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Whitby Free Press, 9 Aug 1973, p. 12

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BETTE R Maolntosh Chrysier Plymouth Has An Excellent Reputation Througbout The Area 331 Park Road S. 728 -4638 Excellent customer relations bas placed Maclntosh C hrysier Plymouth into a leading position among Oshawa Auto Dealers. The company's policies in Business, coincide with the quality built produets, whicb are represented by the firm. Customers also appreciate their choice. selection of Auto Values, where they may choose with confidente from the Quality Built Cars of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada Ltd., Sales, service, parts, leasing as well as a large selection of the finest used cars. The history of this dealership dates back to August, 1968 under the capable direction of Stuart MacIntosh. The personalized service extended by management and staff have created a friendly atmosphere well noted by customers. People frorn Oshawa and surrounding commrun- ities bave found MacIntosh Chrysier Plymouth the ideal place to select their car. Maclntosh Chrysier Plymouth have much more to offer you, than just selling cars. Ibis is the auto dealer where customers corne back agamn when in need of a newer car, and are pleased to refer their frienas. GSHAWA FURRIERS Finest Quality and Latest Fashions Rates Outstanding 463 Bond E. 728 -8322 One of the best assurances that you are, purchasing a Quality Fur Garment or receiving Firiest Cold Storage for YOur furs is to visit OSHAWA FURRIERS, whicb is capably directed by Mr. Hank, Siuiter wbo bas 40 years; experience and Mrs. Millie Âtchison who establisbed this busines in 1963. Tbis Firm bas one of the most modern Fur Salons, and through their past years of honest policies i business bas built up a very large clientele based on confidence and trust. The choice furs whicb are sold by this firm are of the Finest Quality. Their well chosen staff are weil qualified to give expert advice on a purchase suited to your individual tastes and requirements. A natural choîce is good taste --for ' Nfiady' Wus b aQuaity Fut.distinctly styled by OSHAWA FURRIERS, a name of' distinction in furs whkch can be seen on hundreds of choîce fur garments proudly worn by the well dressed women of this district, who know quality. 1 This firm also would be glad to do the~ Restyiing, Alteraf ions, and Repairs of your present Wxment. Milady will find Capes and Stoles to set off a smart ensemble. Inspect this sbop's fine display ;as early as possible as everyone knows that OSHAWA #URRIERS is the headquarters for Fine Quality Furs. OURlET STUDIO 0F PHOTOGRAPIT Are Masters in tbe Art of Pbotography 445 Simcoe S. 723 -9172 good- fortune to possess. His ability to catch as the gleam of light and life that is so captivating in photograpby is exceeded bv none. BUSI. ESS HGST RENT-A-GAF Has Become Widely Favoured Throughout The District. 401 Kin g St. W. 728 - 464J For tbe finest in car rentaIs, the logical firm 10o contact is HOST RENT - A - CAR, wbo are building an excellent reputation tbrougb honest dealings witb the public. Altbougb HOST is a comparatively new Company in tbe rent - a - car busi'ness, established in 1969, their many franchise offices like tbe one in Oshawa, wbicb opened ian. 6, 1972, bave progressed rapidly. Ibis is due to the true Canadian hospitality that surrounds HOST operations. You may rent a HOST RENT - A - CAR by the day, week or montb, for pleasure or business. Theirs is a friendly. service and tbey bave special long trip rates, and Compiete Insurance Protection available. Al Ibeir cars are covered by insurance. Ail new models are fully equipped. Do not besitate to cail tbis dependable firmn for the best in Drive Yourself Service available. HOST RENT - A - CAR bas'free pickup and delivery, in Oshawa and Whitby and allows you to realize the importance of "YOU,', as tbeir customer in the success of their operat ion. The Oshawa Franchise is capably managed by Phil Dacambra wbo is weil known for personalized service. They bave weil chosen personnel, trained to serve tbe public courteously witb the finest car. rentaIs. worthy -of our highest recommendation. -Mister Transmi'ssion ARE THE FINEST SPECIALISTS IN THE BUSINESS un BOND ST. W. *70-0700 M a i n t a i n i n g best possible'service at iowest cost, are the principles ln business at MlSTR TRANSMISSION whlIch opened in October, 1971 anid whIch fs managed successfuily by johnny Mc- Donal d. This h a s been acheived by expedlatIng expert transmission service wl1 th the aId of wide mach- anîcal knowledge and modern equipment, plus their Interest In upholdlng the excellent reputation ac- quIred through this type of service since they op- ened for bus iness. Most of us are not mechan Icall1y Inclined, so when we face the problem of trans- mission trouble, wehave b rely on what the garage mechanic relates as the problem. MISTER TRANS- MISSION have proven themeives reliabie and t r us t worthy and are a credit tô the comm.inity,, Whatever your probiems In transmission repairs, you coqbe assured this firm willI give you an hon- est est imate and complete the job -to your satisfac- - t Io on. They-specl-al ize ln autolmatic and standard transmission repairs, exchanges, reseals, 'rear baàn ds,$ banmd adjustménts for ail1 makes, M th «â s p ec1lai one day service avaliable, and ail1 work g.