w' 66-11Cl assi ited Advertïsin 15WMS OR$1 i wo w %là Cq ItIoNGu tNoGiOU Mi__ _ loi i PU MAIL JO; WHITBY FREE PRESO BOX 2009 WITSY " -- s uewos le. mnu e ommm- -#do la am odu wes r*. 0 0f 1 ESS........................ OP. ... .............. ...................... CLUSSFID ADYERTSMINGDADLINE15-- 5:006.m. m- ONAY FOR EACII WEEK'S PAM FREE VEIIEREAL DISEASE 11 OSNÀA WA Tuesdays & Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. FOR INFORMATION TELEPHONE - 723-8521 C. C. Stewart, M.D., D. P. H. Medical Off icer of Health DON'T WORRY m BE SURE! Maie Help Wanted Fuit live - in assistant For young gentleman with Muscular Dystrophy Pleasant surroundings Hours, days off to be arranged Generous benefits Medical experience useful but not necessary Couple considered telephone 668 - 3375~ ýHITBY FR EE~ PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1973, PAGE 19 hIM016AOFE MONE * CONFIDENTIAL ARANGEMEKMI MADEKliN vouR ONW MME i BORAAW AS LITTLE AS $1.8000 *FAST SERVICE had been paid. Eïch man paid his share $5 15.39 of the cost. They were placed on a 12 month suspended sentence by Provincial Court iudge H. W. Jermyn with "'the warning that they "can be brougît back for sentence at any time." When Mr. McKay and Mr. Hulan were cut off from any more beverage service because of their condition and behaviour they resented the 'cut - off." The men pick- ed up a table and threw it against the bar, smashing rows of dispiay botties, breaking the bar, and doing other damage. As the table was being thrown at the bar a waitress was .'almost hit.' When Whitby Police Constable Watson arrived at the scene of resentme nt he saw 'broken glass scattered aIl over the place.' WHITE, De onstrator SIDEWALK PRICE $14175 CUSHIONS From 2 39 Mr. WIks 942-2611 or w.-i 121 Toronto e COURT R EPORT "There is a lot of good tluings about you but you seem o destroy that. Fines don't help which manis there is nly one way out," said Provincial Court Judge FH. W. lrmyn as lie sentenced a Whitby youth to jail. Dennis rowarnicki, 20, of 500 Francis Street had been in ,ustody for one week when lie appeared in Court 011 luly 23rd for sentence. He was sentenced to jail for ýwo months on the charge of being in possession of tolen goods.- On the charge of breacli of probation lie vas sentenced to two months in jail. The sentence is to run concurrent with the previous sentence. HIe pleaded guilty to the charges. A tape deck and two speakers valued at $80. had been aken from a car parked in the parking lot of a hotel in Whitby. When the Whitby Police searched the residence w'here the youth is staying they found a bass speaker and five tapes ini the closet. HIe claimed that lie had purchased lie tapes and speaker for $5. Fuit restitution lias been made. Tuie probation terrn was the resuit of a charge of asaulting a person who was aiding the police. Ernst Robert Low, 26, of 690 Ballyntine Avenue, Bay Ridges was fined $200. or 20 days ini jail on a charge of driving whule his ability was impaired by alcohol. His driver's license was suspended for by the mandatory suspension whicli is three months. lie pieaded guilty to the charge. On JuIy 6th, about 1:28 a.m. he was seen driving on Dundas Street West and Byron Street South in an erratic maniner. When stopped by the Whitby Police and a breath test taken the reading indicated 160 miliigramrs of alcoliol to 100 millimetres of blood at the tinie of the occurrence. The legal limnit is beiow 80 milligranis of alcohoi. FlHans Fjallheim, 67, of 74 King Street, was found in an intoxicated condition lying in the grass on iiundas Street East near the CPR overpass. A Whitby cruiser was despatched to see what lîad happened to the man. CIonstable Naumienko saw the elderly man who was in a very intoxicated conditio -n. There was a haif bottie of wine beside the nman and anotiier part bottie of wine in a shopping bag lie was carrying. The accused ýsaid hie was on his way to Toronto. "Il guess I had a littie to much to drink." He draws a pension cheque which lie gets in the Metro area. HIe was fined $25 or 4 days and was allowed the four days tlîat hieliîad already spent in custody provided lie "head for Toronto immediateiy." said iudge H. W. Jermyn. Francis J. E. McKenna, 54, of 201 Pine Street, Whitby, was fined $200 or 20 days in jail on the charge of driving while lis ability was impaired by aicoliol. There was a mandatory suspension of three months of lis driver's license. Mr. McKenna pieaded guilty to the charge. On May Sth at il p.m. a Whitby Police cruiser was on patl he>n theo fficer salw a westbound car on Mary eveniaigs fi