PAGE 14, THUR SDAY,JULY 26, 1973, WHITBY FR EE PRESS Corne to t.he SUNDAY AUGUST Sth, 1973 8.OOam Rotary Outdoor Pancake Breakfast Pancakes, syrup, coffee, tea or rnilk -Picnic tables at Heydenshore Park 9.OOam Novice class Car Rally Starts & finishes at Consolidated Bathurst Parking Lot 9.OOam Tennis Tournamnent (ail day) (for locations check information booth) Long Distance Bicycle Race (25 mile course) Information YMCA 668-6868 9.30am Public Open-Air Church Services presented by Whitby Churches Heydenshore Park at the Traiter Rally 10.OOam to 6.OOpm Horse Shoe 10.OOam to 6.OOprn Horse Show & Competitions -Meadowcrest Farm 10.OOam Open Lawn Bowling Tournament -Bowlin Greens, Brock Street GRae R'Jie Realty Limited sW 9 Residential 1* (416) 668-8841 122 Brock Street South Commercial e (416) 668-8897 Whitby, Ontario 11.00 arn to 6.00 pin "Aviso '73" -Centennial Park il .OOam EOBA Jr. Championship -Fairman School 12 noon County Town flower show -Council Chambers 1.00 pm Bicycle Races and Competitions -A&P Parking Lot 2.OOpm Lion's Train about Towmi Town - 15 min, rides from Centennial Park 2.lSpm EOBA Junior Charnpionship -Fafrmnan School, Walnut & Cochrane 2.30 pin to 4.30 pin loy '73- 'Switzer Bros.' -South-west corner Centennia? -South-west corner Centennial Park 3.OOpm Logo Contest- $1 00.00 award -Whitby Arts Station 5.3Opm EOBA Junior Championship -Fafrman School 6.00 pin K of C Open House(to 1 a.w..) 7.30 pin Square and Round Dancing Parking lot at Green St. & Dundas St. E. 7.30 pin loy '73-Switzer Brothers -South-west corner of Centennial Park 9.00 arn Open Class Soap Box Derby -Parking lot, Ontario County Building; Rossland Rd. E. 9.00 arn Minor Lacrosse Invitational AIl Day Tournament -Peel Park Lacrosse Box 10.00 arn to 6.00 pi "'Aviso '73" -Centennial Park Il 1.OOam Minor Soccer - Girls Exhibition Game -Peel Park 12 noon to 11.00 pin Bingo Games, Midway Rides & Gaines -Centennial Park 12 noon Minor Soccer Invitational Tourn. Mosquito Final -Peel Park 1.00 pin Legion Open House -Legion Hall, Byron Street South. 2.00 pin Lion's Train about Town -Centennial Park 2.00 pm Minor Soccer Invitational Tournament -Bantain Final - Peel Park Peewee Final- Peel Park 4.00 pin Minor Soccer Invitational Tournament K of C Open House(to 1 arn) K of C Hall, Brock St. S. 8.OOprn Dance & Open House Royal Canadian Legion Byron St. South 9.OOpm Car Rally Tropby Presentation -Royal Canadian Legion Hall 1lO.OOpm Grand Finale Fireworks Display -Wbitby Harbour Pier, Brock St. S. I .4 Telephone 668-5878 Whitby. Ontario lESTWAY MOTORS Dundas St. W.-Whitby 668m4792 For your o complele prr'tflg le rpress service c~7vuni.sG3i~ssGixnted1501 hopkins street whitby, ontari,.canada TELEPHONE 6683431 We are here to help you. AND WORKMANSHIP' QOUALITY MATERIAL 1400 Hopkins Street, BIdg. 'A' Box 178, Whitby, Ontario Wo wish yen a happy stay And a safo return homo Whitby Public Utilities commission