îaranteed. For dependable service you can rely on Mi1S TER T RAN SMISSION, the al1 Canadien Company with a Nationwide Warranty.. DINES STEAK HOUSE One of the Areas Finer Dining Places 375 King W. 723-6301 'lousands of people have discovered the and hospitality found at Dines Steak House Weil known Lou Dines is the successfui tbis weil established business. DI REGTORY THuE TRANSMISSION PLAGE fine cuisine and Taiverni. operator of Upon entering their lounge you automatically take note of.- tbe cleverly decorated interior whicb reflects tbe warmtb and goodness of tbe food and tbe hospitality. Dines Steak House and Tavern, is the home of- the finest cuisine prepared by master chefs and cooked to your liking. Their kitchen sets tbem apart from tbe ordinary eating establishments and they bave become a favourite with many area families, as weil as celebrities and other people from around the country. Since opening their doors tbey bave become a favourite dining place of the businessman as weii as the entire family. Their lounge, whicb is fully licensed, bas decor wbicb exudes a warm, inviting atmosphese, more informaI, wbich adds to the comfortable surroundings.1 Find out why we recommend Dines Steak House and Tavern 50 bighly, by stopping in personally for the 047 ICINO air. W. 780..S48* Landscaping of a property Is luNe the frosting on a cake. It adds to the beauty and attractive- ness of a home or business If done properly. The r e 1s no greater asset to property than beautiful trees, shrubbery, lawns, etc. They add b ea u'ty a nd a n extensive variety of color, and Incidentally, add value to'your home or business. Anexperienced firm iike KING WEST-GARDEN C EN T RE est-abilished ln 1967 and capab y 0owned a nd o p er a tedbf y Herb LUamers and assisted by Landacape designers wlth yearsof experience who h a v e the know-how to blond the 1landscap Ing and home or business together .in coriiplete harmony. it t akes training, plus natural aptitude to be able to select suitable locations for varlious t 'reès, and, shrubs. A welI planned landscape can. be a source of year round enjoyment, not orniy for the home owner, but the CommýunIty as well. This firm engages professionally ln the art of designing and supervising the layout of gardens and gounds both publ ic and private. Landscaping planning demands a knowiedge of plants, the cap- ablilties"and needs. We are therefore very pleased ln 1his review to refer and recommenci the services of King West Gardon Centre who are recognized as the best ln- the businesaýto alI ur readers. ZIEBARI RUSTPRGGFINO Is One of Osbawa's Finest Auto Services 660 Drake 576-0810 Onîe of the fiîest and most efficient services that was ever extended to car owners in this part of the province is Ziebart Rustproofing. This successful operat- ion under the capable guidance of president Bert Dale is fuily equipped with trained staff to give your car that better service in 100 per cent auto body rust protection, with a 22 area application and 10 year written guarantee. Tbe type of service you have aiways wanted and performed in a minimum of time. We wisb to direct tbe special attention of our readers to tbis fine service which can be bad at any limne by stopping in at tbeir locations. We know that if you stop in bere just once, you will become one of tbeir bost of satisfied customers who rely on tbem for expert service in rustproofing. Througb their fast, efficient and courteous service, we are pleased to i nclude ZIEBART RUSTPROOFING and recommend their services to our readers. b PAGE 12, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1973, WHITBY I-F1tz rr.%iv. In This Area 337 ljloor W. 576 -1021 THE TRANMISSION PLACE opened in Oshawa in February 1973 and bas been operating successfully ever since due to good management and good service at a minimum cost. Modemn equipment and bigbly trained personnel combined with a constant striving to maintain their excellent reputation ail add up to a bigbly efficient organization geared to meet tbevneeds of tbe most demanding customers. THE TRANSMISSION PLACE have proven that tbey are not only reliable and trustwortby but are truly a credit to the community. This is important in this day and age because of the higbly specialized nature of transmission repairs the customer must reiy beavily on the trustwortbyness of the garage. You can rest assured that THE TRANSMISSION PLACE is worthy of your trust., botb on quotations and in the standard of quality in their work. Tbey specialize in auto- matic and standard transmissions repairs to reseals, band adjustments to ail makes of cars and offer one day service with guaranteed work. Depend on THE TRANSMIS- SION PLACE for reliable service. R ING WEST GARDEN CENTRE TME monT IXPIRiENCID M 0 f Is KtdDIN Tui muA

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