93 WINCHESTRAIRD. EBROKIN Phone 655-4841 This adv.rts@m@flt s sp@nsored by these communIty mlnded businesses. I 7; 7 , -.77, Zn - --