PAGE 2, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS CARNIVAL SPORTS The County Town Carniival Tennis Tournament was held Sturday, Sunday an& Monday at the new Henry High School courts. Although the number entering was small due to the late start in tennis this year, there were some hard fought matches. Results of the tournament are as follows: Intermediate Boys Doubles: Stephen Thwaites and Jay Neill Intermediate Girls Doubles: Vicki Bal and Nancy Jackman Ladies Singles: Nancy Jackman beat Sally Scura out in the finals Mixed Doubles: Tony and fris Tedford beat Joannie Kieran and Howard Hayes Mens Singles: Tony Tedford beat Tony Reimer in final match Mens Doubles: John and Robert Heyman beat out contenders Bill Schlatter and Tony Tedford. The courts are open at the following times for Y tennis club members or on a pay as you play basis. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. 3:00 - 6:30 p.m. 11:30 -6:30 p.m. 11: 30.- 1:00 p.m. 3:00.- 6:30 p.m. 11:30 -9:00Op.m. 11:30.- 1:00 p.m. 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. The Annual Swim Meet of the County Town Carnival was the biggest swim meet ever held at the Whitby Community Pool during the Carnival week - end. Organized by the Whitby YMCA and the Whitby Recreation Department at the Whitby Community Pool. 96 entries were registered in the six events (rom the ages of 6 - 17years. Ail swimmers were timed. Those equalling the regular time posted received a red ribbon. The ones equalling or improving on the faster time posted received a blue ribbon. Ail contestants received a big crest as a competitor in the Whitby County Town Carnival Invitational Sports Tournament. Starter was Robert Faust, Barry Davidson, pool man- ager supervisor supervised the swimming contestants as- sisted by timers and lifeguards. Ron Hupfield, YMCA Executive Director announced the events and presented the awards. The program was considered excellent and it is expected wiIl increase in interest each year. It was a pleasure to have Longueuil Swim Team competing as members of the Whitby Swim Club. Swiin Resuits: Event No. 1 age 6 - 7 Jo - Anne Lund, 914 Walnut Street, Whitby won trophy - time 9 seconds for one width winning over 9 entries. Event No. 2 age 8 Mark Oliver, 1424 Oxford Street, Oshawa won the trophy defeating 10 contestants with the fast time of 16.1 seconds for length of the pool. Event No. 3 age 9 - 10 Carole Gladu, a guest (rom Longueuil, Quebec was the first in a field of 22 entries to win the trophy in 36.4 seconds swimming 2 lengths of the pool. Event No. 4 age Il - 12 Sharon Black, 803 Green Street, Whitby was the first of 31 entries swimming two Ienghts in 31.6 seconds and was awarded the trophy. THE WHITBV FREE PRESS (VOICE 0F THE COUNTYV TOWN) Hometowvn paper of Whitby. Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickerinig. Published every Thursday Published by Whitby Free Press inc., Brun>o Harilsid, Presidont. &%i Box 2m. Whilby. Phone 668-6111 Editor: Miourgei Assist Ft ditor: .im OUail MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 Event No. 5 age 13 - 14 Elsie iacobs, 302 Ash Street, Whitby swimiming 3 llengtlîs ini 50.7 seconds was the first of 16 entries. Event No. 6 ages 15 - 17 Elsie Jacobs, 302 Ash Street, Whitby was awarded the first place in an extermely close race when she toisched the wall a fraction of a second before Roy Christian of Longueuil in a field of 10 entries. It was the closest race of the swim meet. Elsie Jacobs is a member of the Whtby Swim Team and Roy Christian swims with the Longueuil Swini Club. The final event was a medly Relay between the staff of the Whitby Swîm Pool and the Whitby Day Camp staff. The community swim pool staff barely defeated the Y staff in an extremely close race, continuing their tradition of winning each year since the inception of this annual County Town Carnival Swim Meet. It was a beautiful Sunday morning as 37 racers left the A & P parking lot on Brock Street N. to compete in the Dunlop Grand Cycle Race. The racers covered a 25 mile course through Brooklin and Ashburn and then returned to the A & P parking lot. Three classes - Junior: 13 and under, Intermediate: 14 to 16 and Senior: 17 and over competed for the Dunlop Trophy. he Winner of the Grand Dunlop Trophy was George Graham, 18, who fînished in 70 minutes 32 seconds fiat. Four tenths of a second behind Graham was 19 year old Peter Penider. Andy VanDoleweerd, 35, took third place fifteen seconds behind the pace. Ail three dwell in Whitby. In the Intermediate Division - Ray Buczunski, 16, from Oshawa took first place, Ken Graham, 14, took second and third place went to Ted Holley, 14. Winning time was 75 minutes 45 seconds. île Junior Champion was- John Berkers, 13, of Whitby who finished i 0mnts Second went to Bob Brown bM WE HAVE MGVED hIe Whitby Free Prets is no longer Iocated nt the old &ock Street South location. Pending the completion of renovations to the new Free Press Building at 121 Brock Street NORTH, we are operating out of temporary offices at the Whitby Professional Building, 304 Dundas. Street West. Our telephone number 668 - 6111 remnains the srne. We wish to apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused anyone who went looking for us at our nid location. A ONTARIO HOUSING OCORPORATION An Agency of the Province of Ontario SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND UNCRATING 0F 1,277 ELECTRIC RANGES AND 1,277 ELECTRIC REFRIG- ERATORS FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: Elmira Elora lslingtonI St. Andrews Kitchener Mississauga Mississauga Staynor Tenders wilI uncratiiig of refrigerators until 12:00 office of the OH - 2 Stoney Creek OH - I Stouffville Thronbury OH-I1 OH -2 OH -2 OH - 144 Trethewayf OH - 29 Tedder OH - 162 OH - 8 Tweed OH-I OH -Il Vanier OH-I1 011 Whitby OH- 3 be received for the supply, delivery and 1 ,277 electric ranges and 1,277 electric to be distributed to the above projects, noon E.D.S.T., September 6, 1973, at the cChief Purchasing Officer, Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, 'Toronto, Ontario MSS 1 P8, telephone 966 - 3600, extension 294, from whom details and specifications may be obtained. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. M1 .VENTS and third to Gerry Nýichoils, both from Whitby. SThe race was organized by the Whitby Family YMCA and Youthpower. The police provided an escort at the main road crossings. The St. John's Ambulance and E.C.H.O. were on hand in case of any emergency. Ail racers had a good timeé despite a few scrapes and~ bruises. The Dunlop Company donated ail trophies, for the races. Jack Woodward, Chairman of the County Town Carnival and Ed Broadbent, local MP were on hand for trophy presentations. C.N.E. Dog Swim Winner, open class, was a Labrador Retreiver nanied Candy, owned by Bob Whitley of Whitby. Award presented by Dr. Ron Davies, Dog Swim Chairman. RISING PRICES HIT The Federal Government has undertaken to deal with rising food prices and to less- en their effects on people wîth fixed incomes. Prime Minister Trudeau announced a three-point pro- gram, assuring Canadians 'there is no shortage of food in Canada, nor will any be allowed to develop": . ternporary controls on beef and pork exports - old age pensions and in- cornie supplemient payments will increase quarterly rather than annually --- a pensioner now recciving $100 monthly will recrive $105.30 on October I - strengthening of the Food Prices Review Board and giving it power toý inves- tigate individual food price increases. Comments on the govern- ment's measures.vary: - Thomas G. Bolton, pre- sident of Dominion Stores -- export controls should provide relief (or Canadian consumers "if administered effectiveîy" - Robert Olley, Saskatche- wan economist and >pokes- man for the Consumners Asso- ciation of Canada -- Board "4can now make a contribu- tion to containiflg prices in that it will prevent profiteer-' ing"b - Progressive Conservative 'Party Leader Robert Stan- field -- governiment is "try- ing to fix broken legs with a Band-Aid without first setting the legs" -NDP Leader David Lewis --most of the program is "sheer, meaningless fluff". Within two days of the announcement, wholesale meat prices across Canada had already dropped $ 2.00- $5.00 a hundredweight. And four major meat packers are forecasting lower meat prices for consu mers. JOBLESS DOWN Canada's unemployment figures steadily decline. Sta- tistics Canada reported that the unemployment rate for July is down to 5.2% from 5.3% in June. The total of unemployed Canadians de- creased by 42,000 in July. WITHDRAWAL APPROVED The decision to withdraw Canada's observer force (rom Vietnam received the support of 84% of Canadians, accord- ing to a Gallup Poil taken the first week of July. Par- tisan approval of the with- drawal was - Liberals, 83%, Conservatives, 92% and NDP, 84%. HOUSINqG STARTS UP Housing starts in Canada during the second quarter of this year reached 78,533 -- double the starts recorded for the first quarter, 38,798 and almno st 7,000 mnore than the number of starîs in the