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Whitby Free Press, 6 Sep 1973, p. 6

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PAGè 6, THURSIDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS EYE VIEW byJI. Q.uiI MAN'S BEST FRIENO You ail know who ti at is don'f you? 0f course dût week the liousewives ouf there have their own besi friend ini the form of fthc local sehool principal who lia taken their lit tIc loved ones ouf of thle house and confine( t hem f0o the classroom. 1 tell you f here are a lot oi housewives on holiday this week who are siîîging nofhinj but praîses for school, but back f0 man's best friend *As we ail know man's best friend is thec dog right Wrong! If you happen f0 live nexf door f0 man's besi friend and bis owner refuses f0 keep him chained ur then you know what 1 mean. How much con you adore man's besf friend whcn you are halfway ouftf0 tthe car on your way f0 work ini flic morning and you have to stop f0 scrape off a lit ttc sample of flic dog's love for you which is cauglif on the underside of your slioc? Worse sf111, wlien you get f0 work everybody keeps giving you flie casuai look because you have a certain air about you in thle office that morning. Little fhings like that fend f0 put you off a dog. Another incident that wilt dampen your ardour consîd- erably wif h your canine hero is aff er driving fen miles f0 flic nursery and spending $40. for a prize cedar bush and flien carefully pianfing the fool thing oniy f0 discover fwo weeks lofer thaf one side lias turned brown and died, NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BS' THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY - LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer on Sott Street f rom Uoyd to Manning Road, at an estimated cost of $100,000.00 and the borrowing of $00,000.00 therefor. It intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of i10 vears upon lands that will or may derive a benef it theref rom. It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual payments by an annual rate estimated at 0.395 mills. The following is an example of the annual charge on an average dwelling property having an assessment of $5,000.00. $1.97 annually for a period of 10 years being a total of $19.70. a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is described in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this notice. b) There will be no exemptions granted. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special rate pursuant to the Statutes and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. SOHEDU LE "A" COMMENCING at a point at the south - west angle of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst of December, 1967, where it intersects the north shore of Lake Ontario. THENCE northerly along the west limit of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967, to its north Point in Township Lot 31, Concession 2; THENCE east parallel to Dundas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; THENCE north parallel to Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet north of Rossland Road; THýENCE east parallel to Rossland Road to the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967;A THENCE south along the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967, to Lake Ontario; THENCE westerly along the north limit of Lake Ontario to the place of begînning. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 3th day of August, A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whltby, OnarioI, is ls d For 18 years 1 had a dog and 1 stili miss him now, but 1 realize that he neyer did much to endear himself with the neighbours. A favourife trick of his was to go for a lafe night waik wifh my father and wliie dad was strolling down the street minding his own business thle dog wouid go charging onfo a neighbour's porcli and mix if up wîtlî a cat. Needless f0 5Oy the noise sounded like World War I111 and the occupants would swifch on dfie liglit and roshi oui to the porcli f0 find nofluing but niy faflier sioticlî:îlstinly walking down the street frying fo preteîd lie dldoî'f hiave a dlue whaf hlad liappened. And I must admit cmy dog did liis lesi s wipe out every cedar busti in flie world iliiit wis wiihlnt 12 fi( i,e off flic grouîîd level. If if wass îny laiglîer ilhuit intiii f was cosnsidercd to(> big go argue withî suîywmy. Thle f huing fliaf nînazes nciesMliow ps jîered s(o con be fluese days. Mog food is a good exatipiile. l)og fixod? I shiotld eaf so well. li France iliey arc esffiuti ulof horsemeat but over liere you catn'f even fccd UgÉie (ldog, There's doggic vitaniins ~ad îminerauis and thiiîîgs Io tmnake bis coat slîine anîd speciai freafs to make luis eyes iglif up. Abottflie oîily part of Al is (lit gives me a risc is looking atf flie bill for everything. ______ Sears BI1RTI DAI SALE g!Wed. Sept. 5 to Sat Sept. 8 =Feturing Special Savilngsl* Special Valuesii Everyday Low Pricesi WE'RE 5 YEARS OLD, SQ TO CELEBRATE, WE'VE FILLED OURSTORE WITH BI1R THDAY SALE S PE CI1A LS. SEE THE 20- PAGE FLYER DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME. IT'S FILLED WITH SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR YOU, THIE WHOLE FAMILY AND FOR THE HOME. SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER STH AT 9:30 A.M. AND LASTS TO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH AT 5:30 P.M. THERE'S PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING! -7-77=-7-777, A friend of mine bas a pet store in Belleville and last week 1 had occasion f0 be there browsing through somi of the goodies you con buy for your favourife canine. 1 saw some special silver and gold chains thaf looked better thon my best cuif links and watch chain af hôme. And foys ... you wouldn't believe ail the speciai things they have fo keep bowser from getfing bored. God forbid flic dog shotuld gef borcd, lie mighf fake ouf bis frustrations on (lie posfman's teg and guess wlio pays for fliat littie dlverNloîî? 'licre is one lf fie sour note f0 ail this and thaf is fui buviotimly mnan's best friend lias nof made friends whfli anyhody on thec fown council because fhey charge yoîî for flie privilege of1 keeping a dog but cafs seem f0 be Iiitie tb %Iicll ilicifies. If yoiu fhisik (bof cafs cat't do as much damage as il dom fhle»s f ake a loo.k il) fli window screens on the 'srogi f uteuuy bouse. Whecr was fthc last fime you saw a dog rj1ippig ont a ucreen six feet off t he ground? Wlicti yoti corne riglit down fo if there aren'f many dogs I doni' like but man's best friend 1 have a message for y(>U ... stop leaving f lose liff le love notes on my tawn My slioes can't fake much more of tliis,

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