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Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1973, WHITBY FREE PF BRIR D'S vEwE by il. Quaul WHAT A SUMMER! We are truly a funny collection of cMatures. No matter bow much yau please some you wind up displeasing others. Take the weather for exainple. As far as Ilm concerned it bas been a fantastic summer but the farmers have other ternis ta describe the weatler this summer and I can't use that kçind of language here. You really can't blamne the farmers for being disgruntled NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends ta apply ta the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer on Scott Street froni Lloyd ta Manning Road, at an estimated cost of $100,000.00 and the borrowing of $100,000.00 therefor. It intends ta charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period af 10 years upon lands that will or may derive a benefit therefroni. It is propased ta raise the whole of the annual payments by an annual rate estimated at 0.395 milîs. The foliowing is an example of the annual charge" on an average dweliing property having an assessment ai S5,000.00 SI .97 annually for a period of 10 Years being a total af SI19.70. a) Tbe area upon wbich such sewer rate is ta be levied is described ini Schedule "A" attached to and forming part ai this notice. b) iliere will be no exemptions granted. Any ratepayer may. within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post ta the Clerk af the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating bis objection ta such approval or to the imposition ai the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may-approve ai the said special rate pursuant ta the Statutes and may approve- ai the said works, but before doing s0 it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only ta those persans wha have given notice ai abjection as provided for above. 1SCHEDU lE "A"4 I THENCE sauth along the east lumit af the Township ai Witby as it existed on the 31 st day af December, 1l967 ta Lake Ontario; THENCE westerly along the ta the place ai be.ginning. DATED at the Town of August, A.D., 1973. north limit ai Lake Ontario Whitby this 3Oth day ai Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. CLERK The Corporation ai the Town ai Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario RESS about the weatlîer because they oniy get one good crack at growing crops eacbi year-and if it is a bot dry sumnmer like we have experienced s0 f-ar the farmers can't grow mucli ai anything except debts. As for the people who have taken liolidays during the gaod weather they couldn't have lbad it better. It lias been years since the warmn weather stayed so long anîd in such a degree. Only last night Toronîto had an ail tinie higli for an averiîight temperature af 77 degrees. 0f course the stores are happy. Tbey have peddled more camping gear, tents and campers anîd traiders tluis year tban ever befare and anybody wbo lbas travelled the higbiways lately will attest ta the growing uîumbers ai vacationers who are- heading out ta 'get away from it ail by camping.' Sametbing we sbould keep in mind is that because the farmers had such a ratten summer, even though you and 1 may well be enjoying it, their crops will be scant and that means a hike in food prices for this winter especially in the produce department. As for the price ai beef it doesn't matter because it is going up sa, quickly we'll soon be sucking on soya beans just ta get aur needed supplies ai protein. I guess the people who selI and service the air con- ditioners are pretty happy so far this summer as weil. as the companies that make ice. The consumptian ai beverages ai ail kinds rises dramatically during tbe bot weather because mast of us either take ta the water or bias a cool drink for respite. During the early part ai the summer I was sure my aid age was creeping up an me at a rising rate because more and mare 1 was enjaying an air conditioned office. I aiways thought a persan who bougbt a Canadian car with air conditioning was just wasting bis money but lately I have aimost envied those drivers wlîo rail along with windows rolled up and tie immacuiately ini place. It gat so hot this summer that 1 put air conditioniuîg ini at home and even tbough I 1tbouglbt it was a lot af work it lias sure paid off. But 1 don't feel 1 can praperly judge whetber this summner lias been tobot or flot. Plie best persan ta ask is a kid over ten years oid. For thîem the summer is a time of exploring and doiuîg ail the things they dreamed ai since the first greeni leaves sprouted ini April. If a kid says the summier is too hot then you can believe it, but so far I haven't heard any kids complaining. 0f course 1 can remenîber swimminig off the dock at Port Whitby and 1 thouglit the water was fine but nlow I'd freeze ta deatlî if 1 took a plunge. I do remnember Guaranteed lnvestment Certificates Member Canada Depasit Insurance Corporation VICORIAan EUGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Aug. 30, Sept. 6 i C.I.L. PAINTS ALL WALLPAPERS PAINT BRUSHES PAINT ROLLERS 20%OFF we didn't stay in the water for ail that long but we stili swamn at the beach and I can't remeniber it being as cold as it seerns ta be now. 1 can remnember a long hot summer in those days but I honestly can't remnember a summer when I felt it was too hot. Because they're tougli and sinuous kids can take these extremnes of- temperatures and neyer give themn another thought. This bot summer brings back memaories of how I spent my hot summners as a kid and l'm telling yau I'd trade my air conditioning any day to go back 20 _years and enjay my, sumniers as I did then. Emergency Notice ** Trai n Passengers During the rail strike, emergency bus service Is being provided by GO Transit, Gray Coach and numerous other chartered buses. Many of these are not equipped ta seil tickets and passengers are urged to'buy tickets in advance. GO B3us Tickets " Avoulable f rom any Gray Coach agency includin9 the main Toronto blus terminal. " In addition,'GO's mobile ticket van will be ot Toronto Union Station f rom 12 noon ta 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. TO SPEED UP SERVICE PLEASE BUY TICKETS BEFORE BOARDING BUS Go Bus service replaces train service into Toronto from Hamilton, Burlington, Bronte, Oakville, Cia rkson and Port Credit ta the west; from Oshawa, Whitby, Ajox and Pickering to the east. rhere is no GO service f rom stations inside Metro Toronto - passengers co'n use TTC service in these areos. Go Transit Informiation Metio Toronto 248-3112 CarksoaOakville 845-6694 Hamilton - Burlington 527-8187 Oshawa-Whitby-Aiax.Pickefing 942.2M0 TTc Information 487-2424 THIS WEEK ONLY BROAD1,OOM REMNANTS UP TO 50 % OFF DODD & SOUTER 107 Byron Street South Whitby 668-5862 801-S&-Kt RIRE_

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