1WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 19,1973, PAGE il FIREFIGHTERS PARADE Those who ,remember the pajama parade at the Fire- fighters' Convention during the 1969 County Town Carnival will see this amazing spectacle again at Home- coming '73. Local 2036 of the Firefighiters' Association in Whitby will take over the Brooklin Arena iuly 28th from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for a dance and parade. At 10 p.m. sharp a piper will lead the pyjama parade fromn the arena through the streets of Brooklin and back. Prizes will be offered for the best costumes and refresh- ments will be provided by the firefighters. Tickets are available for the dance to persons 18 and over at $1 .50 apiece fromn memnbers of the fire- fighters' association. More fun is planned by the fire department August 4th when it places its annual fire prevention parade in the middle of the County Town Carnival parade, making it the biggest event of its kind ever held in Whitby. With preparations only partially complete, the lire department has announced it will lead off its portion of the parade with the 65 - piece Hlamilton Firefighters' Band, and five floats, including one from each fire hall in town. The Connolly Majorettes will participate, along with the Burlington Teens Band, and a special colour party. The fire department's new 100 -foot aerial ladder truck will make its debut in the parade, along with the 1925 Reo truck which is always an attraction. FURNISHED OR IINFURNISBED APARIMENTS AVAl LABLE PHONE 668-676i Your Carl Gets TUC From Us! Our monto is service especially in foreign cars. See us for regular checks and changes. You'iI like usbecýuse we care. And shbw it. MIDWAY DATSUN between Oshawa and Whitby on No. 2 Hwy. 668-6828 A special part of the fire department's presentation wilI be the unveiling of a new Busy Beaver flag, symbolizing Canada's fire prevention program. The fire department decided not to have its fire prevention parade. in October as in past years, but to combine forces with the Jaycees' parade to celebrate Homecoming year and the County Town Carnival. During the il days of the carnival, July 27th to August 6th the fire department's main hall at Brock and Coîborne Streets will be open to visitors. TWINNING Reeve Ton Edwards, Chair- man of the Twinning Comm- ittee announced today that a delegation from Longueuil will once more visit Whitby during the August Civic Hol- iday Week - end to take part in various County Town Carnival activities. The offic- iaI delegation will be headed by 4 Aldermen from the city and their wives. 35 Longueuil citizens are expected to be with us during the Twinning. An officiai reception will be held at the Municipal Building on Friday, August 3rd with a final civic lunch taking place on Sunday, August Sth. This is the fifth year of the excha- nge visits, the first one being THE KING STREET SPEEDWAY can stop MURRAY JOHNSTON'S 1/2 YEARLY SALE of FINECLOTHING and SEASONAL FUR- NISHINGS. Be there at 8 Simcoe Street North starting MONDAY l6th July. SVurray John stan ('OS HAWA) .Limiied EIG H T N0R T H SINCE1917SIMCOE STREET SINCL9I1725-45 11 SUMMER SPECIAL Demo 1973 Fiat 124. Standard, automatic transmission. Radial - ply tires. Low mileage. License - EAY 672. 1973 Fiat Coupe. AM/FM radio. A real smart sports car. License - DZZ 963. Demo 1973 Renault. Low mileage, company car. AM/FM radio. License - EAN 97 1. 1971 Renault 12. Car for the wife - a real gem, Let's make a deal on this. License - EAN 959. 1971 Toyota Station Wagon. A nice car for holidays, priced to seil. License - EAZ 385. 1969 Renault R - 10. Safety checked. to the gallon for some lucky buyer. License 40 miles - EAV 489. The biggest selling car in Europe. Marian Auto Limite& 25- Grenfeil St.,i Oshawa* HOUSEWIFES *1 NOW! An Industrial Rated -Machine for the Home'. UT. Strips Scrubs Waxes and Shampoos Your Rugs. 668-9421 HAIR CARE CENTRE .Whitby Mal Jim Nick Nick a nd Jim are Rieased to announce that the Hair Care Centre in the Whitby MAail. They Iook forward to,»eicoming their many and aid. they have moved to customers both new WHITBY MALL flot always necessary. 7301 iThickson Rd.& Hwy. 2 ITT CANNON ELECIRIOý CANADA INDUSTRIAL PARK WHITBY AREA ITT CANNON ELECTRIC CANADA has the following vaca ncies: ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE CLERK (experienced in credit and collections) COST AiCCOUNTANT (manufacturing experience with inventory and standard cost systems of reporting) STOCK CLERK gisbursing small components) AUTOMATIC TURRET LATHE OPERATOR (experienced) AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR (experienced on single or multi spindle) INVENTORY RECORDS CLERK (experienced on Kardex System) For interviews please contact: Personnel Office Four CannonCourt Whitby 668-8881. 0 m